Ayn Rand Christmas Cards

Jesus said that government was responsible for charity ... where exactly. Liberals are sad when you try to do economics, but wow, when you try to do religion you are an absolute joke

Capitalist economics work so well when you have existing at the same time: a.) large numbers of unemployed and underemployed people b.) homeless people c.) starving people, d.) unused land, e.) unused homes.
Rand's belief that "the proper moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit of one's own happiness (rational self-interest)" is the opposite of Catholic teaching.

She meant it in a different way. People keep telling you that.

If you make yourself happy by making others happy, you clearly are following the church.

If you are not making yourself happy because you don't enjoy helping others, but you do it for the check mark, you are not following the church's teaching.

Think about it. But don't hurt yourself, you're not used to that. Do a lot of stretching and start slow. Oh, and drink plenty of fluids
Capitalist economics work so well when you have existing at the same time: a.) large numbers of unemployed and underemployed people b.) homeless people c.) starving people, d.) unused land, e.) unused homes.

Is there a coherent point in there somewhere?
Is it possible for you to just answer a question, minus the snark and vulgarity?

The snark is quite obvious, but you're going to have to identify the "vulgarity." A dictionary would change your life...

I do like the irony though over your asking this question while ignoring the points I made to you regarding the actual subject
What if you respond to the points I made regarding the actual subject you ironically ignored to just ask this question first?

She only asks, so she can try to use your response as a club to hit you over the head with and to try to discredit any and all posts you make.

See; liberals get to decide how those who believe in God are supposed to act, liberals get to try and paint all non-liberals with the white wash they've made.
It's the only responses they have. :palm:
What if you respond to the points I made regarding the actual subject you ironically ignored to just ask this question first?

You're not a Catholic and you're stalling for time. But since I'm a bleeding-heart liberal I'll put you out of your misery. Objectivism is incompatible with Catholic teaching. Read and learn.

"The Catholic condemnation of abortion and the death penalty is well known and understood. But Catholic doctrine also condemns unfettered capitalism. We offer here a list of principles of Catholic social doctrine – not to argue their priority over others – but because we judge these to be the most in danger of being ignored or distorted in contemporary public debate.

The Catholic view of the human person is social not individual. Congressman Paul Ryan has stated that he learned from Ayn Rand to view all policy questions as a "fight of individualism versus collectivism". The Catholic church does not espouse "individualism" but rather sees it as an error as destructive as collectivism. Blessed John Paul II described "individualism" as a dimension of the "culture of death" arising from an "eclipse of the sense of God". The human person is "by its innermost nature, a social being". We are radically dependent upon and responsible for one another. Again, in the words of John Paul II: "We are all really responsible for all." This truth of the human person is tied to the central doctrines of the church. It reflects the very "intimate life of God, one God in three persons".

Government has an essential role to play in protecting and promoting the common good. The error of individualism leads to a mistaken understanding of the role of government. For too long politicians have echoed Ronald Reagan's misleading mantra "government is the problem". The Catholic church, on the contrary, because of its social understanding of the human person, considers government to be as "necessary" for human nature as the family. The state exists to "defend and promote the common good of civil society, its citizens, and intermediate bodies". Thus, while the church does not offer a specific blueprint for policy, it does view our government's action on behalf of the common good a positive good in itself."


She only asks, so she can try to use your response as a club to hit you over the head with and to try to discredit any and all posts you make.

See; liberals get to decide how those who believe in God are supposed to act, liberals get to try and paint all non-liberals with the white wash they've made.
It's the only responses they have. :palm:

Agreed, which is why I didn't bite. And she's a flaming hypocrite regardless of whether or not I am catholic, she says things all the time which violate this newly occurring standard of hers which will disappear just as quickly as it came and won't ever be applied to herself
Question for you Christi:

My father-in-law is a big Catholic. He goes to mass every week. He's very involved with his church group. He sits outside stores ringing the Salvation Army bell. He feeds people at the homeless shelter.

He and my mother-in-law were married for 25 years or so before she filed for divorce. I think the gist was she felt he would rather spend more time with his church activities than with her. (fwiw, she is a Christian but not Catholic)

He has since remarried and I think his current wife has similar complaints. Now by definition if he spent more time working on his relationship and less time helping with the church that would be selfish of him. How do you think the church would view that?
Agreed, which is why I didn't bite. And she's a flaming hypocrite regardless of whether or not I am catholic, she says things all the time which violate this newly occurring standard of hers which will disappear just as quickly as it came and won't ever be applied to herself

She's no different then Rana saying what Christians are supposed to do and not do; but she would never talk to her parents like that.
She's already said that she gives "passes" to those she likes.
Rana's a hypocrite and refuses to acknowledge that fact; because she's scared.
You're not a Catholic and you're stalling for time. But since I'm a bleeding-heart liberal I'll put you out of your misery. Objectivism is incompatible with Catholic teaching. Read and learn.

"The Catholic condemnation of abortion and the death penalty is well known and understood. But Catholic doctrine also condemns unfettered capitalism. We offer here a list of principles of Catholic social doctrine – not to argue their priority over others – but because we judge these to be the most in danger of being ignored or distorted in contemporary public debate.

The Catholic view of the human person is social not individual. Congressman Paul Ryan has stated that he learned from Ayn Rand to view all policy questions as a "fight of individualism versus collectivism". The Catholic church does not espouse "individualism" but rather sees it as an error as destructive as collectivism. Blessed John Paul II described "individualism" as a dimension of the "culture of death" arising from an "eclipse of the sense of God". The human person is "by its innermost nature, a social being". We are radically dependent upon and responsible for one another. Again, in the words of John Paul II: "We are all really responsible for all." This truth of the human person is tied to the central doctrines of the church. It reflects the very "intimate life of God, one God in three persons".

Government has an essential role to play in protecting and promoting the common good. The error of individualism leads to a mistaken understanding of the role of government. For too long politicians have echoed Ronald Reagan's misleading mantra "government is the problem". The Catholic church, on the contrary, because of its social understanding of the human person, considers government to be as "necessary" for human nature as the family. The state exists to "defend and promote the common good of civil society, its citizens, and intermediate bodies". Thus, while the church does not offer a specific blueprint for policy, it does view our government's action on behalf of the common good a positive good in itself."



I'm not stalling for anything. I'm just not putting my foot in your obviously lame trap which is rampant with your own hypocrisy. And you still don't grasp what Ayn Rand said. You can't separate your hatred of the woman from her ideology, and you can't separate her ideology from what she personally wants.

She is saying what she values. But she is not saying that what she values is what others should value. If you mean what you are doing, it makes you happy to do it. If you don't mean it, then the Church doesn't accept it as sincere. You still don't get that. If you are truly Catholic, being Catholic is selfish, it makes you happy. Or maybe content is a better word. If you're just afraid of going to hell and don't mean it, you aren't really Catholic just because you are going through the motions.

how is this so difficult for you to grasp?
Agreed, which is why I didn't bite. And she's a flaming hypocrite regardless of whether or not I am catholic, she says things all the time which violate this newly occurring standard of hers which will disappear just as quickly as it came and won't ever be applied to herself

You sound pretty ignorant. It's not about the generalities that brain-dead moron freedumb posted, it's about specific Catholic teachings. Do you have anything to say about those teachings or is this going to be another right-wing circle jerk?
You sound pretty ignorant. It's not about the generalities that brain-dead moron freedumb posted, it's about specific Catholic teachings. Do you have anything to say about those teachings or is this going to be another right-wing circle jerk?

Well, I guess knowing you you're just going to do another right wing circle jerk. You're the socon, you can explain why you can't think past Jesus, the Confederate Flag and the Republican party