At What Point?

Mormonism has only been around 150 years. We haven't seen yet if it will stand the test of time.

It's already one of the largest growing religions in the world.

If it's still around in 2,000 years, then it will join Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Daoism as a world religion that had something intangible about it that gave it lasting power and appeal.

Ahhh, there's that special pleading again. Nothing can be learned from anything until it meets Cypress' version of what is "important".
Someone on here keeps bringing up the indicted fraudster and self-serving polygamist Joseph Smith to draw parallels and comparisons to Jesus. I thought that was your tactic.

More lies. I compared Joseph Smith to a possible author of a religious text.

In other words I NEVER compared J.S. to J.C. (Because I know JC didn't write up anything about Christianity)

If only you could be HONEST for JUST ONCE in your posts when you talk about someone else's position.

Just ONCE would be nice.
That's a very dishonest thing to say

Ironic. Given how many times you outright LIE about my position. You do it over and over and over again and I have to CONTINUALLY correct you.

Stop being a dishonest poster and stop lambasting everyone else for the same thing you do all.the.time.
More lies. I compared Joseph Smith to a possible author of a religious text.
So you claim you had no ulterior motive in bringing up convicted fraudster and self-serving polygamist Joseph Smith and standing him in analogy to the Jesus depicted in the New Testament.

I don't even think you believe that you didn't have an ulterior motive.
So you claim you had no ulterior motive in bringing up convicted fraudster and self-serving polygamist Joseph Smith and standing him in analogy to the Jesus depicted in the New Testament.

I don't even think you believe that you didn't have an ulterior motive.

I explained it to you and I thought you were capable of understanding. Or honest.

You can't debate anyone because you are too hung up on finding some "ulterior motive". That's why you prefer argumetum ad hominem.

I'm not sure why you are SO dishonest in debates but it is a flaw you should work on.
Joseph Smith, the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, was charged with approximately thirty criminal actions during his life, and at least that many financial civil suits.[1] Another source reports that Smith was arrested at least 42 times, including in the states of New York, Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois.

While in New York, Smith faced charges of being a "disorderly person" in 1826 and 1830. In Ohio, he was arrested multiple times on a variety of charges. On January 12, 1838, a warrant was issued for Smith's arrest on a charge of banking fraud. Rather than submit to arrest, Smith fled the jurisdiction, escaping Ohio into Missouri.

-- Wikipedia
and jesus was done in for heresy.

what's your point?
I explained it to you and I thought you were capable of understanding. Or honest.

You can't debate anyone because you are too hung up on finding some "ulterior motive". That's why you prefer argumetum ad hominem.

I'm not sure why you are SO dishonest in debates but it is a flaw you should work on.
masons insist on being the authority of all things religious.

they're fucking pricks.

they'd rather talk about "hey jesus maybe had a NDE" than anything meaningful about morality.
I explained it to you and I thought you were capable of understanding. Or honest.
Even you know you had an ulterior motive for comparing the convicted fraudster and self-serving polygamist Joseph Smith to the gospels of Jesus Christ.

You didn't put the slightest thought as to whether is was actually a good analogy.

Mormonism is a weird religious cult that has only been around 150 years. We don't know if it has some kind of intangible truth and spirituality that will last for two thousand years, like the ancient established world religions of Europe and Asia. We have no evidence Mormonism will stand the test time.

100 years from now, people might decide Mormonism was a bunch of horseshit, and it will disappear from history like countless other weirdo religious cults have.
You see, unlike many of you fucks, I like to know at least a little of what I’m talking about.

There are no such things as unalienable rights. They all have limitations.
QED on the emotionally-laden investment in this topic.
Even you know you had an ulterior motive for comparing the convicted fraudster and self-serving polygamist Joseph Smith to the gospels of Jesus Christ.

You didn't put the slightest thought as to whether is was actually a good analogy.

Mormonism is a weird religious cult that has only been around 150 years. We don't know if it has some kind of intangible truth and spirituality that will last for two thousand years, like the ancient established world religions of Europe and Asia. We have no evidence Mormonism will stand the test time.

100 years from now, people might decide Mormonism was a bunch of horseshit, and it will disappear from history like countless other weirdo religious cults have.
catholicism= also a weirdo cult with mountains of extrbibilical teaching and hundreds of years of war, corruption and pedophilia.

you're just a pro-catholic shill, not an unbiased throughtful arbiter.
Even you know you had an ulterior motive for comparing the convicted fraudster and self-serving polygamist Joseph Smith to the gospels of Jesus Christ.

You are clearly incapable of having an honest discussion. Seriously. Why can't you debate honestly? Why do you need to attack?????

You didn't put the slightest thought as to whether is was actually a good analogy.

You are extremely dishonest.

Yes, I changed my handle on here a couple times because it was allowed. Yes I once denied having a degree so you and Doc would fucking stop obsessing on my degree and attacking me at every point.

But at least I've been honest in my discussion points. Something YOU MOST CERTAINLY HAVE NOT.

You are not the person you imagine yourself. You read a lot, yes, you are well read. But you don't seem to actually "grok" anything in detail. All you have are your quotes. And when you can't reason you attack. You misrepresent and lie about the other poster.

You do this so often it is as if it is your "thing".

Stop lying about other people's positions and LISTEN to what they say.

you're just a pro-catholic shill, not an unbiased throughtful arbiter.
^^^ Attempts to conflate an ancient 2,000 year old religion with a billion adherents worldwide, to a 150 year old religious cult that is mostly Utahan and Idahoan in flavor and appeal.

I ain't no Catholic, and the Protestant Reformation was one of the best things to happen to Europe in the overall grand scheme of things.
You are clearly incapable of having an honest discussion. Seriously. Why can't you debate honestly? Why do you need to attack?????

You are extremely dishonest.

Yes, I changed my handle on here a couple times because it was allowed. Yes I once denied having a degree so you and Doc would fucking stop obsessing on my degree and attacking me at every point.

But at least I've been honest in my discussion points. Something YOU MOST CERTAINLY HAVE NOT.

You are not the person you imagine yourself. You read a lot, yes, you are well read. But you don't seem to actually "grok" anything in detail. All you have are your quotes. And when you can't reason you attack. You misrepresent and lie about the other poster.

You do this so often it is as if it is your "thing".

Stop lying about other people's positions and LISTEN to what they say.
^^^ Has a history of lying about having sock puppets, and then issues demands for integrity and forthrightness.
There are no such things as unalienable rights. They all have limitations.
What are the limitations on the rights of others you seek to limit, aside from the obvious of not hurting each other?
It’s called intellectual curiosity. And it’s easy to do with podcasts, an earpiece and an hour walk. You should try it sometime. You might learn something
Podcasts. Got it. Yes, I've listened to several history podcasts. Which ones do you listen to in order to educate yourself on religion?