i used to pull legs off of spiders when I was little, and then see their little head wobble around on the ground. I then left it to die
I was a Buddhist even then, before I even knew what Buddhism was. Once I tried to watch as my sister drowned a box elder bug, but I couldn't even stand to watch. Oddly enough I had no problem learning how to harm and kill humans in martial arts classes and found that when attacked I didn't mind using that knowledge.
spiders aren't sell aware. they are little programmed automatons. dont feel bad. If a spider was as big as you it would have no mercy
I was a Buddhist even then, before I even knew what Buddhism was. Once I tried to watch as my sister drowned a box elder bug, but I couldn't even stand to watch. Oddly enough I had no problem learning how to harm and kill humans in martial arts classes and found that when attacked I didn't mind using that knowledge.

Same here. I hate hurting things that aren't people. Except when hunting.
The aim of hunting isn't cruelty, it is part of the circle of life, unless you are hunting just for trophies. Then you deserve to be run over by a steam roller...
I try to keep it a fair balance of the two. I'd LOVE to get a 16 point, But it's not why I'm out there.
The aim of hunting isn't cruelty, it is part of the circle of life, unless you are hunting just for trophies. Then you deserve to be run over by a steam roller...

you aren't fooling anyone, the primary motive for hunting today is sport, even if a delicious meal is a good byproduct. You dont' need to hunt to survive, there is plenty of food already available to you at the store. Furthermore, you could survive on being a vegetarian.

For other animals, it's either hunt or die. That's not the case for humans
you aren't fooling anyone, the primary motive for hunting today is sport, even if a delicious meal is a good byproduct. You dont' need to hunt to survive, there is plenty of food already available to you at the store. Furthermore, you could survive on being a vegetarian.

For other animals, it's either hunt or die. That's not the case for humans
You are uneducated. Primarily hunting culls herds and helps to maintain a sustainable level of population. It is also a tasty treat.
you aren't fooling anyone, the primary motive for hunting today is sport, even if a delicious meal is a good byproduct. You dont' need to hunt to survive, there is plenty of food already available to you at the store. Furthermore, you could survive on being a vegetarian.

For other animals, it's either hunt or die. That's not the case for humans

I agree with the primary motive part.
Though humans can die from lack of hunting. I crashed into a deer once and totalled my car, this happens to a fair amount of people and a certain percent will die.
With more hunting and less deer, that number goes down.
So implictly more hunting means more humans surviving.
I know you are probably good and annoyed at the reasoning and it sounds like I am just trying to argue but the thought came into my head and it's still true.

P.S. I felt bad for the deer and would have rather ran into a Waterdork, but they rarely leave their mom's basement habitat.
you aren't fooling anyone, the primary motive for hunting today is sport, even if a delicious meal is a good byproduct. You dont' need to hunt to survive, there is plenty of food already available to you at the store. Furthermore, you could survive on being a vegetarian.

For other animals, it's either hunt or die. That's not the case for humans
It's not a reality for you, but there are PLENTY of people who do rely on hunting and fishing to survive. Not to mention that hunting aides in conservation and prevents overpopulation of a species.

As for surviving as a vegetarian, (I know I'm going to catch flak from Damo on this) but it's not realistically healthy. Meat contains amino acids that cannot be found in vegetables.
It's not a reality for you, but there are PLENTY of people who do rely on hunting and fishing to survive. Not to mention that hunting aides in conservation and prevents overpopulation of a species.

As for surviving as a vegetarian, (I know I'm going to catch flak from Damo on this) but it's not realistically healthy. Meat contains amino acids that cannot be found in vegetables.
You get those from eggs and milk. The bone loss that vegans have is non-existent in ovo-lacto vegetarians.
You get those from eggs and milk. The bone loss that vegans have is non-existent in ovo-lacto vegetarians.
True, but I'm talking about muscle catabolism. Now, you can still get good protein from eggs and beans and nuts, but it's still not all the aminos a human needs.
And I have no problem with killing animals, let me be clear on that. I am just calling damo out on his bullshit that he's doing it for some bizarre altruistic reasoning. Who are you trying to fool damo? You just like to shoot shit.
And I have no problem with killing animals, let me be clear on that. I am just calling damo out on his bullshit that he's doing it for some bizarre altruistic reasoning. Who are you trying to fool damo? You just like to shoot shit.
It's cheaper and easier to shoot targets than animals.