
That is not true. That is an excuse used by liberals to justify maintaining the perpetual welfare state, making people dependent for life on the government.

Kind of like Obama's 'Julia'

Bull crap it's not only true, it's observably true. Cons just pretend it's not in order to justify their "me me me" low tax mantra.
i skipped over all your posts just in case. I am used to doing that anyway

read the books... quick reads and I do think that political wonks will enjoy them... the author brings a lot into the three books that can be discussed... provided of course we (myself included) can get over the petty crap of late.
read the books... quick reads and I do think that political wonks will enjoy them... the author brings a lot into the three books that can be discussed... provided of course we (myself included) can get over the petty crap of late.

Maybe we should have a book discussion section or thread.
What's this supposed to mean?

Well, I was going to troll you and say something like if you came out and said you were a man, I wouldn't be even slightly surprised, but that's more effort than I want to put into somethin, so ya know....be mad or whatever.
Well, I was going to troll you and say something like if you came out and said you were a man, I wouldn't be even slightly surprised, but that's more effort than I want to put into somethin, so ya know....be mad or whatever.

No I figured that's what you meant. You're pretty much exactly the kind of asshole I would expect that from.
Since Grind took it upon himself to groan me...

The two main characters from District 12 both survive, and the plot works out to where they are allowed to both be crowned winners, instead of one of them having to kill the other.
