Are you ready for some football!!

The Dude

Drew brees to Ingram touchdown!!!

The best offense in the league brings in the best RB in college.

No games lost, players way richer and way safer.:)
Drew brees to Ingram touchdown!!!

The best offense in the league brings in the best RB in college.

No games lost, players way richer and way safer.:)

The best RB in college football? Personally I think Trent Richardson is a better RB. We'll see how he handles the load as the leader this year.
ahh he held a towel as the back up to the Hiesman


When LSU played Arkansas last year, your entire offense gained 294 yards. When Bama played Ark, Trent Richardson had 227 all purpose yards.

Thats a helluva towel.
didn't say he wasn't great, but you piss on my parade and are shocked you got blasted back.
So you resort to Ala vs Lsu
I can see it now in Cincinnati, "Benson breaks lose, he's running wild, it looks like he could go ALL THE WAY....he is.....he will.....HE HAS.....PAROOOOOOOOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
didn't say he wasn't great, but you piss on my parade and are shocked you got blasted back.
So you resort to Ala vs Lsu

Jeez, you whine because I said that I think Richardson is a better RB than Ingram??? WTF? Look, if you can't take a someone disagreeing with you,maybe you oughta play in another sandbox. Considering th caustic, obnoxious posts you have thrown all over this board, you oughta toughen up and be able to take it too.

You didn't say he wasn't great. You said he carried the towel for someone else. Regardless of who that someone else might be, its still a crappy thing to say about one of the two best RBs in the SEC.

But I am sorry to have mentioned your great LSWho in a negative light.
I'm jazzed about the end of the lockout, if you can't see how you poo pooing your own Ingram would piss me off you are as dumb as most in Alabubba.
fuck you and your sandbox
didn't say he wasn't great, but you piss on my parade and are shocked you got blasted back.
So you resort to Ala vs Lsu

You post this, and then post "yet another tough year for bungle fans"?? lmao Can you grasp the hypocrisy of this?
whater winter, I'm sure mott agrees the bungles could and should do much better.

I post a lot of positive shit, and you always have a thorn or bama this.
I'm jazzed about the end of the lockout, if you can't see how you poo pooing your own Ingram would piss me off you are as dumb as most in Alabubba.
fuck you and your sandbox

Did I poo poo Ingram? I said I thought Richardson was a better back. That isn't saying anything bad about Ingram.

This is funny, Topper. I say I think Richardson is a better back, and I am poo pooing Ingram and raining on your parade. But you say Richardson carried Ingram's towel, and then claim you aren't saying he isn't great? lmao Nice double standard.

As always, you want to be able to slam everyone else's teams, but want nothing but praise for yours or you cry. Grow up.
you grow up asshole
again saying Richardson is bettter is provacative. You know I think he's great and I give bama players 3x the love you give lsu guys.
you grow up asshole
again saying Richardson is bettter is provacative. You know I think he's great and I give bama players 3x the love you give lsu guys.

You may give occasional love, but then you start slinging shit left and right. I have given LSU respect. Let me know when you can say you have shown respect for anyone else's team.

This is funny. You have posted more bullshit, slurs and slams about other people's teams than anyone on these forums. But you want to whine when someone doesn't jump to agree with you, and actually has a different opinion??

lmao Too fuckin funny. How many times have you jumped in Mott's shit with slams against OSU? And the same for your shit at the west coast teams. Now I am an SEC fan and think we have the best football. But the depths to which you have sunk have been embarrassing at times. And now you have the audacity to whine about me saying I think Richardson may be a better RB than Ingram? lmao
fuck you drink some more crimson kool aid.

your too fucking stupid to see how I don't like you shitting on my Ingram / football resuming rant then so be it.
fuck you drink some more crimson kool aid.

your too fucking stupid to see how I don't like you shitting on my Ingram / football resuming rant then so be it.

Maybe if you would put the bong down and quit burning brain cells, you would have remembered that I have been saying that Richardson was a better RB since before Ingram won the Heisman. Now I am supposed to change my mind because Ingram was drafted by the Saints??

And none of this is about anything Crimson. Its about you being all Billy-badass when it comes to you shitting on other people's teams. But when someone offers a differing opinion as to who is better, you go all cry-baby on us.

Maybe if you can't take someone disagreeing with you, you might try toning down your own insults. I give what I get, Topper. You give respect and you get it. You give shit and you get it.
fuck you then, you shit other peoples teams all the time

Again, I was trying to have a little pro football parade.
You feel the need to get your being a dick on, go ahead
fuck you then, you shit other peoples teams all the time

Again, I was trying to have a little pro football parade.
You feel the need to get your being a dick on, go ahead

I shit on other people's teams all the time? When? Show me when I did that except in response to someone shitting on my Crimson Tide? Well, I shit on auburn, but thats different.

Have your fucking pro football parade. I never stopped you. Ingram is gonna do great stuff there. The fact that Richardson may, in my opinion, be a better back doesn't change that at all. Why get so pissy because he is not the unanimous favorite as the all-time greatest RB in the world?? If you think he is the best, then enjoy it. You are the one who started the insultfest. I was simply trying to discuss RBs, and posted my opinion.

Next time let us know you don't want any differing opinions and I'll just post words of encouragement and little rays of sunshine.