Avatar 2

I hate to say it but EVERY movie has been pretty much 'Woke'.

What woke means is that elements are crafted specifically to resonate with and drum up some emotion with a certain subset of the audience, because it shows them i a good light, and gives them elements that appeal to them

Today's woke is focused more on Women and POC as they are emerging to PAY for more and more decisions, but the past 100 years was all woke catering 99% to white males.

We had 100 years of almost every movie and TV show that showed mostly white males, always surrounded by the hottest females mostly, and always winning, whether fighting Aliens, robots, or in a sitcom with average Husband with hot wife.

That is WOKE. It was all meant to get mostly white males excited and feeling like they always win.

As women and POC have become bigger purchasers the woke is just being spread around a little. But as humans we notice when OTHERS are being pandered too, but we do not notice when we are.

But that is what Hollywood does and has always done. Look out at who is buying and pander to them.

If you are being honest you have no idea what is going on . Hollywood has been wrecked, the stuff they make is now mostly dreary Soviet style propaganda, which is why Americans are increasingly giving up and not seeing new movies.
'Dances With Aliens 2' holds little interest to me...

Dances with Wolves, the original sucked. Then some 'tard did the same idiot movie with aliens. Now we're supposed to suffer through a part two?

If you are being honest you have no idea what is going on . Hollywood has been wrecked, the stuff they make is now mostly dreary Soviet style propaganda, which is why Americans are increasingly giving up and not seeing new movies.

I know Hollywood has alway pandered. It is naive to think this is a new thing. Hollywood has always tried to figure out who was buying the tickets and then fed them what they thought those groups wanted to see.

For about 100 years, that was Males and mostly white males primarily. They got the 'woke' spoon fed to them. They loved it and ate it up. As soon as a bit of that pandering went to other groups, immense tears flowed. 'UNFAIR!!!!! We should get it ALL!!!!'
Never did go to Avatar, infact before today I had only been to one movie since the start of the pandemic, but we did go see the Dungeons and Dragons movie today. My Wonderful Wife was heavy into that for a lot of years, even did a lot of writing of modules some years. She loved it. I thought it was a WOKE SOAKED dumb story that looks great on the screen. It was on the biggest screen in Yelm, and there were almost no empty seats.

Audience behaviour was very good, which was nice to see.
I can already tell that not spending $50+ to see this on Baby Imax (I came within 2 hours) was the right call.
This is coming in at the lower end of my expectations....I knew that the writing is low quality but OH MY!
"Oh Dad....That's too stupid for words!" comes to mind.

You would get points for knowing the movie.

I give credit where credit is due.

All the best of us do.