Attractive Wins Every Time


Get out of the shallow end, leggie. Paintings and sculpture are beautiful too, but they're soulless.

Melania is an attractive, elegant, lady, while I will never understand this:

. . . former First Lady Michelle Obama received constant praise during her tenure for “courage” and “beauty” and “intelligence.” She was celebrated on 12 magazine covers and is still a regular guest on the late-night “comedy” programs. In contrast, Melania Trump has not been invited to grace magazine covers nor be a guest on the network talk shows.

By Jeff Crouere
December 28, 2018

No magazine article or media mouth ever pointed out that Michelle Obama was a more accomplished thief than Hillary Clinton.

Hillary’s larceny in Arkansas did NOT compare with Michelle’s stickup. MO was well on her way to millionaire status with her $317,000 a year job in the University of Chicago Hospital. A job that was created for her —— and was eliminated after she left.

Oddly absent from most of the unflattering press coverage of UCMC's patient-dumping scheme is any mention of the role our new First Lady played in devising the program. A laudable exception has been the Chicago Sun-Times, which reported last August that "Michelle Obama -- currently on unpaid leave from her $317,000-a-year job as a vice president of the prestigious hospital -- helped create the program."

March 2, 2009
Michelle Obama's Patient-Dumping Scheme
By David Catron

Hillary did not get her sticky fingers on the big money until after she got her hands on political power in Washington. One can only guess at how much money MO stuffed in her skyrocket before she left the White House! If past performance counts for anything former First Lady Michelle Obama will make former First Lady Hillary Clinton look like a shoplifter.

As to Michelle’s dubious beauty I remember that four or five years ago I joked about Michelle Obama trying out a new do. I disliked MO because she is crook and an America-hater. Calling her a crook is not funny. Comparing her to a monkey was funny to me. When she did bangs I said she looked like she was auditioning for a role in the next Planet of the Apes movie.



Now Ned....that sort of attitude isn't going to get your house back.
You can see the progression of surgeries in Melania because of all her pics in cyberspace. Same with Ivanka.

I think Melania's beautiful but let's see what she's got going on upstairs. She hasn't knocked my socks off with her "superior intellect." Even the bit about fluency in five languages was a big exaggeration.

How many languages do you speak?
How many languages do you speak?

I already proved weeks ago that she's not fluent in five languages. She's fluent in Slovenian. She's not even fluent in English.

By claiming that she's not fluent in English you just destroyed your claim that she's not fluent in the others that she's claiming.
You're deluded. And apparently you don't speak more than one language, which makes you pretty stupid, also.

Oh look, your predictable name calling and claims of stupidity begins since I completely destroyed your argument. And so easily. What's really stupid is assuming that speaking two languages qualifies you as being smart.

With regards to your question: irrelevant, since I'm not the one dissing the First Lady on the basis that she doesn't speak all five languages with complete perfection.

Oh look, your predictable name calling and claims of stupidity begins since I completely destroyed your argument. And so easily. What's really stupid is assuming that speaking two languages qualifies you as being smart.

With regards to your question: irrelevant, since I'm not the one dissing the First Lady on the basis that she doesn't speak all five languages with complete perfection.

I've "claimed to be smart"? Prove it.

You really need to curb your ego. All your self-congratulation make you seem weak and needy.