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Saw it 2 days ago.

I could not believe the surprise ending when Pandora was destroyed by a giant asteroid! <---- just kidding.

But I did see it in 3D.

Based upon reviews the story is the weak spot, but then it was also in the original, and I saw that four times in the theater, three of those on Imax.
You realize the original had a “Woke” theme by your definition. Your new fixation on woke, you don’t even realize what woke is.

Yes, it has a "woke" theme. A lot of good nature documentaries have a "woke" theme.The graphics and 3D were pretty good in Avatar though. I have it on 3D Blu ray.
I am not the problem here.

Don't know what you want me to say, I haven't discussed it with anybody in Thailand. My sons may well go to see it in Singapore and Tokyo. I'm sure it will make a bucket load of lucre but I personally do not care much about it.

I will say this though, you can watch the original on YouTube for free. How long before Avatar 2 is free as well?
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"Story Sucks, looks great on the screen" is the consensus.

I have not been motivated to spend $50 and over 4 hours on this...since it is basically the same move as Avatar I am looking at this as a remix.
Movie Critics are now so political and often care so little about the art that they are not of much use. I am going to have to wait for audiences to see this before I can get a handle on if it is another WOKE Wrecked film. I dont care how great it looks on the screen, if the story has been decimated in the pursuit of WOKE ideology then I will not see it.

I sure miss Ebert....I was watching him even as I was growing up in Rockford....I very often agreed with him.

I hate to say it but EVERY movie has been pretty much 'Woke'.

What woke means is that elements are crafted specifically to resonate with and drum up some emotion with a certain subset of the audience, because it shows them i a good light, and gives them elements that appeal to them

Today's woke is focused more on Women and POC as they are emerging to PAY for more and more decisions, but the past 100 years was all woke catering 99% to white males.

We had 100 years of almost every movie and TV show that showed mostly white males, always surrounded by the hottest females mostly, and always winning, whether fighting Aliens, robots, or in a sitcom with average Husband with hot wife.

That is WOKE. It was all meant to get mostly white males excited and feeling like they always win.

As women and POC have become bigger purchasers the woke is just being spread around a little. But as humans we notice when OTHERS are being pandered too, but we do not notice when we are.

But that is what Hollywood does and has always done. Look out at who is buying and pander to them.