Bam! The Danold Called It. Ratings tied to gas prices.


Months ago back on fullpolitics, I said that Republican ratings are tied to gas prices and all the Liberals (except amazingly CanadianKid) were laughing saying that the bad ratings just had to be because of foreign policy, tax cuts, SS reform and the usual things Liberals despise.
That was their wish, but it just isn't true, as even left-wing pollster Zogby concedes:

"Republicans appear to be gaining on the Democrats in the 2006 midterm campaign because of growing confidence in the economy, falling gas prices and President Bush's sustained political offensive on the terrorist threat, according to pollsters and campaign strategists."

No matter how mad people are at Republicans, they are not willing to turn America over to a Socialist party like the modern day Democrats who want giant government spending programs like universal healthcare.
what proof does dano have that ratings are tied to gasoline? I took my umbrella off of my golf bag the other day and it did NOT rain. Did I cause the good weather?
Ratings are likely to be tied to gas prices, after all we americans by and large have proven ourselves in recent years to be pretty stupid.
However that article proves nothing, just opinions in there same as mine ;)
I guess none of this could possibly have anything to do with the anniversary of 911 and the Bush blitz on reselling the war to gullible followers ?
of course doubt there is a direct one to one correlation between gas prices and public opinion....for no other reason than the mighty gadfly dano hath decreed it
This is the beauty of being an editorial writer for the washington times: You can pick two polls that support your contention, and willfully ignore four other recent polls that don't:

Congressional Matchup Polls this week:

-- On Sept 15, an AP-Ipsos poll: Democrats 53%, Republicans 39%

-- On Sept. 14, a Pew poll: Democrats 52%, Republicans 40%

-- On Sept. 14, a Wall Street Journal poll: Democrats 48%, Republicans 39%

-- On Sept. 13, an ABC poll: Democrats 50%, Republicans 42%
dano your so retarded sometimes... ok if thats true then its no secret that oil companies watn republicans in, so i wonder why oil companies are lowering their prices?? probably so republicans win in NOvember... so then after november prices will be jacked up again...

Choke on this, the Danold is proven right. If this graph doesn't convince you, then you are truly lost Dem partisan losers:

Face it, people vote on what affects them everyday and nothing is more in your face day-after-day-after-day than gas prices.

Sometimes I almost wish the Dems would come back to power for one term, implement their far left agenda of higher gas taxes, more regulations and taxes on gas companies and then we'll see how regular American independents send them to political no-man's land.
I guess none of this could possibly have anything to do with the anniversary of 911 and the Bush blitz on reselling the war to gullible followers ?

I think this has more to do with it than anything....people do not spend money on media coverage for advertising if it did not produce results....and getting it for free, As the Presidency and administration knows, is very valuable....

give it a week.... if he stops campaigning on our tax dollar the numbers will adjust back down.
Choke on this, the Danold is proven right. If this graph doesn't convince you, then you are truly lost Dem partisan losers:


dano do you think... i mean the oil companys will take marginal loses by lowering (actually they charge us so much that they are probably still making a profit) so they lower prices for 2 months, then in november JACKEM BACK UP!!!

they want republicans to win, b/c dems want alternative energy sources... i believe you refer to them as treehuggers... republicans love to give money to big oil...

your so owned dano...
Face it, people vote on what affects them everyday and nothing is more in your face day-after-day-after-day than gas prices.

Sometimes I almost wish the Dems would come back to power for one term, implement their far left agenda of higher gas taxes, more regulations and taxes on gas companies and then we'll see how regular American independents send them to political no-man's land.

Iraq and the economy beat gas prices dano... by which more Americans trust dems with those issues

Most voters say Iraq (81 percent), the economy (78 percent) and gas prices (76 percent) will be "very important" to their vote for Congress this fall, with about two-thirds (65 percent) saying immigration will be very important.,2933,207829,00.html
Face it, people vote on what affects them everyday and nothing is more in your face day-after-day-after-day than gas prices.

Sometimes I almost wish the Dems would come back to power for one term, implement their far left agenda of higher gas taxes, more regulations and taxes on gas companies and then we'll see how regular American independents send them to political no-man's land.

here is what YOU should face: the calculus of determining how the populace votes is not repeat not a single variable equation. Gas prices may in fact play a role, but to make the claim that people vote for president based upon gasoline prices is infantile.... and, considering the source, expected.
dano do you think... i mean the oil companys will take marginal loses by lowering (actually they charge us so much that they are probably still making a profit) so they lower prices for 2 months, then in november JACKEM BACK UP!!!
You could be right, but since we did NOT see anything drastic or out of the norm after the 2004 election, I would say history would make you far more likely as wrong.

they want republicans to win, b/c dems want alternative energy sources... i believe you refer to them as treehuggers... republicans love to give money to big oil...
your so owned dano...
This is a clear LIE. Dems want corporate welfare for alternative energy sources, while wanting higher taxes for oil.
Republicans want to stop gas tax increases and their votings records reflect it.
What the fuck do you think you're going to do Rob, run your car with solar power, heat your house with wind power? These provide minimal amounts of energy, costing around 9-10 times as much to produce energy EVEN with peak wind and sunshine rates.
You better believe that Dems plan against oil is going to hurt you just as much as anyone.
here is what YOU should face: the calculus of determining how the populace votes is not repeat not a single variable equation. Gas prices may in fact play a role, but to make the claim that people vote for president based upon gasoline prices is infantile.... and, considering the source, expected.

Are you insane? Do you even know who Pollkatz is? He has put out graphs that severely damage Republicans and his bias on comments show he is likely a Liberal.
The gas price comparison does not mean he is defending Bush, just that he is stating the obvious.

You really, really should take the time to learn about sources before making yourself look so stupid.

The reason I chose him among many sources is because I try and use left-wing sources SPECIFICALLY so you cannot cry about the source and dismiss the argument.

You are beaten and badly.
You could be right, but since we did NOT see anything drastic or out of the norm after the 2004 election, I would say history would make you far more likely as wrong.

This is a clear LIE. Dems want corporate welfare for alternative energy sources, while wanting higher taxes for oil.
Republicans want to stop gas tax increases and their votings records reflect it.
What the fuck do you think you're going to do Rob, run your car with solar power, heat your house with wind power? These provide minimal amounts of energy, costing around 9-10 times as much to produce energy EVEN with peak wind and sunshine rates.
You better believe that Dems plan against oil is going to hurt you just as much as anyone.

hmmm guess its not coincidental that fords coming out with a hydrogen car... dano think deeper... LOL. its not all necessairly wind or sun or moon... lol maybe ill go to the beach and ride the waves!!! LOL