Aussies go crazy for cat-poop coffee

Are you kidding? LOL. You could never do that here, because of he DWI laws, and I'm sure in CA. neither. That's funny. Yep, I love daquiries.

I'm telling you, there was a "drive through" daquirie bar on nearly every block near where I lived. It was totally funny. No one cared. You could get one for the road, and just chug it while you were driving. It was hilarious. I kind of got into doing it, but I would never chug the whole thing and get buzzed while I was driving.

That is what eggs, milk, cheese is for. You seem to have the idea that no animal protein could be included in a vegetarian diet. That would be an incorrect assumption.

You seem to have an objection to Vegans. But that is their choice. Also, supplements for vegans are often made from animals as some proteins like B12 have no other source.

Soy is protein too, and there is this wheat glutton, or something like that, protein that I've had, it's very good when cooked right. I love cheese though, so it's not a problem for me.

You can be healthy and not eat meat, and in fact, you can be very healthy and not eat meat. There are plenty of meat-eaters walking around who can drop at any moment. Just stop at McDonalds on the way home if you want a visual on what I mean. I've seen them actually limping into McDonalds, because they're so fat they can't walk right? And those are the ones in good enough shape to get out of their cars and bypass the long line at the drive thru. Oh yeah. That is some real magic at the McDonald's drive-thru.
I worry about...

That is what eggs, milk, cheese is for. You seem to have the idea that no animal protein could be included in a vegetarian diet. That would be an incorrect assumption.

You seem to have an objection to Vegans. But that is their choice. Also, supplements for vegans are often made from animals as some proteins like B12 have no other source.

anyone who is at a health risk...I will not argue with you as to the need to eat meat...see a competent nutritionest preferably one with a MD or a competent biologist with a PHD they will tell you the same thing I did! Your supplements of eggs and cheese and milk just won't cut it over the long haul...but by all means be my guest and deny your body proper won't hurt me a bit!:tongout:
I'm telling you, there was a "drive through" daquirie bar on nearly every block near where I lived. It was totally funny. No one cared. You could get one for the road, and just chug it while you were driving. It was hilarious. I kind of got into doing it, but I would never chug the whole thing and get buzzed while I was driving.


I'd do it. I need more than one of those to be incapacitated. That sounds like fun.
I'd do it. I need more than one of those to be incapacitated. That sounds like fun.

You could buy whiskey and liquor at gas stations around new orleans. Hilarious! Those people lived in a different world than us.

Man, sometimes I miss that place!
anyone who is at a health risk...I will not argue with you as to the need to eat meat...see a competent nutritionest preferably one with a MD or a competent biologist with a PHD they will tell you the same thing I did! Your supplements of eggs and cheese and milk just won't cut it over the long haul...but by all means be my guest and deny your body proper won't hurt me a bit!:tongout:
I did. This is why I know you are full of it right now.


Vegetarian diets can be very healthy, but eating a balanced diet when you are vegetarian usually requires a little extra attention. Because vegetarians eliminate certain foods from their diets, they often need to work to add foods into their diet that will provide the nutrients found in meat products. By eating a variety of foods including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, you can get the vitamins and nutrients you need from non-meat sources. By eating legumes, soy foods, nuts, and eggs, you can get the protein that you need to grow. Other nutrients to be concerned with are the minerals iron and calcium and the vitamins D and B12, which are especially important for vegans. (hence my reference to this earlier...)

I did. This is why I know you are full of it right now.


Vegetarian diets can be very healthy, but eating a balanced diet when you are vegetarian usually requires a little extra attention. Because vegetarians eliminate certain foods from their diets, they often need to work to add foods into their diet that will provide the nutrients found in meat products. By eating a variety of foods including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, you can get the vitamins and nutrients you need from non-meat sources. By eating legumes, soy foods, nuts, and eggs, you can get the protein that you need to grow. Other nutrients to be concerned with are the minerals iron and calcium and the vitamins D and B12, which are especially important for vegans. (hence my reference to this earlier...)

I see you got my drift...there are two sides to every story...for every specialist who is against a strickly veggie diet...well one can find another who is for it! Personally I will go with the Docs and what experience has taught me to eat... that which the human body was designed for...thats why we have canine teeth!;)
I did. This is why I know you are full of it right now.


Vegetarian diets can be very healthy, but eating a balanced diet when you are vegetarian usually requires a little extra attention. Because vegetarians eliminate certain foods from their diets, they often need to work to add foods into their diet that will provide the nutrients found in meat products. By eating a variety of foods including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, you can get the vitamins and nutrients you need from non-meat sources. By eating legumes, soy foods, nuts, and eggs, you can get the protein that you need to grow. Other nutrients to be concerned with are the minerals iron and calcium and the vitamins D and B12, which are especially important for vegans. (hence my reference to this earlier...)

It's so stupid that you're a republican.
It's so stupid that you're a republican.
I disagree, I think it is stupid I am not officially a Libertarian. But there are only two viable parties, I have to go with the one that more often agrees with what I find important. The system has been changed so that third party applicants need not apply.
Originally Posted by Damocles

From here:

That's got to be the nastiest hting I've read on this site to date. And that's saying a lot.

Once again I'm a bit late for a timely reply; this is the food of my people (happily I've never had it, though! :p ). Another delight is blood -- yes, blood -- pudding. Sometimes called black pudding, it really is made of sheep's blood, kind of jellied, and usually formed in some sort of cylinder then sliced. I tried just a bit of it once; never again.

I grew up near one of the largest lobster fishing centers in the world, and am violently allergic to shellfish. Bony fish are fine. The assumption is that it's the iodine accumulated under the shell that gets me.

We eat chicken and fish, rarely red meat, and do fine. In grad school I couldn't afford meat and lived very well on a balanced lacto-vegetarian diet.
I disagree, I think it is stupid I am not officially a Libertarian. But there are only two viable parties, I have to go with the one that more often agrees with what I find important. The system has been changed so that third party applicants need not apply.

I don't care if you disagree, that's not going to change my mind about it. Whoever heard of non-racist vegetarian republican?