Babylon Bee slams Pedodent Brandon over his PEDOPHILIA



[h=3]What is The Babylon Bee?[/h] The Babylon Bee is the world’s best satire site, totally inerrant in all its truth claims. We write satire about Christian stuff, political stuff, and everyday life.

'Worlds best satire site'

Yep, they are GREAT at satire. That statement proves it.
'Worlds best satire site' Yep, they are GREAT at satire.

They are. And like all effective political satire, they highlight the hypocrisy of the left, whose only response to creepy Joe's antics are denial and whataboutism.
The Babylon Bee | Fake News You Can Trust. This is not my heading but how the Bee describes itself.

He's retarded, TDAK. Poor thing.

I wonder if he's one of the "fact-checkers" who fact-checked a Babylon Bee satire.
You saying ***** are equal to white people?????!!!! Get outta here, you pervert.

Ahh. Thanks. It's always interesting to see elderly Euro-American males with low self-esteem issues. How long have you believed that you're a piece of shit that fell out of your mommies' cunt by accident just like she and your father did from your grandmothers?

Was it as a child or a teenager that you realized your entire lineage were dumbass losers? TIA I'm doing research and sincerely appreciate your participation, sir. :thup:
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Ahh. Thanks. It's always interesting to see elderly Euro-American males with low self-esteem issues. How long have you believed that you're a piece of shit that fell out of your mommies' cunt by accident just like she and your father did from your grandmothers?

Was it as a child or a teenager that you realized your entire lineage were dumbass losers? TIA I'm doing research and sincerely appreciate your participation, sir. :thup:

HAHAHAHA. Thank you for that brilliant 'argument'.
HAHAHAHA. Thank you for that brilliant 'argument'.

No argument, just a question. Completely understandable that you were unable to answer the question due to your family's background.

Although I was against the Polish racist's permanent banning, I understood why it happened.

Same for understanding low self-esteem losers like yourself who never had a chance to go to college, get a good job or raise yourself out of the gutter you fell into at birth.

Sad, but it's real. Like CRT points out, white trash like yourself are held down by social constraints. A whore is a whore no matter how many kids she has. Deadbeat dads are deadbeat dads regardless of skin tone.

Like you, a loser is a loser but they are often born into being a loser because of social structure. It's not like you are well off, amirite? LOL

What was the most you ever made in one year...legally? $35K? $40K? How much money are you getting from the government tit that's not social security?

Enough to keep you in meth and donuts?

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Do you slam yourself for being nothing but an anti-Trump, anti-American, anti-civilization Leftist troll?

Justifiably so because being anti insurrectionist and treasonous Trump is being pro American, pro civilization and pro Democracy. Speaking of a self-contradicting and projecting troll, speak for yourself troll.
No argument, just a question. Completely understandable that you were unable to answer the question due to your family's background.

Although I was against the Polish racist's permanent banning, I understood why it happened.

Same for understanding low self-esteem losers like yourself who never had a chance to go to college, get a good job or raise yourself out of the gutter you fell into at birth.

Sad, but it's real. Like CRT points out, white trash like yourself are held down by social constraints. A whore is a whore no matter how many kids she has. Deadbeat dads are deadbeat dads regardless of skin tone.

Like you, a loser is a loser but they are often born into being a loser because of social structure. It's not like you are well off, amirite? LOL

What was the most you ever made in one year...legally? $35K? $40K? How much money are you getting from the government tit that's not social security?

Enough to keep you in meth and donuts?


HAHAHAHA. I love watching you explode every time someone here calls you a tranny. What a pathetic loser you are. HAHA