BANNED! For questioning the holocaust.

You can make no such promise. Once the Nazis had exterminated non-white races, they would have come for slavs, Mediterraneans, and most other ethnics. There is no guarantee that Anglo-Saxons, Celts, or Nordic peoples would have been given a good deal. Their languages and cultures would have been abolished. Also, you said yourself that England had a new king that the Krauts did not have good relations with.

If the Holocaust never happened, where did all of the corpses come from, fraulein?

If you want to discuss this topic, go to the right thread. It is called "Spam alert! The Holocaust Lie."
Your accusation aside, did you ever read it? If you had, you would understand why I am suggesting people to read it too. Also, this cool zone person. Would you happen to remember what it was that got him banned? I wouldn't want to make the same mistake. Maybe he was being too offensive. Maybe he talked about something many jews do in an offensive manner. Such as "sucking baby cock." Instead of "fellating babies." Though they both mean the exact same thing.

You posted this same thread almost word for word a year ago.!&highlight=cultsmasher

I read it then after you wrote "As for my asking you something, I will ask you this. If you are really interested in the truth. Enter into your google browser "The Truth: Unforbidden!" It will bring up various places to this free ebook."
You can make no such promise. Once the Nazis had exterminated non-white races, they would have come for slavs, Mediterraneans, and most other ethnics. There is no guarantee that Anglo-Saxons, Celts, or Nordic peoples would have been given a good deal. Their languages and cultures would have been abolished. Also, you said yourself that England had a new king that the Krauts did not have good relations with.

If the Holocaust never happened, where did all of the corpses come from, fraulein?

Where are the corpses? Where are the ashes?

About a year ago, I watched a two hour documentary about Auschwitz. A team of forensic experts went to examine the camp and surrounding countryside. They were unable to discover any gas chambers or crematoriums. At the end of the show, the experts concluded that the Germans were good at hiding things.

Then there is the fact that Auschwitz site administrators and historians have reduced the "death toll" from four million to 1.5 million.
Where are the corpses? Where are the ashes?

About a year ago, I watched a two hour documentary about Auschwitz. A team of forensic experts went to examine the camp and surrounding countryside. They were unable to discover any gas chambers or crematoriums. At the end of the show, the experts concluded that the Germans were good at hiding things.

Then there is the fact that Auschwitz site administrators and historians have reduced the "death toll" from four million to 1.5 million.
You posted this same thread almost word for word a year ago.!&highlight=cultsmasher

I read it then after you wrote "As for my asking you something, I will ask you this. If you are really interested in the truth. Enter into your google browser "The Truth: Unforbidden!" It will bring up various places to this free ebook."

Did you ever read it? From the kind of crap you have been spouting recently, apparently not.