At 77 He Prepares Burgers Earning in Week His Former Hourly Wage?!!

The issue of life planning is not complicated. Live within your means and have a plan. I started when I was 16 and working in a super market. At age 20 or so I opened my first traditional IRA.

It involves living responsibly. Planning. Denying yourself some things. And making tough decisions. Something not many folks are interested in doing anymore.
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You all should be praising this guy, not hating on him

did you read the article?

So many assholes on this site.

Read the fucking article.

Do you live in a parallel universe or something; because you have this tendency to fabricate some amazing straw man arguments?

No one is “hating” on this guy. I am lampooning this moronic half story that tries to make up some amazing story that one can be a high level executive earning six figures and paying off a mortgage and claim that now, thanks to the economy he is flipping burgers at Micky Ds. It's a story that gullible fools will buy into without engaging their brains and going; "wait a minute, something doesn't add up."

This is what amazes me about the world today; even with all the information and education we have at our fingertips, the sheeple are still incredibly gullible and so easily fooled.

Meanwhile, this same media cabal is telling us how great things are with Obamacare and spending hundreds of billions in stimulus; it’s so good that this guy, who did it all the right things, doesn't have a pot to piss in and at 70 has to flip burgers at Micky Ds. REALLY?
The Boomers are the worst generation in human history.

Believe what you may, this line describes most "Boomers" I know and have known:

"That's part of the job," he said. "You have to respect the job you're doing and not be negative -- or don't do it."

And that separates them from the generation of today, IMO. Sounds like this man has a tremendous work ethic, unlike many of the 20 & 30 something's I know. If they have 10 sick days and 3 personals a year, by theLord Harry they're going to take them, with absolutely no thought to the good of the company and inconvenience to the other workers it creates. Ok, that's my rant. Other than that, not so sure that this guys retirement situation is the norm.
Presumably his children that he put through college are now in the workforce.

It would be nice if they repaid the favor by returning their tuitions to their father in installments.

Alas, they're probably too busy living out the life lesson he taught them; live for today.
The moral of the story!
Most people are dumbasses
The average 401k is 59,000 and many don't even partake.
A six figure salary is enough to retire a decade early with a cool million.
Spoiled little shits live in a world where even the poor have cell phones, where if you are poor you can have health care, an apartment, food stamps and food pantries. Spoiled little shits live in a world where they probably have a car or mass transportation available, at least one TV, indoor plumbing, sanitation and clean water and then they bitch about the generation who provided that for them.

Spoiled little shits.
No, I plan on saving enough and having a marketable skill.

make sure you have a marketable skill that someone twenty years younger than you doesn't have.....because when you have a stock portfolio based on Enron and GM stock......and the company you worked for goes bankrupt with your pension.......and you're 57 and looking for work.......being a food demonstrator at Sam's Club is a marketable skill.......
They're like a plague of locusts, devouring and destroying all they touch. But locust only last a couple years. The Boomers have been shit for 6 decades now, and they can't die fast enough.
He means gen slackers can't out earn us so they whine, like the little bitch failed generation they are.
and there you have it.

the right says fuck you to anyone who didn't correctly save the amount people need to fund an expensive retirement.

Finances are NOT taught to kids for some reason.

People are just supposed to know this by osmosis I guess.

Guess why pensions were designed the way they are designed?

Because MOST human beings will not properly fund their retirements on their own.

You people just say FUCK YOU if you didn't.

Its how you see your fellow man.

You don't care about them and would happily watch them starve in the streets while you mocked them.

That is the sociopathic outlook.

pretend its not.

It still is.

human behavior is a reality.

its not you excuse to say fuck you to people in need.

Its a reason to BETTER design our system in the reality of true human behavior.

Your the reason people hate this country.

You don't give a rats ass about anyone.
and there you have it.

the right says fuck you to anyone who didn't correctly save the amount people need to fund an expensive retirement.

Finances are NOT taught to kids for some reason.

People are just supposed to know this by osmosis I guess.

Guess why pensions were designed the way they are designed?

Because MOST human beings will not properly fund their retirements on their own.

You people just say FUCK YOU if you didn't.

Its how you see your fellow man.

You don't care about them and would happily watch them starve in the streets while you mocked them.

That is the sociopathic outlook.

pretend its not.

It still is.

human behavior is a reality.

its not you excuse to say fuck you to people in need.

Its a reason to BETTER design our system in the reality of true human behavior.

Your the reason people hate this country.

You don't give a rats ass about anyone.

Another incredibly stupid post from the forums biggest asshat filled with strawmen, fabrications innuendo and hyperbole.

I think you even outdid yourself on this one asshat.
and there you have it.

the right says fuck you to anyone who didn't correctly save the amount people need to fund an expensive retirement.

Finances are NOT taught to kids for some reason.

People are just supposed to know this by osmosis I guess.

Guess why pensions were designed the way they are designed?

Because MOST human beings will not properly fund their retirements on their own.

You people just say FUCK YOU if you didn't.

Its how you see your fellow man.

You don't care about them and would happily watch them starve in the streets while you mocked them.

That is the sociopathic outlook.

pretend its not.

It still is.

human behavior is a reality.

its not you excuse to say fuck you to people in need.

Its a reason to BETTER design our system in the reality of true human behavior.

Your the reason people hate this country.

You don't give a rats ass about anyone.

Why do you think that is?
finances are not taught in schools because the wealthy could not control us as easily if they were.

some like our kids stupid

they are called republicans
No shit. Fuck him and his entire generation. May they rot in the ground for eternity and their names be cursed.

This is the kind of crap I was decrying. He wasn't asking for pity. He was working damn hard. He took care of his responsibilities all his life. His soc sec would cover, but he wants to do more so he works hard to earn more money.

And you're telling him to rot in the ground?

That's why I figured you didn't read the entire article. This is a hard-working guy, worked hard all his life, didn't get a fat pension, isn't sitting around posting on message boards, he's still out there giving value.

He even says he could get by without working - but he's choosing to work.

No idea why you're pissed off at him.
finances are not taught in schools because the wealthy could not control us as easily if they were.

some like our kids stupid

they are called republicans

I'm sure you're familiar with the Urban Institute. Now why would a gentleman from that organization make such a comment as below?

""Benjamin Harris, a senior research associate at the Urban Institute, is skeptical that financial knowledge leads to more responsible adult behavior and says that studies have been inclusive. He suggests that targeted seminars and counseling sessions on student loans and credit cards are most effective when the students are about to make decisions that involve acquiring credits cards and financing their own higher education.""
and there you have it.

the right says fuck you to anyone who didn't correctly save the amount people need to fund an expensive retirement.

Finances are NOT taught to kids for some reason.

People are just supposed to know this by osmosis I guess.

Guess why pensions were designed the way they are designed?

Because MOST human beings will not properly fund their retirements on their own.

You people just say FUCK YOU if you didn't.

Its how you see your fellow man.

You don't care about them and would happily watch them starve in the streets while you mocked them.

That is the sociopathic outlook.

pretend its not.

It still is.

human behavior is a reality.

its not you excuse to say fuck you to people in need.

Its a reason to BETTER design our system in the reality of true human behavior.

Your the reason people hate this country.

You don't give a rats ass about anyone.

Let's can the insults and get at something solid please.

What are you proposing? That those who denied themselves numerous luxuries throughout their lives, and end up at retirement with a substantial nest egg...

.... should be compelled to subsidize those who spent on themselves lavishly throughout their lives and ended up at retirement with nothing?

That is nothing more than a recipe for universal government dependancy.