Babylon Bee slams Pedodent Brandon over his PEDOPHILIA

They say I see nothing.
I do see it.
Blech you ain't seeing more.
More of what? I see what I see.

That's them gaslighting.

If they did what biden did they'd get their face smashed in. A father is allowed to hug his daughter but he's the only adult male allowed to do that. And BTW pedo joe does this to the kids of STRANGERS!!! Stop defending biden for doing these things. Even lefties know it's indefensible.

So smash your uncle's face in.
Why doesn't everyone talk about this.?? Everyone has seen the videos of Pedo Joe groping 8 year old girls. HE'S A CHILD MOLESTER. We have video proof.

Babylon Bee should be slammed and slam itself at being nothing but a anti Biden, and American, anti-Civilization and trolling network of the gutter of lies, projections and bullshit.
Babylon Bee should be slammed and slam itself at being nothing but a anti Biden, and American, anti-Civilization and trolling network of the gutter of lies, projections and bullshit.

Do you slam yourself for being nothing but an anti-Trump, anti-American, anti-civilization Leftist troll?
More censorship here at JPP. The mods have moved this to the off-topic forum!!!!! They won't let anyone talk about biden's PROVEN pedophilia. If we had these vids on trump...
Why doesn't everyone talk about this.?? Everyone has seen the videos of Pedo Joe groping 8 year old girls. HE'S A CHILD MOLESTER. We have video proof.

[h=3]What is The Babylon Bee?[/h] The Babylon Bee is the world’s best satire site, totally inerrant in all its truth claims. We write satire about Christian stuff, political stuff, and everyday life.

The Babylon Bee is the world’s best satire site, totally inerrant in all its truth claims. We write satire about Christian stuff, political stuff, and everyday life.

Congrats. You must be the last person on the forum to notice that the parody article in the OP is, in fact, a parody.

A parody that calls attention to a serious question, which is what's being discussed.
[h=3]What is The Babylon Bee?[/h] The Babylon Bee is the world’s best satire site, totally inerrant in all its truth claims. We write satire about Christian stuff, political stuff, and everyday life.

Satire is based on truth and the truth is pedodent brandon is a proven child molester. We gave you the links.