‘Babbling and Hoarse’: Biden’s debate per sends Democrats into a panic

***The CNN poll posted on air showed that 67% of debate watchers felt that Trump won the debate compared to 33% who believe Biden won the debate.***
Because, as all MAGAt wife abusers know, "he who screams the loudest wins all arguments".

Joe's job was to show the people he had the stamina to be president for 4 more years. He failed. He was too programmed and wanted to jam way too much in the debates. He allowed Trump to string out lies for 90 minutes while he was saying what he felt he needed to. It was not good for Joe. Trump told the lies that his followers wanted to hear. He accomplished his job.
Joe's job was to show the people he had the stamina to be president for 4 more years. He failed. He was too programmed and wanted to jam way too much in the debates. He allowed Trump to string out lies for 90 minutes while he was saying what he felt he needed to. It was not good for Joe. Trump told the lies that his followers wanted to hear. He accomplished his job.
Failed, yes, but he looked tired, sick and pale. I'm not sure it was due to overstudying.

That said, I still believe both are too old to be President due to the lack of stamina in both and the chaotic dishonesty of Trump.
Joe's job was to show the people he had the stamina to be president for 4 more years. He failed. He was too programmed and wanted to jam way too much in the debates. He allowed Trump to string out lies for 90 minutes while he was saying what he felt he needed to. It was not good for Joe. Trump told the lies that his followers wanted to hear. He accomplished his job.

When the Turnip started staring into space for 10 plus seconds, Trump should have stopped the debate and demanded that Biden be helped off the stage. His wife should have demanded help.
When the Turnip started staring into space for 10 plus seconds, Trump should have stopped the debate and demanded that Biden be helped off the stage. His wife should have demanded help.
Biden is still smarter than you, you poor repetitive troll.
When the Turnip started staring into space for 10 plus seconds, Trump should have stopped the debate and demanded that Biden be helped off the stage. His wife should have demanded help.
If I put a gun to your head and forced you to vote for one of them, which would it be?
Biden is the least dangerous to the nation and supports the Constitution so it'd be him.

Thankfully, there's no gun and I'll be voting for either Nikki or Chase Oliver.

Still, I pray for a different selection of candidates.

When the Turnip started staring into space for 10 plus seconds, Trump should have stopped the debate and demanded that Biden be helped off the stage. His wife should have demanded help.