Bachmann loses Georgia

Ahhhhhhhhhh, but the latest "false call for civility" came from your lying mouth...not from mine or any other liberal's.

Or did you forget the thread YOU started just days ago?

I don't know why I bother, you'll just make up another patented Dixie excuse to justify why you don't have to abide by the call for civility YOU just put out.

Oh wait...I do know why I's just so much fun reading your hate filled little tirades dedicated to civility!


Please post the quote from me you are interpreting as a "CALL FOR CIVILITY?"

You continue to say that is what I have called for... except before, you claimed I was "whining" for it... but I wrote the thread, and have re-read what I wrote a few times now, and I am not finding the part where I "called for" any goddamn thing. In fact, in that very thread, I stated about as clearly as one can state, that this was NOT what my post was. Yet, you stubbornly insist you've read something that simply isn't there.
When Gabby Giffords was shot by Jared Loughner, we heard pleas from liberals to "tone down" the rhetoric. Much was made of Palin's imagery on a website 'targeting' hot political races across the country. Condemned for telling her followers not to retreat, but to "re-load!" Even though these comments were nowhere near the context implied, most on the left and right agreed, we need to "tone down the rhetoric" in politics.

However, since this tragedy, the liberals have gone off the hinge with a relentless barrage of personal and general insults, false claims of racism, and just outright slanderous lies, one after the other, with no end in sight, directed at the TEA Party movement. It's as if their own calls for civility went in one ear and out the other. Or maybe the calls for civility never meant LIBERALS should be civil, only those on the RIGHT? I think that is more likely the case. In the wake of the Giffords tragedy, what they really meant to call for, was the RIGHT to shut the fuck up and sit down. Let's let the LEFT say and do anything they see fit, and the RIGHT can just sit there and cower in shame, for the low-life garbage they are. We don't dare even raise our heads to the liberals, because it's ALL our fault... everything! THIS is what the Liberal pinheads meant, when they emotively "called for civility" in political discourse.

I have studied the 1861 War Between the States, (aka: Civil War)... One thing I find amazing, is the similarity in the divisive political tone leading up to that war, and the divisive tone we hear today. If you ever have the chance to read (or watch) North and South, you can observe the times much as they were, the people on both sides who pushed us into a war, simply by being too stubborn and prideful to think they needed to compromise. Two "sides" rallying bases... the Secessionists and the Abolitionists... both perpetuating the anger and vitriol until it finally boiled over into an all-out WAR! Many of those same people, who pushed for and WANTED a war, would live to regret their choices. Hundreds of thousands dead sons, brothers, fathers... a nation in ruins... all because of two sides with uncompromisable positions, unwilling to even try to reconcile. This is exactly what we see today, but instead of 'slavery' being the catalyst, it is 'labor' or 'class' which is being used.

Each day, the left-wing liberals peel back another layer and reveal how remarkably similar their views are to socialist communist style government, where the state controls everything and every aspect of our lives. This isn't "freedom" at all, it's the antithesis of it.

Think it's just more whining from the imaginary multimillionaire.
Your imaginary multimillions aren't real, are they?

Do you REALLY think that's a lot of money? I'll bet you that I am probably not the only poster at JPP who has net assets in excess of a million dollars. This isn't 1954 anymore, a million dollars is not that much money. I have HOLDINGS worth $6.8 million (value in US dollars), invested in Germany. That doesn't mean I have the money in my hand, or that I can get the money whenever I want it. I understand you are probably not familiar with wealth investments, or how they work, especially foreign investment. Now, I don't have a way, or know of a way, I can prove this to you, so you can choose to not believe it, and that's fine... I didn't reveal the information so that you would be impressed. You are free to believe whatever, I don't really care, it doesn't bother me in the least. I've not been dishonest, and if you can't provide any evidence to refute that, I guess people can make up their own minds about it.
I don't know why I bother, you'll just make up another patented Dixie excuse to justify why you don't have to abide by the call for civility YOU just put out.

Oh wait...I do know why I's just so much fun reading your hate filled little tirades dedicated to civility!


Please post the quote from me you are interpreting as a "CALL FOR CIVILITY?"

You continue to say that is what I have called for... except before, you claimed I was "whining" for it... but I wrote the thread, and have re-read what I wrote a few times now, and I am not finding the part where I "called for" any goddamn thing. In fact, in that very thread, I stated about as clearly as one can state, that this was NOT what my post was. Yet, you stubbornly insist you've read something that simply isn't there.

Can anyone else say...P-R-E-D-I-C-T-A-B-L-E?

Can I call em or what?
Talk about ignoring facts. Or perhaps you're as dim as Dune so I need to spell it out for you. You stated "... Bachmann came in a dismal 6th place. Therefore...BACHMANN LOSES GEORGIA" is the same as claiming it is a big loss, just as I predicted.


Nice try...LOL!

"Bachmann loses Georgia" isn't anywhere near the same thing as saying she suffered a "big loss", but I'd fully expect a partisan hack such as yourself to try and link the's the only option you've got other than admitting you lied, and everyone knows you are incapable of admitting you are wrong.

"Bachmann loses Georgia" means just that...Bachmann loses Georgia.

I made no comment or assertion as to how big or small a loss it was, just that she L-O-S-T.

You keep talking about ignoring facts, how about YOU try and STICK WITH SAID FACTS and respond to the comments I've actually made and not make up bullshit excuses for your obvious lies like supposing to tell me what I really meant.

What happened?

Where'd MLK/DY run off to?

surely he can PROVE what he claims, right?


What was I thinking? This is DY/MLK wer are talking about, after all.
so much for Bachmann's "big" win in Iowa giving her any momentum going into Georgia...let's all watch DY spin this into some sort of "win" for her.

Herman Cain edges out Ron Paul in Georgia GOP straw poll

Georgia native and tea party favorite Herman Cain edged out libertarian Ron Paul at the GOP annual fish fry down in Perry on Saturday.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney finished a surprisingly distant fifth, behind Texas Gov. Rick Perry and another Georgia favorite, former U.S. House speaker Newt Gingrich. Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann also had a weak showing.

Results were just phoned in by B.J. VanGundy, the party’s second vice president. Over 1100 tickets were sold, he said, and 890 votes were cast.

The totals:

– Herman Cain, 232 or 26 percent;

– Ron Paul, 229 or 25.7 percent;

– Rick Perry, 179 or 20 percent;

– Newt Gingrich, 162 or 18 percent;

– Mitt Romney, 51 or 6 percent;

– Michele Bachman, 29 or 3 percent;

– Rick Santorum, 4 or .4 percent

– Jon Huntsman, 3 or .3 percent;

– Thad McCotter, 1 or .1 percent;

– Buddy Roemer, 0;

– Gary Johnson, 0;

It's always good to see Pauls name around the top.
Yeah... 229 votes.... he nearly "WON" Georgia!! :lmao:

I'll bite my lip on this one except to say, "I don't understand why fiscally conservative voters would vote for anyone else but Paul."

None of the other candidates are anywhere close to Paul and his record.
I'll bite my lip on this one except to say, "I don't understand why fiscally conservative voters would vote for anyone else but Paul."

None of the other candidates are anywhere close to Paul and his record.

Well because he is a certifiable nut job.... how about that for a reason? Look, I do admire a lot of what Paul has had to say over the years, and he has made some brilliant points about our spending and the size and scope of government, but he just goes completely off the deep end with other libertarian views he has, and it scares the living fuck out of most normal conservatives. We can't just suspend drug laws and let people do as they please! We'd have a problem bigger than we could handle in a matter of months, and we could never put the genie back in the bottle. We can't just pull all our foreign bases out of foreign countries and bring home all our troops, the world would collapse in chaos in a few months, and it would end up costing millions of lives to repair the damage done by such stupidity. Oh now, it's EMOTIVE... and it appeals to pinheads who can't THINK past the head of their dicks, but it's just not reasonable or rational, and it would result in catastrophic consequences, which the libertarian idiots just don't seem to comprehend.
Well because he is a certifiable nut job.... how about that for a reason? Look, I do admire a lot of what Paul has had to say over the years, and he has made some brilliant points about our spending and the size and scope of government, but he just goes completely off the deep end with other libertarian views he has, and it scares the living fuck out of most normal conservatives. We can't just suspend drug laws and let people do as they please! We'd have a problem bigger than we could handle in a matter of months, and we could never put the genie back in the bottle. We can't just pull all our foreign bases out of foreign countries and bring home all our troops, the world would collapse in chaos in a few months, and it would end up costing millions of lives to repair the damage done by such stupidity. Oh now, it's EMOTIVE... and it appeals to pinheads who can't THINK past the head of their dicks, but it's just not reasonable or rational, and it would result in catastrophic consequences, which the libertarian idiots just don't seem to comprehend.

Holy shit, do you even read your own posts?
We can't just suspend drug laws and let people do as they please! We'd have a problem bigger than we could handle in a matter of months, and we could never put the genie back in the bottle.

We can't? Why is that? Drug users I know use what they like or are hooked on regardless of legality.

People who don't use/abuse drugs are hardly about to become raging addicts if substances are de-criminalised.

If they were, they could do so now.
We can't just pull all our foreign bases out of foreign countries and bring home all our troops, the world would collapse in chaos in a few months, and it would end up costing millions of lives to repair the damage done by such stupidity.

Again, we can't?

The world would collapse in chaos in a few months?

What a megalomanian narcissist you are.

The world would do fine without us, and we could certainly use the money we waste elsewhere.

This is why I asked if you read your own posts, because they are so far afield from reality.
Nice try...LOL!

"Bachmann loses Georgia" isn't anywhere near the same thing as saying she suffered a "big loss", but I'd fully expect a partisan hack such as yourself to try and link the's the only option you've got other than admitting you lied, and everyone knows you are incapable of admitting you are wrong.

"Bachmann loses Georgia" means just that...Bachmann loses Georgia.

I made no comment or assertion as to how big or small a loss it was, just that she L-O-S-T.

You keep talking about ignoring facts, how about YOU try and STICK WITH SAID FACTS and respond to the comments I've actually made and not make up bullshit excuses for your obvious lies like supposing to tell me what I really meant.
You titled the OP as you did because you claim it to be a big loss, otherwise the title would have been 'so-and-so wins Georgia straw poll' and Bachmann would not even be mentioned in this obscure non-event. Then you use the forum equivalent of shouting the same thing. :)
You titled the OP as you did because you claim it to be a big loss, otherwise the title would have been 'so-and-so wins Georgia straw poll' and Bachmann would not even be mentioned in this obscure non-event. Then you use the forum equivalent of shouting the same thing. :)

I titled the THREAD the way I did in order to contrast your stupidity in the "Bachmann wins Iowa" thread.

Nowhere did I claim Bachmann's loss to be a "BIG" loss...just a loss.

That you refuse to admit as much further highlights your total inability to stick with actual facts...but as long as I get to continually show to everyone just how full of crap you are and the ridiculous lengths you are willing to go to make a liberal...ANY liberal look bad, I'm game!

Are you going to stick with actual FACTS this time and admit you were wrong? Or can I look forward to more lies from you?