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Disney destroyed Star Wars with WOKE ideology....who is to say that Avatar has not been wrecked?....If Hollywood would do that to Star Wars then nothing sacred.
Irrelevant....as you should know. The only three things that matter are:

1) What did Cameron say?

2) What does he think?

3) Did he allow the story to be degraded in the service of WOKE, and if so how much?
It’s not irrelevant, you posted his comment.
Movie Critics are now so political and often care so little about the art that they are not of much use. I am going to have to wait for audiences to see this before I can get a handle on if it is another WOKE Wrecked film. I dont care how great it looks on the screen, if the story has been decimated in the pursuit of WOKE ideology then I will not see it.

I sure miss Ebert....I was watching him even as I was growing up in Rockford....I very often agreed with him.
Movie Critics are now so political and often care so little about the art that they are not of much use. I am going to have to wait for audiences to see this before I can get a handle on if it is another WOKE Wrecked film. I dont care how great it looks on the screen, if the story has been decimated in the pursuit of WOKE ideology then I will not see it.

I sure miss Ebert....I was watching him even as I was growing up in Rockford....I very often agreed with him.
You realize the original had a “Woke” theme by your definition. Your new fixation on woke, you don’t even realize what woke is.
I am a bit alarmed by one review that says something to the effect that if we saw the original Avatar then we have already seen this movie.....that speaks to the weak story problem that I am worried about. Hollywood now tends to do a very poor job at their main job....the telling of stories.
I was reading that while Avatar is playing in China very few American movies have been allowed in recent years.....which makes me wonder what Hollywood got in return for selling out to the Chinese.

Did they think this through?
I am a bit alarmed by one review that says something to the effect that if we saw the original Avatar then we have already seen this movie.....that speaks to the weak story problem that I am worried about. Hollywood now tends to do a very poor job at their main job....the telling of stories.

Don't go then.
I just read the reviews and they’re calling it a masterpiece!

Saw it at the first showing on Thursday, IMAX 3D. It is worth the expense to see it that way (or just be an AMC A-list member :)). It is more visually stunning than the first, and the strory, IMHO is vastly superior to the first film. Beautiful to look at and it has a heart. Highly Recommend it. It is a masterpiece.
I note that the Rotten Tomatoes audience score is 94 for this, the original is 82. I no longer care what their reviewers say as they are now WOKE and useless, they generally rate the politics not the art.