Ayn Rand Christmas Cards

You are again incorrect, I simply understand that the individual is the ultimate minority and that recognizing the rights of each individual will ultimately lead to the type of society that you think would best serve society as a whole. What you want is for me to ultimately be forced to "agree" by simply taking from me to give to what you believe is best. That is wrong.

see helping people is evil

taking from you?

you dont have to pay taxes


problem solved
And for Mott, here is what Ayn Rand has to say about Anarchism:


Anarchy, as a political concept, is a naive floating abstraction: . . . a society without an organized government would be at the mercy of the first criminal who came along and who would precipitate it into the chaos of gang warfare. But the possibility of human immorality is not the only objection to anarchy: even a society whose every member were fully rational and faultlessly moral, could not function in a state of anarchy; it is the need of objective laws and of an arbiter for honest disagreements among men that necessitates the establishment of a government.

then she lived off only SS until she died
Its not bad

It just proves how stupid and wrong she was.

YOU are the one who thinks SS is bad remember
Let's talk about Social Security and Scholarships and what Ayn Rand actually stated about them:

Whenever the welfare-state laws offer them some small restitution, the victims should take it . . . .

The same moral principles and considerations apply to the issue of accepting social security, unemployment insurance or other payments of that kind. It is obvious, in such cases, that a man receives his own money which was taken from him by force, directly and specifically, without his consent, against his own choice. Those who advocated such laws are morally guilty, since they assumed the “right” to force employers and unwilling co-workers. But the victims, who opposed such laws, have a clear right to any refund of their own money—and they would not advance the cause of freedom if they left their money, unclaimed, for the benefit of the welfare-state administration.


So... This myth about her "hypocrisy" is simple, only from people who actually do not know what Ayn Rand has to say on the subject, and simply and directly not true. If I were to channel Desh I would say something like, "Liars lie!" but I would spell it more poorly.
stop fucking wtih my SS then

stop backing he assholes who want to take it from me after I paid into it all my fucking life

Government Grants and Scholarships

The fundamental evil of government grants is the fact that men are forced to pay for the support of ideas diametrically opposed to their own. This is a profound violation of an individual’s integrity and conscience. It is viciously wrong to take the money of rational men for the support of B.F. Skinner—or vice versa. The Constitution forbids a governmental establishment of religion, properly regarding it as a violation of individual rights. Since a man’s beliefs are protected from the intrusion of force, the same principle should protect his reasoned convictions and forbid governmental establishments in the field of thought.

your fucking link

ayn: don't use science its against my religion
Government Grants and Scholarships

The fundamental evil of government grants is the fact that men are forced to pay for the support of ideas diametrically opposed to their own. This is a profound violation of an individual’s integrity and conscience. It is viciously wrong to take the money of rational men for the support of B.F. Skinner—or vice versa. The Constitution forbids a governmental establishment of religion, properly regarding it as a violation of individual rights. Since a man’s beliefs are protected from the intrusion of force, the same principle should protect his reasoned convictions and forbid governmental establishments in the field of thought.

your fucking link

ayn: don't use science its against my religion

Ayn was an atheist.
she didn't want the government to pay for science that didn't fit HER world view.

she was a fucking idiot
it is if you take it too Rands extreme....or Marx for that matter.

Look, there are are alternate philosophies of governance besides utilitarianism of which Marx and Rand propose two polar opposite extremes neither of which have been proven to work. Utilitarianism has been proven to work for millennia. I'm not closed minded but I'm going to stick with what has been proven to work.

I was obviously referring to the difference between them as people, so your argument is the moot point
You do seem a total thicko.

I am? You're the one who keeps responding to posts saying duh, dar, you don't get it. I always find that a curious argument by liberals. Due to your great intelligence, you don't get anything that isn't liberal. Can't process the words. I think intelligent people actually get arguments regardless of whether they agree with them. We'll have to agree to disagree on that
pretending that whatever the people do as a democracy is evil makes you people un-American and evil

Believing in democracy is evil and unamerican. America was formed as a Federation, they specifically wanted to prevent a Democracy, which is just tyrrany of the majority.

Thomas Jefferson: "Democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51% of the people may take away the rights of the other 49%"
the right in this country wants to destroy SS

why are you right wing then

That's ridiculous, no one in the right is trying to destroy social security. Now libertarians, we'd do away with that ridiculous welfare program in a heart beat. Republican candidates are barely different from Democrat ones. If the political spectrum were a football field, you and Republicans would be standing next to each other. It cracks me up when you call me a Republican. I'm the bogeyman. Republicans are nothing that you accuse them of being. I'm the real thing. I'd gut the welfare monstrosity in this country. Republicans just want to slow it's growth, and only slow it by a little
stop fucking wtih my SS then

stop backing he assholes who want to take it from me after I paid into it all my fucking life

Exactly, you're a welfare queen living on other people's money

And you saved nothing for your own welfare checks. Your government spent it as you sent it in. Zero was saved. Ever.
That's absurd, Desh. If we just did everything by democracy gays still wouldn't be able to marry. Interracial marriage would never have been legal in some places, etc.

Democracy itself does not ensure ethical and "right" action.

Miscegenation was still a crime in 31 states in the 50s and 60s until Loving v Virginia (1967)