Attractive Wins Every Time

trump foisted a prenup on Ivana three weeks before the wedding, on Marla five days before the wedding. He negotiated his divorces before all this marriages.

So? Here's what Desh claimed:

because the monthly fucks expired in their marriage contracts and they wouldn't willingly fuck him anymore

Are you thinking the existence of a pre-nuptial agreement evinces proof of her assertion?

Answer, Christiecrite. :D
I think there's a visible difference between the two, and I think it's galling you to admit that you see it. :D

Your comment was "The Hildebeast stuck with Blowjob Bill after he lied to her and forever branded her cuckold in front of the whole world. Think about why."

Let's adjust it to read: "The Melania stuck with pussy grabber don after he lied to her and forever branded her cuckold in front of the whole world. Think about why."

Doesn't look to me like the difference in their appearances mattered when it came to lying and cheating, leggiecrite. Amirite? :D
So? Here's what Desh claimed:

Are you thinking the existence of a pre-nuptial agreement evinces proof of her assertion?

It's true trump renegotiated the prenup with Ivana four times. Not sure how much sex had to do with it. ;)

Stern: And you're doing well, you were here, you remarried, your marriage is successful. Yes, it's true, the whole thing with Ivana was very public and all that, but as Donald taught me one very important lesson—
Quivers: What did he teach you?
Stern: He took me aside [at] his wedding, and he said to me, "You know now I'm getting remarried." He said to me, "Howard, vagina is expensive." That is what he said to me, and I'll never forget those words, and the guy was right.

The obvious difference in their appearances is obvious, and obviously painful for you to admit. :D

Stop with the dishonesty, leggs. Here's a pic of Hil when she was Melania's age. :awesome:

Stop with the dishonesty, leggs. Here's a pic of Hil when she was Melania's age.


Lies. She was 45 when Ross Perot handed the White House to Blowjob Bill; and she was not a runway model at any time in her life.

Melania is 48 and got paid for her looks. :D
Lies. She was 45 when Ross Perot handed the White House to Blowjob Bill; and she was not a runway model at any time in her life.

Melania is 48 and got paid for her looks. :D

No lie. The pic was taken in 1995 when she was 48, like Melania is today.

You know, you're not doing yourself any favors by acknowledging that Melania was a runway model who got paid for her looks yet Baby Huey still cheated on her. :D
You know, you're not doing yourself any favors by acknowledging that Melania was a runway model who got paid for her looks yet Baby Huey still cheated on her. :D

M E N are pigs. Blowjob Bill cheated on Hillary, Trump cheated on all his wives. I heard that the Hildebeast cheated on Blowjob Bill, too. :D
