Aussies go crazy for cat-poop coffee

"I'm wondering when the prancing begins. And the urge to move in next to Cypress."

Actually, I was just about to pick out a house next to Ornot for you.... you are currently being processed for a giant boot out of Colorado. We don't take to YOUR kind here.



You know, I forgot exactly, because he's not one of those "I"m 6'3 and i have a ten inch long whatever" like AHZ is? But I'm pretty sure that Ornot is a big guy, I don't think he prances.

You can't resist those San Francisco jokes though, I know.
"You can't resist those San Francisco jokes though, I know."

Guilty as charged. It's that twelve year old mentality most of us men possess. San Fran and fart jokes are just too irresistable to pass up. :)

Naah, sells for not much over $1/LB on the hoof and we butcher em.
Priced a good steak lately ?

and thats why I only have one good steak per week..then again chicken,fish and pork are catching up...and you raised your own for $1 per pund...what did you feed em'?...we went with corn and such like the Japenese do...minus the massages...way too much
Also Darla.... there is nothing wrong with a good prance every now and again. Gets the blood flowing. :ILUM:

True! I laugh at San Francisco jokes. So does Ornot I think. It's funny. I was just thinking though, for some reason, out of nowhere, that I seem to remember Ornot is not what you might picture, like this little nerdy computer guy. I could be wrong. I have a bad memory.
A lot of gross shit, I"m sure. Italian food is great once it's been Americanized, but I've got some Italians in my family from the boat, and these people can really gross you out. If it's from the inside of an animal, they will saute it in some garlic and call it a delicacy. I refuse to eat anything these people have cooked, because they love nothing more than to pull one over on you too. Like putting pigs blood in chocolate pudding.

You ain't lying. My coworkers and I were talking about this yesterday. Their families live in portugal and puerto rico and they were describing how much they love chitlins (which is probably the nastiest thing you could possibly eat on an animal). I was so disgusted I almost stopped eating my carrot.
Vegetarian gals scare me...

They are pale/grey toned... skinny... have health problems they denie etc....sorry but the human body was designed to eat meat as well as veggies and denie the body full nutrition is a death sentence!
and thats why I only have one good steak per week..then again chicken,fish and pork are catching up...and you raised your own for $1 per pund...what did you feed em'?...we went with corn and such like the Japenese do...minus the massages...way too much

Grass, hay and some pelletized protein stuff.

I like the lean grass fed beef better than the marbilized (sp?) fattly beef.

OH and btw I know for a fact that all organic beef is not.
Just a labeling ripoff.
You ain't lying. My coworkers and I were talking about this yesterday. Their families live in portugal and puerto rico and they were describing how much they love chitlins (which is probably the nastiest thing you could possibly eat on an animal). I was so disgusted I almost stopped eating my carrot.

I know, it's so horrible, and can make you sick enough that you can't even eat the veggies.
They are pale/grey toned... skinny... have health problems they denie etc....sorry but the human body was designed to eat meat as well as veggies and denie the body full nutrition is a death sentence!

Pale/grey toned, skinny with health problems I'm in denial about. That's me to a T! Spread the word to your conservative friends.
"that I seem to remember Ornot is not what you might picture, like this little nerdy computer guy. I could be wrong. I have a bad memory."

I have no idea as to what he looks like either... he was used and abused simply due to his location.
I see....

Grass, hay and some pelletized protein stuff.

I like the lean grass fed beef better than the marbilized (sp?) fattly beef.

OH and btw I know for a fact that all organic beef is not.
Just a labeling ripoff.

You are old the 'Range Fed'...very tasty but a little lean and tough...I suppose it would be better for a person (less fat)...but some fat is necessary for the human body to perform properly...too much protein can be poisoness to human digestion!
Grass, hay and some pelletized protein stuff.

I like the lean grass fed beef better than the marbilized (sp?) fattly beef.

OH and btw I know for a fact that all organic beef is not.
Just a labeling ripoff.

Usc why are you upset about the organic thing? Do you know what's in a lot of regular milk? Look, if you live on a farm and are raising your own animals, that's totally different. That's like growing your own vegetables. But if you are buying milk in the supermarket, and you are buying non-organic milk, you are getting milk filled with anti-biotics and hormones. This is especially bad for children, but not good for anyone. And these cows are kept in such terrible conditions and develop sores and all kinds of gross stuff is in that milk.

As for the meat, I don't eat it at all, but if I did, I'd look to buy the best organic beef I could find, and when I make chicken which even though I don't eat I cook sometimes, it's always free-range. Now, if I had my own chickens in the backyard, that would be different. But I don't think I'm some kind of mark because I buy organic stuff.
I went thru a Vegetarian phase 30 some years ago...It was ok.
I do have one sister that is a vegan, but she is also a Bushie, so I don't trust anything she says :)
They are pale/grey toned... skinny... have health problems they denie etc....sorry but the human body was designed to eat meat as well as veggies and denie the body full nutrition is a death sentence!

Ummm, okay Dr. Battle. Thank you for your expert medical opinion.
Usc why are you upset about the organic thing? Do you know what's in a lot of regular milk? Look, if you live on a farm and are raising your own animals, that's totally different. That's like growing your own vegetables. But if you are buying milk in the supermarket, and you are buying non-organic milk, you are getting milk filled with anti-biotics and hormones. This is especially bad for children, but not good for anyone. And these cows are kept in such terrible conditions and develop sores and all kinds of gross stuff is in that milk.

As for the meat, I don't eat it at all, but if I did, I'd look to buy the best organic beef I could find, and when I make chicken which even though I don't eat I cook sometimes, it's always free-range. Now, if I had my own chickens in the backyard, that would be different. But I don't think I'm some kind of mark because I buy organic stuff.

I am not upset about true organic foods at all, I like them except for the price. however I know in the beef industry all beef lableed as organic is not. There are certain drugs and such you cannot give cattle to be certified organic. And yet I know that many are given these drugs and sold as organic....I expect some of the same goes on int the veggie world as well

I would be especially leery of organic foods from china, melamine is not organic ;)
I went thru a Vegetarian phase 30 some years ago...It was ok.
I do have one sister that is a vegan, but she is also a Bushie, so I don't trust anything she says :)

I love bacon, ham, a good filet mignon with mushrooms and wine sauce and I'm obsessed with shellfish. If I stopped eating meat all together I'd be one miserable b!tch.