Aussies go crazy for cat-poop coffee

I am not upset about true organic foods at all, I like them except for the price. however I know in the beef industry all beef lableed as organic is not. There are certain drugs and such you cannot give cattle to be certified organic. And yet I know that many are given these drugs and sold as organic....I expect some of the same goes on int the veggie world as well

I would be especially leery of organic foods from china, melamine is not organic ;)

The price is ridiculous. If you have kids, i don't know how you could afford to provide them with organic milk, meat and vegetables. It would be hard.

I know, and the more popular organic food has become, the more the scamming has happened. It is a problem.
The price is ridiculous. If you have kids, i don't know how you could afford to provide them with organic milk, meat and vegetables. It would be hard.

I know, and the more popular organic food has become, the more the scamming has happened. It is a problem.

Although I really don't have the research ot back me up, I'm convinced our meat supply is driving the diabetes & obesity problem in the US. I'm also convinced that its directly related to what we feed the animals.

I am not upset about true organic foods at all, I like them except for the price. however I know in the beef industry all beef lableed as organic is not. There are certain drugs and such you cannot give cattle to be certified organic. And yet I know that many are given these drugs and sold as organic....I expect some of the same goes on int the veggie world as well

I would be especially leery of organic foods from china, melamine is not organic ;)

For the veggies...for your info most if not all vegetables are genetically altered and have various additives during the processing...some are very good for you and others bad...just food for thought!
Although I really don't have the research ot back me up, I'm convinced our meat supply is driving the diabetes & obesity problem in the US. I'm also convinced that its directly related to what we feed the animals.

I am convinced it is a lot of the additives as well. How many eat home cooked food now that is not heatem eatum stuff ? I figure leanings family does, and Damo cooks some, but most of america eats drive thru's and heatem eatum trash.

Most of the popular restaurant chains also serve processed heatem eatum stuff. Prepackaged, etc...

Remember the post I made a week or so ago about the problems with food coloring and their effect on children ?
You should remember that it has been a good tool in the WOC :D
Not true....

Although I really don't have the research ot back me up, I'm convinced our meat supply is driving the diabetes & obesity problem in the US. I'm also convinced that its directly related to what we feed the animals.

Most diabetes is genetically passed on and is brought on by obesity...gluttony! A good diet of protein(Meat) veggies,fruit, carbs in moderation is the key to good health! Hell even 'good fat' is needed for the body to maintain a good balance...overreation by the media has brought you to this overeaction!
It is manly to wear a dress ? In old greece it was manly to be a homosexual warrior as well ? I will stick with my own definition of manliness.

You win. Y'all are right: a man's culinary choices defines his masculinity.

Now, pardon me while I finish drinking my Mint Julip with the little pink umbrella sticking out of it. ;)
I am convinced it is a lot of the additives as well. How many eat home cooked food now that is not heatem eatum stuff ? I figure leanings family does, and Damo cooks some, but most of america eats drive thru's and heatem eatum trash.

Most of the popular restaurant chains also serve processed heatem eatum stuff. Prepackaged, etc...

Remember the post I made a week or so ago about the problems with food coloring and their effect on children ?
You should remember that it has been a good tool in the WOC :D

Yes, and the sugar. The sugar that is in just everything, to the point that we don't even know it because we are so programmed that if we eat unsweetened food, we'd gag. It's killing us.
You win. Y'all are right: a man's culinary choices defines his masculinity.

Now, pardon me while I finish drinking my Mint Julip with the little pink umbrella sticking out of it. ;)

Oh boy, wish I was sitting next to you. Do Mint Julips taste anything like Mojitos, I wonder? Anyway, sounds good.
A lot of gross shit, I"m sure. Italian food is great once it's been Americanized, but I've got some Italians in my family from the boat, and these people can really gross you out. If it's from the inside of an animal, they will saute it in some garlic and call it a delicacy. I refuse to eat anything these people have cooked, because they love nothing more than to pull one over on you too. Like putting pigs blood in chocolate pudding.

Count yourself lucky you're not from a Scottish-american family.

My Mom's side of the family is scottish. Ever had hagus? :eek:
just for the veggies...

Fact... bovine animals have two stomaches to process the strickly veggie diet...the human body cannot process strickly veggie diets and be healthy...a human could not eat enough veggies to supplment the lack of real protein...cows eat more in a day then humans eat in a month...bulk that is!
Oh boy, wish I was sitting next to you. Do Mint Julips taste anything like Mojitos, I wonder? Anyway, sounds good.

I'll buy you a Mint Julp sometime. ;)

I've never actually had one - I was just self-deprecating

I wonder if they are any good. Do you like Daquiries? I used to drink those in new orleans all the time. In fact, they had "drive-through" daquirie bars where you could get one for the road.
Fact... bovine animals have two stomaches to process the strickly veggie diet...the human body cannot process strickly veggie diets and be healthy...a human could not eat enough veggies to supplment the lack of real protein...cows eat more in a day then humans eat in a month...bulk that is!
That is what eggs, milk, cheese is for. You seem to have the idea that no animal protein could be included in a vegetarian diet. That would be an incorrect assumption.

You seem to have an objection to Vegans. But that is their choice. Also, supplements for vegans are often made from animals as some proteins like B12 have no other source.

Haggis is a traditional Scottish dish. Although there are many recipes, it is normally made with the following ingredients: sheep's 'pluck' (heart, liver and lungs), minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt, mixed with stock, and traditionally boiled in the animal's stomach for approximately an hour. It somewhat resembles stuffed intestines (pig intestines otherwise known as chitterlings), sausages and savoury puddings of which it is among the largest types. As the 2001 English edition of the Larousse Gastronomique puts it, "[a]lthough its description is not immediately appealing, haggis has an excellent nutty texture and delicious savoury flavour." (p592)

From here:
I'll buy you a Mint Julp sometime. ;)

I've never actually had one - I was just self-deprecating

I wonder if they are any good. Do you like Daquiries? I used to drink those in new orleans all the time. In fact, they had "drive-through" daquirie bars where you could get one for the road.

Are you kidding? LOL. You could never do that here, because of he DWI laws, and I'm sure in CA. neither. That's funny. Yep, I love daquiries.