I'm not the least bit embarrassed by Bachmann, in fact, if Herman Cain is out of the race by the time the primaries come to my state, I'll probably vote for her. I could not care less what kind of look she may or may not get in any other country, I am only concerned about THIS country. You see, I'm not like a Liberal, falling all over myself to be like a European, or to be liked by Europeans.
Nasty, foul mouthed? Really? I don't think I've ever heard Bachmann curse, so I don't know what you heard that you interpreted this way. I guess you must consider it 'blasphemy' when she speaks of smaller limited government? Shame on her for being so vile as to attack the sanctity of state control! How dare she speak negative words about The Great Messiah.... is that it? No, she's not "nasty, foul mouthed" at all, in fact, she is a Christian woman who has spent a great deal of her personal time helping others, specifically, 24 foster children who would have otherwise, never known love. Yeah, sounds like a real scoundrel to me! MORON!