Bama is going all the way

I wasn't talking up my team. Hell I didn't even mention them. I just stated some facts. That historicaly the Big 10 and the Big 12 have been the best conferences in NCAA Div IA football with the SEC being #3 and that the best football team in the South, Texas, doesn't even play in the SEC and Texas does play outside of it's own back yard and doesn't run away from playing tough away games against top non-conf teams or against northern opponents who play outside in the cold and rain. Which is why they are the best team in the south. (though that brings up a question, would Oklahoma be considered a midwest, southern or western team?)

I guess you can't handle that Bama isn't in the 800 club like other top programs like Michigan, OSU, Noter Dame, Nebraska and Texas. Oh that's right, they would have been if they hadn't of been caught cheating. That's one thing nice about Ohio State. They don't have to cheat to win. :pke:

800 Club? WTF is that? Alls I know is, Alabama has won 12 national championships and 22 SEC championships, has been in (and won) more post-season bowl games than any NCAA team, and has a winning record against OSU and most every team in the NCAA.

Oh... and on the cheating comment...

Institution: The Ohio State University Date: March 10, 2006

Violation Sumary: Violations of NCAA legislation in the men's basketball program involving recruiting, extra benefits, academic fraud, unethical conduct and failure to monitor.

Penalty Summary: Additional penalties imposed by the committee were as follows: public reprimand and censure; three years of probation; expense paid visits in men's basketball reduced one from the average over the last four years; reimbursement to the Association an amount equal to 90 percent of revenue resulting from the Big Ten Conference distribution for the 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002 championships; vacation of team and individual records (to include the former head coach) for the 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002 tournaments; show cause imposed on the former head coach for a period of two years (currently under appeal); recruiting ban and show cause imposed on the former assistant coach until October 1, 2007; annual compliance reporting required.

But I guess you are claiming OSU just cheats at basketball, huh? Well that's a good thing, I would hate to think OSU sucks as bad as they do, WHILE cheating! Here's my take, ALL major programs "cheat" to some extent, but it isn't considered cheating until they are caught. It happens in every program, with every group of boosters, with every school administration, across the board. The NCAA compliance committee has become relegated to picking and choosing which program is going to be put on probation next, because they are all violating some rules. It's okay to live in your ivory tower and pretend your school isn't cheating, I certainly did that for many years with Alabama, but it does tend to make it tough to swallow when you are faced with a five year probation and massive scholarship reductions. The fact that OSU hasn't been hit by NCAA sanctions in football, is something I wouldn't call their attention to, if you know what I mean.
1) State colleges are supposed to represent their states
2) Dixie's avitar

Yes, the UA represents the State of Alabama. And represents rather well, I would say. Not just in football, but in academics as well.

The fact that we receded from the Union almost 150 years ago doesn't have any bearing on that. We have contributed more than our share during every war since we came back into the Union.

There are things you can dislike about Alabama without having to go back that far. Wallace's stand on the steps of the Univ of Alabama. The fact that we are typically at the bottom in terms of dollars per capita spent on education. ect ect

But this thread is about Crimson Tide football. One of the most storied and glorious programs in NCAA history.

Try sticking with that.
Yes, the UA represents the State of Alabama. And represents rather well, I would say. Not just in football, but in academics as well.

The fact that we receded from the Union almost 150 years ago doesn't have any bearing on that. We have contributed more than our share during every war since we came back into the Union.

There are things you can dislike about Alabama without having to go back that far. Wallace's stand on the steps of the Univ of Alabama. The fact that we are typically at the bottom in terms of dollars per capita spent on education. ect ect

But this thread is about Crimson Tide football. One of the most storied and glorious programs in NCAA history.

Try sticking with that.

The fact remains that I probably wouldn't have said anything if Dixie hadn't popped up...
The fact remains that I probably wouldn't have said anything if Dixie hadn't popped up...

Well hell, Dixie pops up and spews stuff all over. Give Dixie hell about it. There are lots of good people down here, and the UA is a great place.