Aussies go crazy for cat-poop coffee

Originally Posted by Damocles

From here:

That's got to be the nastiest hting I've read on this site to date. And that's saying a lot.

Once again I'm a bit late for a timely reply; this is the food of my people (happily I've never had it, though! :p ). Another delight is blood -- yes, blood -- pudding. Sometimes called black pudding, it really is made of sheep's blood, kind of jellied, and usually formed in some sort of cylinder then sliced. I tried just a bit of it once; never again.

I grew up near one of the largest lobster fishing centers in the world, and am violently allergic to shellfish. Bony fish are fine. The assumption is that it's the iodine accumulated under the shell that gets me.

We eat chicken and fish, rarely red meat, and do fine. In grad school I couldn't afford meat and lived very well on a balanced lacto-vegetarian diet.
I tried that once when I was on my honeymoon. The blood pudding stuff. It is truly a disgusting piece of "food". For some reason they serve it at every bed and breakfast accross the UK every morning. I think they do it just to see how many tourists will actually put it in their mouth.
Oh, gimme a break. It's a big sausage, when you get right down to it. :rolleyes:

Oh, noI It's a sausags just in appearance. The Scots didn't have access to any spices and any good sausage is well spiced, n'est-ce pas? This thing is gray-looking and simply revolting! Of course it does speak well of the resourcefulness of the Scots; this is what they had and so it's what they ate.
Oh, noI It's a sausags just in appearance. This thing is gray-looking and simply revolting! .

Hmm. I feel as if I am overhearing the phone conversation of a lady who stepped out with our Mr. Battlebourne and let things get a bit too far.
Ornot, you eat that?
LOL! Once, yes. Long story. I can't say that I liked it very much but with enough Athel Brose* anything can be eaten.

Most people cheat these days and spice it up considerably.

*one of the greatest of all Scottish inventions, a drink made from cream, honey, oatmeal gluten and whiskey. Bailey's Irish Cream is but a pale, flacid immitation.
LOL! Once, yes. Long story. I can't say that I liked it very much but with enough Athel Brose* anything can be eaten.

Most people cheat these days and spice it up considerably.

*one of the greatest of all Scottish inventions, a drink made from cream, honey, oatmeal gluten and whiskey. Bailey's Irish Cream is but a pale, flacid immitation.

Wow that drink sounds incredible. But the sausage, uh uh.
Hmm. I feel as if I am overhearing the phone conversation of a lady who stepped out with our Mr. Battlebourne and let things get a bit too far.

Thorn I hope you don't get mad at me for this. I am making a joke at battlebourne's expense, not yours. But it might have been iffy.
Thorn I hope you don't get mad at me for this. I am making a joke at battlebourne's expense, not yours. But it might have been iffy.

OMG, I'm still laughing at that -- but not at the image I'll probably carry with me all weekend!!! Ewww! I hadn't thought my own comment through enough to see that. Shiver! :eek: :D
Kopi Luak (cat shit coffee) is the best coffee I have ever had, and second place is Jamaica Blue Mountain.

sushi is delightful. I pick it up every Thursday on my way home from work from this wonderful new sushi restaurant only blocks from my home.

DO most of y'all stop at Burger King for a Whopper Extra Value Meal?
Kopi Luak (cat shit coffee) is the best coffee I have ever had, and second place is Jamaica Blue Mountain.

sushi is delightful. I pick it up every Thursday on my way home from work from this wonderful new sushi restaurant only blocks from my home.

DO most of y'all stop at Burger King for a Whopper Extra Value Meal?
No, but I do eat frozen fish sticks on weekends. :p

I've never had the kitty-pee stuff, but I have had Jamaica Blue Mountain. I find it hard to imagine anything -- anything at all, short of sex -- better than that.