Attorney Files Motion for Authentication of This Birth Certificate


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(Yes, I know it is WND... )

Is this really smoking gun of Obama's Kenyan birth?
Attorney files motion for authentication of alleged 1960s certificate from Africa
Posted: August 02, 2009
11:55 am Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

WASHINGTON – California attorney
Orly Taitz, who has filed a number of lawsuits demanding proof of Barack Obama's eligibility to serve as president, has released a copy of what purports to be a Kenyan certification of birth and has filed a new motion in U.S. District Court for its authentication.





Last week, a counterfeit document purporting to be Obama's Kenyan birth certificate made the rounds of the Internet, but was quickly determined to be fraudulent. The new document released by Taitz bears none of the obvious traits of a hoax.

Taitz told WND that the document came from an anonymous source who doesn't want his name known because "he's afraid for his life."

Taitz's motion, filed yesterday in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, requests the purported evidence of Obama's birth – both the alleged birth certificate and foreign records not yet obtained – be preserved from destruction, asks for permission to legally request documents from Kenya and seeks a subpoena for deposition from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

"I filed the motion with the court asking for expedited discovery, which would allow me to start subpoenas and depositions even before Obama and the government responds," Taitz told WND. "I am asking the judge to give me the power to subpoena the documents from the Kenyan embassy and to require a deposition from Hillary Clinton so they will be forced to authenticate [the birth certificate].

More at link...

Really you find these fruitcakes (and the lawyer/dentist loon in particular) to be "interesting"?

Did you say you were part african american? If I have you mixed up with someone else, my apologies.

If not, you should see someone about that self-hate dude.

This nazi bitch wants you and your kind, or as abs would say "the blacks" in their place, and it ain't in the front of the bus, and it's for shit sure it ain't in the white house, key word: White.

I'm surprised Damo even posted this. He likes to stir shit, but this is beyond the pale in my opinion.

Anyway, see someone.
Really you find these fruitcakes (and the lawyer/dentist loon in particular) to be "interesting"?

Did you say you were part african american? If I have you mixed up with someone else, my apologies.

If not, you should see someone about that self-hate dude.

This nazi bitch wants you and your kind, or as abs would say "the blacks" in their place, and it ain't in the front of the bus, and it's for shit sure it ain't in the white house, key word: White.

I'm surprised Damo even posted this. He likes to stir shit, but this is beyond the pale in my opinion.

Anyway, see someone.

i'm part NATIVE American, and what I find interesting is that there is the likely possibility that this certificate of birth is authentic and you immediately jump to the conclusion that it's all about hate for the black man in the white house and then go on further to lump me in that asinine category. Maybe it's you that should be the one seeing someone for some serious help.
i'm part NATIVE American, and what I find interesting is that there is the likely possibility that this certificate of birth is authentic and you immediately jump to the conclusion that it's all about hate for the black man in the white house and then go on further to lump me in that asinine category. Maybe it's you that should be the one seeing someone for some serious help.

Likely? Jesus Keyrist.
i'm part NATIVE American, and what I find interesting is that there is the likely possibility that this certificate of birth is authentic and you immediately jump to the conclusion that it's all about hate for the black man in the white house and then go on further to lump me in that asinine category. Maybe it's you that should be the one seeing someone for some serious help.

Oh, I thought it was you who claimed to have been called the n word at a Democratic Party meeting. Was that some other pompous ass? Really?

The Obama birther movement is founded and steeped in racism. Its entire message consists of "Go back to Africa were you belong n***er".

Any fool can see that.

Well, maybe not any fool. I should stipulate that any fool who belives this "birth certificate" isnt' a forgery might be too stupid to pick up the racism. But I think it's more likely they're too racist to.
i'm part NATIVE American, and what I find interesting is that there is the likely possibility that this certificate of birth is authentic and you immediately jump to the conclusion that it's all about hate for the black man in the white house and then go on further to lump me in that asinine category. Maybe it's you that should be the one seeing someone for some serious help.

You got that right. The lying, obsessed Bimbo really does need some serious help.
Of course, they make it about race, then they hope to make it go away and shout down the debate..

we'll see how far that gets...most people are tired of it already..
Of course, they make it about race, then they hope to make it go away and shout down the debate..

we'll see how far that gets...most people are tired of it already..
Its supposed to automatically put the other guy on the defensive- now he has to "prove" that he's not racist. Too bad for them Obama blew that gig for them when he called the Cambridge Police Department "stupid". LOL
Oh, I thought it was you who claimed to have been called the n word at a Democratic Party meeting. Was that some other pompous ass? Really?

The Obama birther movement is founded and steeped in racism. Its entire message consists of "Go back to Africa were you belong n***er".

Any fool can see that.

Well, maybe not any fool. I should stipulate that any fool who belives this "birth certificate" isnt' a forgery might be too stupid to pick up the racism. But I think it's more likely they're too racist to.

you crack me up. especially when you think people will take you seriously after such a hateful and ignorant diatribe.
Nice attempt to derail. *shrug*

really, if it's just a hoax, why is lamestream media frothing from the lips trying to discredit the people who are asking about it..

isn't it their jobs trying to PROVE if it is right or wrong, not write some low down articles calling the people names....?? but no..
you crack me up. especially when you think people will take you seriously after such a hateful and ignorant diatribe.

Yeah, I'm worried about being "taken seriously" by people who are, firstly, ignorant enough to be racists, and secondly, dumb enough to believe this is a real birth certificate.

But not you, you're smart. You got all your bases covered. You're Native American not African American as i had thought. And one thing we know about people like this - people who hate black people - they love other minorities.

Yeah, you're a smart guy.
any of the loony birthers on here wanna bet some money on whether this is a hoax or not?

Not a one of them will. I wonder if deep down they really believe this, or if they knowingly use information they know to be false in order to cover up their real motivation which of course is: N-word get out of our WHITE house!
