Bachmann loses Georgia

No, Bachmann lost a straw poll in Georgia, of 1,100 people. The GOP primary for Georgia isn't until next year. At that time, it will be determined who wins or loses Georgia in the primary, and in November 2012, it will be determined who wins or loses the general election. I understand your anxiousness to proclaim Bachmann has LOST, so you can claim Obama has WON... but you are getting your cart WAY ahead of your horse.

The candidates buy the tickets required for Georigans to vote in the straw poll and even then the most the GOP could muster was just over 1,000 people.

Voters got their food and voting paid for and STILL nobody bothered to show up...LOL!
Because I never made that statement, moron.

Good LORD but DY/MLK is grasping at straws today...DESPERATELY trying to deflect from the incredible stupidity he's displayed since the first page of this thread.

I never said that you did. Wouldn't you agree though, that someone who insisted that's what you said then insisted over a period of days that I did 'exactly as you predicted' is 'desperately grasping at straws' and has 'displayed incredible stupidity' that whole time? :)
The candidates buy the tickets required for Georigans to vote in the straw poll and even then the most the GOP could muster was just over 1,000 people.

Voters got their food and voting paid for and STILL nobody bothered to show up...LOL!

First of all, it COUNTS for absolutely NOTHING! Second, it doesn't surprise me they had only 1,100 show up for free food in Georgia it's a fairly conservative state, not a lot of freeloader liberals. You've managed to wiggle away from the thread topic, and the erroneous comment that Bachmann "lost" Georgia, I guess you thought you were being 'clever' or 'sly' especially with the added touch of calling people stupid.

Why don't you go put some more mascara on your mustache and square-up that passion patch a little more, you goofy bitch?
I never said that you did. Wouldn't you agree though, that someone who insisted that's what you said then insisted over a period of days that I did 'exactly as you predicted' is 'desperately grasping at straws' and has 'displayed incredible stupidity' that whole time? :)

And yet there you are, asking me to show you where I said you "moved as you exactly predicted".

I knew if I started a thread titled Bachmann loses Georgia, I could get you in here tap-dancing all around your obvious double standard and you didn't disappoint!
First of all, it COUNTS for absolutely NOTHING! Second, it doesn't surprise me they had only 1,100 show up for free food in Georgia it's a fairly conservative state, not a lot of freeloader liberals. You've managed to wiggle away from the thread topic, and the erroneous comment that Bachmann "lost" Georgia, I guess you thought you were being 'clever' or 'sly' especially with the added touch of calling people stupid.

Why don't you go put some more mascara on your mustache and square-up that passion patch a little more, you goofy bitch?

Awwwwwwwww...what does a depserate partsian hack resort to when he's all out of arguments?

The ad hominem attack!

And wasn't it Dixie who was just whining about the lack of civility on another thread?
Awwwwwwwww...what does a depserate partsian hack resort to when he's all out of arguments?

The ad hominem attack!

And wasn't it Dixie who was just whining about the lack of civility on another thread?

A desperate partisan hack may very well resort to ad hominem attacks when he's all out of arguments, I just do it because I like thwacking pinheads! I have plenty of arguments left, too fucking bad you are incapable or unwilling to debate them with me.

And I have not "whined" about anything, I'm not a whiner. That's generally a LIBERAL trait.
The magic multimillionaire thinks "debate" means calling your opponents "pinheads", using capital letters and exclamation points, and neglecting to prove your assertations.
The magic multimillionaire thinks "debate" means calling your opponents "pinheads", using capital letters and exclamation points, and neglecting to prove your assertations.

Oh, I'm not magic, just enigmatic...sorry that confused you, it's common among pinheads. Yes, I often use capitals and exclamations, and other punctuation when I type... I have even been known to use spell check! I know full well what "debate" means, unfortunately, not many pinheads here are interested in a debate. What you want, is to hoot down the other side with vitriol and name-calling, and non-stop liberal propaganda, but that's not working too well for you. Maybe after the TEA Party literally hands you your asses again in 2012, you will re-evaluate your tone, and come to your senses?
And yet there you are, asking me to show you where I said you "moved as you exactly predicted".

I knew if I started a thread titled Bachmann loses Georgia, I could get you in here tap-dancing all around your obvious double standard and you didn't disappoint!
The double-standard here, Zippy, was committed by you, as pointed out by me on my first post of this thread. :)
Oh, I'm not magic, just enigmatic...sorry that confused you, it's common among pinheads. Yes, I often use capitals and exclamations, and other punctuation when I type... I have even been known to use spell check! I know full well what "debate" means, unfortunately, not many pinheads here are interested in a debate. What you want, is to hoot down the other side with vitriol and name-calling, and non-stop liberal propaganda, but that's not working too well for you. Maybe after the TEA Party literally hands you your asses again in 2012, you will re-evaluate your tone, and come to your senses?

'Imaginary', not 'enigmatic'.

Since you're fond of pretending your uncorroborated opinions are facts, it's not surprising you think truth is 'liberal propaganda'.

When (P)Rick "Pray-for-Rain" Perry loses, I'll certainly enjoy reminding you of this inaccurate prediction - repeatedly.

Seen the Tea-rorist approval numbers lately?


A desperate partisan hack may very well resort to ad hominem attacks when he's all out of arguments, I just do it because I like thwacking pinheads! I have plenty of arguments left, too fucking bad you are incapable or unwilling to debate them with me.

And I have not "whined" about anything, I'm not a whiner. That's generally a LIBERAL trait. you CLAIM to have all these "arguments", but for some reason, you haven't posted them for everyone to discuss.

How am I supposed to debate you if you won't even engage in a diologue beyond your idiotic partisan ad homs?

Come on Dix, make some more excuses for your ridiculous double standard and whine some more about how I'm incapable or unwilling, even though it's YOU doing the dodging and evading.
The double-standard here, Zippy, was committed by you, as pointed out by me on my first post of this thread. :)

The double standard is that 4 pages ago you lied once again and falsely claimed I had said that Bachmann losing in Georgia was a "big loss".

I asked you to show everyone where exactly I had used the term "big loss" and you've yet to do so...

Maybe you should call one of your friends the Septuagenarian Slits and ask them for some help?
The double standard is that 4 pages ago you lied once again and falsely claimed I had said that Bachmann losing in Georgia was a "big loss".

I asked you to show everyone where exactly I had used the term "big loss" and you've yet to do so...
You are referring to this, apparently:

Its hilarious that Zippy thinks Iowa wasn't a big win for Bachmann but insists that this poll, 1/18 in size and few campaigned for, is a big loss.

That's not a lie, but an assessment of your excitement in posting to OP, as well as a prediction, which to my great amusement you fulfilled here:

... Bachmann came in a dismal 6th place.

You are referring to this, apparently:

That's not a lie, but an assessment of your excitement in posting to OP, as well as a prediction, which to my great amusement you fulfilled here:


Alrightie then... it's not a lie but rather, an "assessment", eh?

Nice attempt at avoiding the facts.

Well since your assessment was completely wrong, we'll just go ahead and call it what it is...another lie.

That's a start.

Still waiting to see if you are able to stop making faulty "assessments" based on what your narrow little mind tells you and instead discuss topics based on what others ACTUALLY say for a change...
Alrightie then... it's not a lie but rather, an "assessment", eh?

Nice attempt at avoiding the facts.

Well since your assessment was completely wrong, we'll just go ahead and call it what it is...another lie.

That's a start.

Still waiting to see if you are able to stop making faulty "assessments" based on what your narrow little mind tells you and instead discuss topics based on what others ACTUALLY say for a change...
Talk about ignoring facts. Or perhaps you're as dim as Dune so I need to spell it out for you. You stated "... Bachmann came in a dismal 6th place. Therefore...BACHMANN LOSES GEORGIA" is the same as claiming it is a big loss, just as I predicted.

Great thread title. I lost my car keys once and I remember the trouble that caused, but to lose a state??? Can she remember when she last had it? you CLAIM to have all these "arguments", but for some reason, you haven't posted them for everyone to discuss.

How am I supposed to debate you if you won't even engage in a diologue beyond your idiotic partisan ad homs?

Come on Dix, make some more excuses for your ridiculous double standard and whine some more about how I'm incapable or unwilling, even though it's YOU doing the dodging and evading.

Oh but I have posted them, the board is full of threads with my arguments, feel free to do a search. What you will curiously find little of, is actual rebuttal or debate from the left. Most of the time, if diversion and distractions don't work, if you can't hijack or derail the thread topic, you'll resort to slander, lies, and propaganda, and if that doesn't work, you go to the name-calling well. The last thing in the entire world you lefties are interested in, is debate.

There's no double standard except from you and the left. You want a situation where the right sits here and plays nice, goes by the rules, and shows civility and respect.... while the left can do and say any goddamn thing they please, no matter how dishonest, outrageous, or outright slanderous it is, and you can call people any name in the book with impunity, as you LECTURE us on how damn awful and terrible conservatism and capitalism is. To you-- THAT is a DEBATE! If we dare open our mouths or raise our heads, we are shamed and scolded for it... how dare we even open our mouths after all we've put the country through! That's how you fucktards really feel about it, but you cower behind this false call for civility, as if that's something you know any goddamn thing about!
Talk about ignoring facts. Or perhaps you're as dim as Dune so I need to spell it out for you. You stated "... Bachmann came in a dismal 6th place. Therefore...BACHMANN LOSES GEORGIA" is the same as claiming it is a big loss, just as I predicted.


Nice try...LOL!

"Bachmann loses Georgia" isn't anywhere near the same thing as saying she suffered a "big loss", but I'd fully expect a partisan hack such as yourself to try and link the's the only option you've got other than admitting you lied, and everyone knows you are incapable of admitting you are wrong.

"Bachmann loses Georgia" means just that...Bachmann loses Georgia.

I made no comment or assertion as to how big or small a loss it was, just that she L-O-S-T.

You keep talking about ignoring facts, how about YOU try and STICK WITH SAID FACTS and respond to the comments I've actually made and not make up bullshit excuses for your obvious lies like supposing to tell me what I really meant.
Oh but I have posted them, the board is full of threads with my arguments, feel free to do a search. What you will curiously find little of, is actual rebuttal or debate from the left. Most of the time, if diversion and distractions don't work, if you can't hijack or derail the thread topic, you'll resort to slander, lies, and propaganda, and if that doesn't work, you go to the name-calling well. The last thing in the entire world you lefties are interested in, is debate.

There's no double standard except from you and the left. You want a situation where the right sits here and plays nice, goes by the rules, and shows civility and respect.... while the left can do and say any goddamn thing they please, no matter how dishonest, outrageous, or outright slanderous it is, and you can call people any name in the book with impunity, as you LECTURE us on how damn awful and terrible conservatism and capitalism is. To you-- THAT is a DEBATE! If we dare open our mouths or raise our heads, we are shamed and scolded for it... how dare we even open our mouths after all we've put the country through! That's how you fucktards really feel about it, but you cower behind this false call for civility, as if that's something you know any goddamn thing about!

Ahhhhhhhhhh, but the latest "false call for civility" came from your lying mouth...not from mine or any other liberal's.

Or did you forget the thread YOU started just days ago?

I don't know why I bother, you'll just make up another patented Dixie excuse to justify why you don't have to abide by the call for civility YOU just put out.

Oh wait...I do know why I's just so much fun reading your hate filled little tirades dedicated to civility!
