Atheists are so funny!

Your argument is worthless. The prohibition against interracial marriage affected the legal definition of marriage just as a prohibition against same sex marriage does. The legal definition is the rights associated with marriage.

?????? the legal definition is NOT the rights associated with marriage......its the definition.....
I will be perfectly happy for PM (shouldn't there really be a S) to judge who will be married within his church. Have at it. Have a ball. Keep your hands off of the rights of those who are not accept the need to worship whatever your particular group chooses to call the big guy in the sky, or ground, or tree, or wherever it happens to be this week.
I don't. God will judge in the end....You folk, however....choose to play God by incorporating your religious ideology into public policy.

again, even atheists have considered marriage to be the relationship between a man and a woman for the last 250 years.....its sociology, not theology.....
again, even atheists have considered marriage to be the relationship between a man and a woman for the last 250 years.....its sociology, not theology.....

Who cares? Why does it bother you? It certainly isn't sociology up so much.
Times.change, and so does SOCIAL mores. If it bothers you so much? Don't marry a member of your own's really very simple.
/grins...good, we both agree that speciation could not work....we're making progress.....

No, we don't agree. I understand the process and it is not what you described. You are attacking a strawman built on ignorance and you don't have the first clue what you are talking about.
Who cares? Why does it bother you? It certainly isn't sociology up so much.
Times.change, and so does SOCIAL mores. If it bothers you so much? Don't marry a member of your own's really very simple.

you see, this is why its so difficult to argue with a liberal......first, its religious, then who cares if its religious.....then its sociology, then who cares if its it will be back to its religious again.....
Who cares? Why does it bother you? It certainly isn't sociology up so much.
Times.change, and so does SOCIAL mores. If it bothers you so much? Don't marry a member of your own's really very simple.

Its more complex than that. You're 'talking' a member of that group of people who see individuals' preferences as degrading their ideal society. Supremacy in the areas of race, religion, gender, nationality, and sexual orientation - they're the perpetuating fascistic elements of American civil society.

So don't bother arguing with these kinds of people. Its not worth it.
shit happens but it happens a lot better when it is caused.....

You are so stupid. You meant to say "... better when it is designed." Cause could apply to either explanation.

You don't have a clue about what you are criticizing. Among those that reproduce sexually, speciation does not happen in one individual it happens among a population. Really, you should do a little research and quit making an ass of yourself.
it would be more stupid to believe that two humans happened to evolve at the same time and in the same place....I mean "shit happens" but how much shit do you expect to actually happen.....

That would only be necessary if the evolutionary steps precluded the ability to interbreed. That is probably not the case. The different steps in mankind's development were probably interbreeding quite regularly.
That would only be necessary if the evolutionary steps precluded the ability to interbreed. That is probably not the case. The different steps in mankind's development were probably interbreeding quite regularly.

sorry, that can be contradicted by the simple fact that there aren't human beings type A,B,C,D, and E running around........DNA research established that we're all sprung by the same human female....what was it, around 40k years ago?.......

ah my was 200k....

The legal definition of marriage, of course, conveys the meaning of marriage in the legal context. Obviously, that meaning is the conditions, rights and responsibilities of marriage. evolution is NOT "caused".....evolution is sheer random chance.....

No, shitforbrains, evolution is not sheer random chance. Mutations filtered by natural selection are done through a process of causal relationships.
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