Bam! The Danold Called It. Ratings tied to gas prices.

I don't believe it is tied to it enough...

If gas prices continue downward and bush moves downward at all from where he is at now, it disproves this theory, no?
Odd. The theory that lower gas prices are causing generic congressional poll numbers to shift towards republicans, isn't panning out very well: Generic Congressional Ballot

-Fox News Sept 27: Dems 49% GOP 38%

-Hotline: Sept. 26: Dems 43% GOP 33%

-CNN Sept. 24: Dems 55% GOP 42%

-NY Times: Sept. 19: Dems 50% GOP 35%
I heard on the news that cons were mad they weren't getting more credit for gas price going down. Maybe people don't want retarded blowhards anymore.
I heard on the news that cons were mad they weren't getting more credit for gas price going down. Maybe people don't want retarded blowhards anymore.

Americans for decades have expected cheap gas. "We're spoiled.

Gas prices can only hurt a president. Rarely can they help him in any significant way.
I totally agree and I think the current drop in price is bad for the addiction and the development of environmentally friendly alternatives.
It takes a couple weeks for the real benefit to soak into the wallet. When people realize they have more money, how they feel about things change. To say, "There is no benefit..." is a bit premature IMO.
It takes a couple weeks for the real benefit to soak into the wallet. When people realize they have more money, how they feel about things change. To say, "There is no benefit..." is a bit premature IMO.

Cheap gas never "helped" an american president. Americans just expect cheap gas. They think they have a right to it.

Gas prices have only hurt presidents: Ford and Carter in the 1970s. And Bush junior.

President's never get any significant credit for cheap gas. Reagan and Clinton never did.
LOL. Much of their popularity goes to what was inside the wallet. With Reagan it was very much better than what was there with Carter, with Clinton the same. Pretending that more money in wallet doesn't equal higher approval ratings is just pretending to make yourself feel better. If the prices stay down long enough and people actually realize a difference it will help. Of course, the question is did it happen early enough.

This is one of those, "What have you done for me lately?" things...
Odd. The theory that lower gas prices are causing generic congressional poll numbers to shift towards republicans, isn't panning out very well: Generic Congressional Ballot

-Fox News Sept 27: Dems 49% GOP 38%

-Hotline: Sept. 26: Dems 43% GOP 33%

-CNN Sept. 24: Dems 55% GOP 42%

-NY Times: Sept. 19: Dems 50% GOP 35%

This morning on FOXSPEWS they had a poll, it was an approval poll from somewhere I didn't stick around to get much more than the visual, I can't stand their whiney-voiced blond commentators, anyway it was in interesting poll.

Bush's approval from two weeks ago had gone from 40% to 42%

But his disapproval had gone from 49% to 54%

This had the FoxSpews people flummoxed. I laughed and moved on!
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Dano's assertion two weeks ago, based on a couple of polls that are now obviously outliers, was that gas prices would bring the GOP into contention in the generic polls.

I don't think so. Maybe a little. But, not in a statistically significant way.
Dano's assertion two weeks ago, based on a couple of polls that are now obviously outliers, was that gas prices would bring the GOP into contention in the generic polls.

I don't think so. Maybe a little. But, not in a statistically significant way.
I honestly don't think that there is enough time for people to realize the actual difference before elections. So, I'd say that whatever comes will be the actual reality of how people think.
I hope I've made myself clear.

An overall precipitious drop in gas prices doesn't "help" a president at the same magnitude of effect that a precipitous rise can 'hurt" him.

Of course, at the margins, there could be some nominal short term benefit to a president with lower energy prices. But, people expect affordable energy. The "benefit" to a president on lower energy prices is transient and short term.
Dano's assertion two weeks ago, based on a couple of polls that are now obviously outliers, was that gas prices would bring the GOP into contention in the generic polls.

I don't think so. Maybe a little. But, not in a statistically significant way.

Who knows, I think they are too disgusted with the GOP by now to have anything make much difference over 50% of the population thinks they are manipulating gas prioces just before the election. I don't think most people who feel that way can articulate exactly how that would happen but I don't care as long as they keep on believing it. Although when Amy Goodman asked Patrick Leahy what would change if the Democrats were in Congress this morning all he could really offer her was a long harange about questions, the Democrats would ask questions. I would have listened and said, Yeah, but will they demand answers...

Any didn't say anything when he got done and then he said he had to go to the Senate and got out of there. Check it out