first how do you remember that and 2) that was ask "drunk grind" anything. this is ask "ME" anything. big difference.
first how do you remember that and 2) that was ask "drunk grind" anything. this is ask "ME" anything. big difference.
I remember just about everything. And I thought this thread was about you answering questions, not asking them yourself.

Everyone should ask me questions. I will answer the best of anyone and everyone. My words will be the ultimate truth and you will know for they have that much power!

Where do butterflies go when it rains?
Everyone should ask me questions. I will answer the best of anyone and everyone. My words will be the ultimate truth and you will know for they have that much power!'s some questions I've given a lot of thought to.

If I pluck the wings off a fly, does it become a walk?

Why do they report power outages on TV?

Doesn't it bother you that Doctors call what they do "Practice"?

Isn't it even more alarming that the person who invests your money is called a "Broker"?

If you're in a forest, by your self, and a woman isn't there to hear you, are you still wrong?

If you have a plant and instead of talking to it you yell at it, will it still grow but only to be troubled and insecure?

If a stealth bomber crashes and no one is there to see it does it still make sound?

What's another word for synonym?

If a mute swears, do they have their hands washed with soap?

Why don't they make mouse flavored cat food?

If I see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant, what should I do?

Is it possible to be totally partial?

If a parsley farmer is sued, do they garnish his wages?

If you have a funeral prosession at night, should people turn off their headlights?

If a turtle loses its shell. Is it naked or homeless?

Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?

Should a vegetarian eat animal crackers?

If a police arrest a mime, does he have the right to remain silent?

If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?

and this last one is for Dixie....why do people who know the least know it the loudest?