Babylon Bee slams Pedodent Brandon over his PEDOPHILIA

And the article is a parody intended to draw attention to the fact that people like you run the other way when confronted with Gropin' Joe's proven predilection for pawing prepubescents.

You're so stupid you don't know when you're being mocked, apparently.

Nice alliteration.


We can see what Biden has been doing, Leroy. Posting gifs and videos constantly just tells us how obsessed you are about it.
Funniest part of this thread is that "tex," and most likely a few other of the agreeing wingers, probably don't know what the Babylon Bee is, but I'd have to say it is on par with the credibility with the usual sources he uses
You understand that the website is a satire website, right?

Of course i know the Bee is satire, you moron. Everyone knows that. The point is someone on the right is finally talking about biden's pedophila. I still don't know why the right gives Pedodent Brandon a pass on this. WE'VE GOT THE VIDEOS!!! Trump should have been pounding on this in oct 2020.
Of course i know the Bee is satire, you moron. Everyone knows that. The point is someone on the right is finally talking about biden's pedophila. I still don't know why the right gives Pedodent Brandon a pass on this. WE'VE GOT THE VIDEOS!!! Trump should have been pounding on this in oct 2020.

Of course i know the Bee is satire, you moron. Everyone knows that. The point is someone on the right is finally talking about biden's pedophila. I still don't know why the right gives Pedodent Brandon a pass on this. WE'VE GOT THE VIDEOS!!! Trump should have been pounding on this in oct 2020.

So basically every uncle, stepdad and others are pedophiles according to you?
If it repels Biden and mosquitos, then it probably would work on any politician as they too are all a bunch of blood suckers...
So basically every uncle, stepdad and others are pedophiles according to you?

If they did what biden did they'd get their face smashed in. A father is allowed to hug his daughter but he's the only adult male allowed to do that. And BTW pedo joe does this to the kids of STRANGERS!!! Stop defending biden for doing these things. Even lefties know it's indefensible.