Bam! The Danold Called It. Ratings tied to gas prices.

I noticed that you have failed to comment on the fact that my statement that you misconstrued was not saying ANYTHING about pollkatz, but about YOU and your infantile notion that people decide who to vote for based solely upon the price of gasoline. Considering your long and well established track record or simply abandoning threads where you are getting you ass handed to you, I am not at all surprised.

Fuck you, you goddam liar, you said and I quote:

OBVIOUSLY, you were making fun of pollkatz as a source and not me. Do you deny that?

Motherfucking stinking ass liar and proven so. Just fucking give it up. Why the fuck would you lie when the evidence of what you said is right in this thread, there's no way to get out of this.
Just admit you lied and stop lying, you sad sack of shit.
So Dano if you are right and gas prices are linked to Bush. does this mean that Bush or his supporters is manipulating the oil / gas prices for political gain ?
So Dano if you are right and gas prices are linked to Bush. does this mean that Bush or his supporters is manipulating the oil / gas prices for political gain ?
By looking now I can see how conspiracy theorists would be tempted to say yes.
But if it were true, why were they so low in the last part of Clinton's term where Al Gore could campaign on continuing the good times?
Why weren't they low or didn't rise by any unusual degree before and after the 2004 election?

We always hear this shit right? Remember when the left was talking bs about the "October Surprise" where Osama would show up as being caught right before the election?
You seem like a smarter guy then I used to give you credit for, are you really gonna fall for the same conspiracy nonsense election after election?
By looking now I can see how conspiracy theorists would be tempted to say yes.
But if it were true, why were they so low in the last part of Clinton's term where Al Gore could campaign on continuing the good times?
Why weren't they low or didn't rise by any unusual degree before and after the 2004 election?

We always hear this shit right? Remember when the left was talking bs about the "October Surprise" where Osama would show up as being caught right before the election?
You seem like a smarter guy then I used to give you credit for, are you really gonna fall for the same conspiracy nonsense election after election?

Ex oil guys were not in the white house during Clintoons rule. The oil companies might have gotten stomped on for raising prices without good cause....
here is what YOU should face: the calculus of determining how the populace votes is not repeat not a single variable equation. Gas prices may in fact play a role, but to make the claim that people vote for president based upon gasoline prices is infantile.... and, considering the source, expected.

the ONLY "source" I ever denigrated was YOU.
Ex oil guys were not in the white house during Clintoons rule. The oil companies might have gotten stomped on for raising prices without good cause....
LOL. It was the CEOs setting the rules for the businesses that opened up the front for the MCIs out there... Clinton wasn't out there protecting your asses. Don't get all rhapsodic about the guy who relaxed just the right rules to let MCI and others steal from their investors.
LOL. It was the CEOs setting the rules for the businesses that opened up the front for the MCIs out there... Clinton wasn't out there protecting your asses. Don't get all rhapsodic about the guy who relaxed just the right rules to let MCI and others steal from their investors.

I can't disagree with that at all, it was just kept a bit more undercover and less blatant. After all it was during clowntoons rule that the oil companies started getting the free oil leases because of language somehow dropped from the rules...
Clowntoon was not all the left wing and liberal in spite of what the righties say.
And don't anyone get their panties in a wad thinking I worshipped the guy. All I have said on his behalf is that he did not get us into a stupid war and times were good for most during his rule.
Propbably not a conspiracy , but proves the dumbest ones vote for/support bush ;)
they only care about gas prices not what really matters ;)
Propbably not a conspiracy , but proves the dumbest ones vote for/support bush ;)
they only care about gas prices not what really matters ;)

This is so easy I feel a little dumb even pointing this out. If anyone was paying attention while gas prices were exploding in the most recent period, the rise was to a great extent tied to Bush's bluff and bluster about an impending attack on Iran. If you have noticed and apparently few have, the President has not been claiming nearly every day recently that the Iranians have so many days until they have to give an answer or that all the "options remain on the table" etc.

When was the last time Condi Rice made the Sunday talk shows talking about how Iran better shape up or face the consequences. In fact, the President didn't even make a big deal about Iran when he went before the United Nations and he has apparently decided to let diplomacy take its course even though Iran apparently didn't do anything to meet and in fact ignored the deadline set by the administration for compliance with the last United Nations resolution. So in light of that lack of administration sabre rattling and war mongering is it any wonder that oil prices have fallen slightly and the price of gasoline at the pump has begun to fall as well. I don't think so. Are the two phenomenon connected of course. When the price was going up what was one of the reasons given most often--uncertainty in the marketplace. What did that mean exactly--disruption of supply, meaning again that Bush might bomb Iran. Since Bush backed off his virulent anti-Iran rhetoric, prices have come down. So does Bush control the world oil market; indirectly he can have a major impact on it. After the election when he again starts his sabre rattling and begins preparing for war with Iran, prices will shoot through the roof. Watch and see.

This is so predicable a monkey could figure it out.
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Whatever the cause Prakosh, the Dumb ones are falling for it and ignoring the more important issues.

It's too bad they can't see that it is only temporary, a lull defore the election. How many times will he be able to get them to fall for this crap???.
It's too bad they can't see that it is only temporary, a lull defore the election. How many times will he be able to get them to fall for this crap???.
I don't really know Prakosh, Perhaps forever. A sad situation that Bush/rover is taking advantage of. I have long viewed this election as a test of the nations collective intelligence.