‘Babbling and Hoarse’: Biden’s debate per sends Democrats into a panic

Joe is clearly not well... Is and it's much more serious than a cold... He didn't land a coherent thought all night...he was terrible..
If Slow Joe is allowed to continue his campaign for the presidency, he may well lose every state.

No one who watched this debate could vote for this turnip.

He should be in a nursing home, not the White House.
Your lying didn't start this minute! You lie consistently here in the forum, daily!
Little Lizard you sound like a little kid with his fingers in his ears running in circles screaming liar liar.

Try pointing out specific lies Trump told. Biden lied when he said Trump praised Nazis and White Supremacists at Charlottesville. Snopes has rated that lie as false. Biden also lied when he said "no one died in Afghanistan". We had 13 troops killed and 2 dozen grievously injured in the cluster F**K that was our withdrawal.

Get your fingers out of your ears and try actually debating. Someone in your party needs to do a decent job at debating. :laugh:
Only one far left loon, Gecko, has tried to defend brain-dead Slow Joe Biden last night.

Of the 47 posts, only one.

One "laugh" from a brain dead old witch.

It appears that the far left Democratic Socialist loons have finally realized that they have a turnip as a candidate for the toughest job in America.

What took you so long?
Little Lizard you sound like a little kid with his fingers in his ears running in circles screaming liar liar.

Try pointing out specific lies Trump told. Biden lied when he said Trump praised Nazis and White Supremacists at Charlottesville. Snopes has rated that lie as false. Biden also lied when he said "no one died in Afghanistan". We had 13 troops killed and 2 dozen grievously injured in the cluster F**K that was our withdrawal.

Get your fingers out of your ears and try actually debating. Someone in your party needs to do a decent job at debating. :laugh:
Slow Joe also spoke to the dead Soldiers in France
Biden claims Trump wants to get rid of Social Security: False        

Biden "[Trump] wants to get rid of Social Security. He thinks there's plenty to cut in social security. He's wanted to cut Social Security and Medicare, both times."

Details: Trump has repeatedly said he will try to protect Medicare and Social Security. Trump said in a March 21 Truth Social post that he would not "under any circumstance" allow Social Security to "be even touched" if he were president. Trump had said in a CNBC interview on March 11 that "there is a lot you can do" in terms of "cutting" spending under Social Security. Mr. Biden said the comments were proof Trump aimed to make cuts in the programs, but a Trump campaign spokesman said Trump was referring to "cutting waste and fraud," not Social Security entitlements.