Attractive Wins Every Time


You posted the wrong wife for trump. Here's his real age mate.


And here's Melania's.

Nah, I accept that the pic of Hillary you chose only exists because of Photoshop. :D

Frankly, Hillary looks more human than Melania in those comparison pictures.

Melania looks as though she is made of plastic.

I actually like her...and pity her. By now she should be out of this trap and collecting whatever the pre-nup calls for. first lady, she has baggage to deal with right now.
Frankly, Hillary looks more human than Melania in those comparison pictures. Melania looks as though she is made of plastic. I actually like her...and pity her. By now she should be out of this trap and collecting whatever the pre-nup calls for. first lady, she has baggage to deal with right now.

So you say. The Hildebeast stuck with Blowjob Bill after he lied to her and forever branded her cuckold in front of the whole world. Think about why.
Is that so? You saw this alleged document?

trump foisted a prenup on Ivana three weeks before the wedding, on Marla five days before the wedding.

He negotiated his divorces before all this marriages. :D

Sometime in 2005
Melania makes an appearance at New York University. A student asks if her husband weren't rich, would she still be with him. She replies, "If I weren't beautiful, do you think he'd be with me?"