Bam! The Danold Called It. Ratings tied to gas prices.

hmmm guess its not coincidental that fords coming out with a hydrogen car... dano think deeper... LOL. its not all necessairly wind or sun or moon... lol maybe ill go to the beach and ride the waves!!! LOL
It's a niche market you moron, do you see hybrids flying out of dealerships?
Yes they sell, and companies are always eager to get into any market, that does not mean they are going to sell better than regular gas engine cars or even close.

And LOL, I would hardly think Ford is great example of strategic growth direction for a company.
Dano .. once again you refuse to look at energy as nothing more than a Corporate widget. What more can fly into your face than what has been going on the last 5 years to prove to you that this is not so. Energy and Oil has more to do with our involvement in the middle east than anything else.. and that include terrorism... because terroism is rooted in our quest for Middle East presence... becuase of the oil and what it represents to our National Security.
All that being said.. how is not logical for our Government to get more involved in the financing alternative nergy research and development? It is a matter of National Security to do so...

And to others who seperate the Economy and Gas Prices ... what planet are you living on? Gas Prices have major impact on our economy... energy prices have a direct effect on every single facet of the economy.... the two are nearly synomonous.
It's a niche market you moron, do you see hybrids flying out of dealerships?
Yes they sell, and companies are always eager to get into any market, that does not mean they are going to sell better than regular gas engine cars or even close.

And LOL, I would hardly think Ford is great example of strategic growth direction for a company.

im not a moron you moron!!! :)..

though i do have to give you that ford does suck.
actually though i do see a lot of hybrids out there... and are you fer real... republicans damage the enviornment more so than anyone else...
drilling anywhere for oil.. bush's blue skys intiative was nothing more than a giveaway to big oil, lessening restrictions on automakers emmissions.. .bush has been the least friendly to environment of any president in recent times and refuses to believe in global warming...
Dano .. once again you refuse to look at energy as nothing more than a Corporate widget.
No klaatu, I look at energy like I look at any good or service with nothing more than supply and demand.
The fact is that governments which have tried to supplement wind/solar power generation are paying wayyyyyy more than conventional electricity generation.
As an example, looking north in Ontario Canada, the provincial government decided to fund solar-wind generation to the tune of 42 cents a kilowatt hour.
That is nearly 8 to 9 times what it would cost to produce with conventional means like hydro/nuclear/oil.
Understand? We are not talking about some 10 or 20% more in cost, we are talking a 900% increase in cost.
Imagine if your electric bill went up 9 times, would you really think it worth it in terms of tradeoff? 9 times?
The problem with a lot of the left on here is that they FEEL that these are better alternatives because of their simplicity in no pollution and their impact on importing oil. Be realistic and don't include yourself in that group, the gulf is wayyy to vast between the 2 in affordability.

What more can fly into your face than what has been going on the last 5 years to prove to you that this is not so. Energy and Oil has more to do with our involvement in the middle east than anything else.. and that include terrorism... because terroism is rooted in our quest for Middle East presence... becuase of the oil and what it represents to our National Security.
All that being said.. how is not logical for our Government to get more involved in the financing alternative nergy research and development? It is a matter of National Security to do so...
Let's be clear, they are not "getting involved" (which sounds sugary). We are talking about giving corp welfare to alternative energy companies. I am against all corporate welfare.

As for oil, China seems to have no trouble getting oil from the mideast despite having zero presence there. I would argue our presence there has impeded supply, not facilitated it.

And to others who seperate the Economy and Gas Prices ... what planet are you living on? Gas Prices have major impact on our economy... energy prices have a direct effect on every single facet of the economy.... the two are nearly synomonous.
actually though i do see a lot of hybrids out there... and are you fer real... republicans damage the enviornment more so than anyone else...
drilling anywhere for oil.. bush's blue skys intiative was nothing more than a giveaway to big oil, lessening restrictions on automakers emmissions.. .bush has been the least friendly to environment of any president in recent times and refuses to believe in global warming...
ANWR oil drilling section represented a pathetic 8% of the entire ANWR refuge

in a state that is more than double the size of Texas. It is puny in it's impact to the environment and even in that area, caribou have been found to enjoy the warmth of pipelines helping them survive better and forage for food easier.
I noticed revealing that Pollkatz is a Liberal really shut Maineman's fat mouth. Sail away, come sail away, come sail away from me...
ANWR oil drilling section represented a pathetic 8% of the entire ANWR refuge

in a state that is more than double the size of Texas. It is puny in it's impact to the environment and even in that area, caribou have been found to enjoy the warmth of pipelines helping them survive better and forage for food easier.

tell the 8% of pathetic wildlife that live there... this is actual land that hasn't ever been touched by man... its pure wildlife...
Are you insane? Do you even know who Pollkatz is? He has put out graphs that severely damage Republicans and his bias on comments show he is likely a Liberal.
The gas price comparison does not mean he is defending Bush, just that he is stating the obvious.

You really, really should take the time to learn about sources before making yourself look so stupid.

The reason I chose him among many sources is because I try and use left-wing sources SPECIFICALLY so you cannot cry about the source and dismiss the argument.

You are beaten and badly.

the "source" I was referring to was YOU, not pollkatz. My point was and is that stating that people vote for one reason and that reason is gas prices is infantile. THAT argument is ridiculous... and the source of that argument is YOU... and THAT source is as laughable today as it was the first time I read one of your "everything bad in the world is the fault of liberalism" flatulent rants.

And I was going over performance measurement benchmarks with the VP...sorry I couldn't respond fucking pussy
tell the 8% of pathetic wildlife that live there... this is actual land that hasn't ever been touched by man... its pure wildlife...
Oh fer Christ's sakes, it's damn near barren, it's just tundra that few animals even pass through:

and as you can see bears have no trouble walking on the pipes, hell they even prefer it because the pipes are warm:

This is ridiculous, if we can put up wind farms in populous Cali with tons of birds that get chopped up by giant wind turbines (and environmentalists are ok with that), then we can put some drilling and pipes in Alaska where animals actually benefit from them.
Oh fer Christ's sakes, it's damn near barren, it's just tundra that few animals even pass through:

and as you can see bears have no trouble walking on the pipes, hell they even prefer it because the pipes are warm:

This is ridiculous, if we can put up wind farms in populous Cali with tons of birds that get chopped up by giant wind turbines (and environmentalists are ok with that), then we can put some drilling and pipes in Alaska where animals actually benefit from them.

dano are you for real?? the pipes are warm?? LOL bears live in colder weather... hell are you proposing we relocate em to palm beach?? LOL.
It's a niche market you moron, do you see hybrids flying out of dealerships?
Yes they sell, and companies are always eager to get into any market, that does not mean they are going to sell better than regular gas engine cars or even close.

And LOL, I would hardly think Ford is great example of strategic growth direction for a company.

Of course the lower gas prices is going to slow down the move to alternate fuel sources. Ie dropping gas prices is a move to help the oil companies buying from them till they can get control of the alt energy sources. A business move.
Of course the lower gas prices is going to slow down the move to alternate fuel sources. Ie dropping gas prices is a move to help the oil companies buying from them till they can get control of the alt energy sources. A business move.

I brought this point up in another thread. The recent Gulf Coast reserve find made me think the very same thing. Although I am for drilling whereever... we (the people) need to keep the pressure on our politicos to increase the development of altrnative forms of energy.
Let's be clear, they are not "getting involved" (which sounds sugary). We are talking about giving corp welfare to alternative energy companies. I am against all corporate welfare.

The use of Tax Dollars for R&D and to spur on new technologies is not Welfare. There are many ways this can be accomplished.. Through Tax Incentives and such. We did this in the 80's with the High Tech Industry..look how that flowered in the 90's.., we can do it again with the Alternative and renewable Energy Industry.
We also need to look at incenetives for the Farmer of the 2000's.... the one's that will be growing and harvesting the major crops of tomorrow.. the crops that will be yielding Green Gas.

Investing in our future for are own well being is not is a United Investment Stratagy for the future. Once again, energy and what it means to our total well being and National Security is not just a another widget.
Oh fer Christ's sakes, it's damn near barren, it's just tundra that few animals even pass through:

and as you can see bears have no trouble walking on the pipes, hell they even prefer it because the pipes are warm:

This is ridiculous, if we can put up wind farms in populous Cali with tons of birds that get chopped up by giant wind turbines (and environmentalists are ok with that), then we can put some drilling and pipes in Alaska where animals actually benefit from them.

Then there are the sand hugging republicans who don't want oil rigs off their coast ;)
Are you insane? Do you even know who Pollkatz is? He has put out graphs that severely damage Republicans and his bias on comments show he is likely a Liberal.
The gas price comparison does not mean he is defending Bush, just that he is stating the obvious.

You really, really should take the time to learn about sources before making yourself look so stupid.

The reason I chose him among many sources is because I try and use left-wing sources SPECIFICALLY so you cannot cry about the source and dismiss the argument.

You are beaten and badly.

I noticed that you have failed to comment on the fact that my statement that you misconstrued was not saying ANYTHING about pollkatz, but about YOU and your infantile notion that people decide who to vote for based solely upon the price of gasoline. Considering your long and well established track record or simply abandoning threads where you are getting you ass handed to you, I am not at all surprised.
The use of Tax Dollars for R&D and to spur on new technologies is not Welfare. There are many ways this can be accomplished.. Through Tax Incentives and such. We did this in the 80's with the High Tech Industry..look how that flowered in the 90's.., we can do it again with the Alternative and renewable Energy Industry.
We also need to look at incenetives for the Farmer of the 2000's.... the one's that will be growing and harvesting the major crops of tomorrow.. the crops that will be yielding Green Gas.

Investing in our future for are own well being is not is a United Investment Stratagy for the future. Once again, energy and what it means to our total well being and National Security is not just a another widget.
Klaatu, innovation comes from capitalism where individuals strive to make money off inventions.
The USSR funded plenty of research and produced a grand total of zero inventions for mankind, they even took years to deliver established modern inventions like stoves and dishwashers to customers.
America which has the least amount of government involvement in research and funding per capita (out of developed countries) has the MOST amount of inventions right?
Just cut government, cut taxes, let private industry take over and get the state out of the way.

Also, national security is not tied to oil, it is not for China and if we would leave the mideast and stop helping Israel it wouldn't be for us either.

Farmers could grow plenty of fuel for ethanol, the reason they don't (or at least don't more) is because oil is cheaper, there really isn't anything to "look at".

Lastly what are you talking about with high tech investment in the 80's? Government had next to no involvement in high tech and that's the reason it's done so well. Government is far more involved in healthcare and higher education, the 2 areas where we've seen the fastest increase in cost and the largest increase in problems.
Government is a bureaucracy, it pretty much sucks at addressing any problem because it doesn't think about solving problems but rather just trying to find ways of sucking up more resources for problems.
Look at education, we have given the left complete control there and all they can do is keep asking for more and more and more money without any better results.
Their record is terrible.