BANNED! For questioning the holocaust.

PostmodernProphet apparently just put me on ignore. It amuses me how the sheeple stampede away from the truth.

You're uniting both sides of the aisle here against you. How's that for truth troll boy? You can't play every troll subject and expect to be taken seriously. You aren't debating things you're just throwing stuff out there to try and bug people.
I was recently banned from political hotwire for questioning the holocaust. What a joke! I wonder how many people around here would agree that anybody who would question the holocaust deserves to die a horrible death. Well just keep that in mind. Let's start out with the old testament. It justified the jews wiping out many innocent people just because they lived on land the jews say their god gave to them. If you agree with that, YOU are guilty of genocide! Or if you will, a holocaust.

Yep, God gave the Holy Land to the Jews, and not to the Muslims. So, the Muslims can fuck off.

If you like debating the Holocaust, here's a math problem you will appreciate: 1 + 1 ≠ 2
Why is the Holocaust the only historical event, the details of which, must never be questioned or even discussed?

People question LH Oswald's murder of JFK all of the time, and my reaction to that is STFU. That being said, I think people who buy conspiracies about JFK genuinely grieve the man and love America/have pure motives. People who question the Holocaust: 1) Know they are being dishonest 2) Hate Jewish people 3) Love the Nazi Party and wish German had supplanted the English language.
What I think is not important & will have to bearing on you.:dunno:

Truth is not a rule.. Anywhere..

Here you are required to follow the rules, not your interpretation of truth...

Tis your choice, & you know the outcomes of your choice~

That the truth isn't a rule anywhere just shows how fucked up the human race is. And suppressing the truth is the first step in oppressing and enslaving a population. I wonder how well you get paid to not mind being a slave. Does the scraps that the wealthy toss your way make you sleep better at night? Next, interpretation my ass. I lay the facts out before you. If you don't believe anything I said anywhere, just let me know. I can fix that quickly enough.
I was recently banned from political hotwire for questioning the holocaust.

I don't think they should ban free speech; but they should point at morons like you and laugh. Are you mentally retarded and believe there was no holocaust? Dumb. Just what we needed, another Jew hating moron in the forum.

You're uniting both sides of the aisle here against you. How's that for truth troll boy? You can't play every troll subject and expect to be taken seriously. You aren't debating things you're just throwing stuff out there to try and bug people.

Do you mean "both sides" as liberal and conservative? Or Republican and democrat? Well the reason I may annoy both sides is because they are just two sides of the same coin. Next, what I "throw out there" is the truth. Like it or not. If you don't think I have spoken the truth anywhere, you just let me know what that is. I can fix that quickly enough. Also, do you know what the opposite of a troll is? A fairy. As in homosexual. I don't know if I can use the "F" or "Q" word around here without getting banned. But you know what I mean. And that is what you are. Deal with it.
Yep, God gave the Holy Land to the Jews, and not to the Muslims. So, the Muslims can fuck off.

If you like debating the Holocaust, here's a math problem you will appreciate: 1 + 1 ≠ 2

Here is a verbal problem you will never be able to solve. Fuck jews, Fuck muslims, Fuck christians and Fuck you.
That the truth isn't a rule anywhere just shows how fucked up the human race is. And suppressing the truth is the first step in oppressing and enslaving a population. I wonder how well you get paid to not mind being a slave. Does the scraps that the wealthy toss your way make you sleep better at night? Next, interpretation my ass. I lay the facts out before you. If you don't believe anything I said anywhere, just let me know. I can fix that quickly enough.

You don't know me from shit, so you really shouldn't even attempt to go there, I am trying to give you some good advice, you take it or not is up to you, I done my part.

Why is the Holocaust the only historical event, the details of which, must never be questioned or even discussed?

Why? Because the jews own your ass. The biggest reason they got away with enslaving you is because to most christians, a good way to prove the power of their imaginary god is to support the jewish people. It has been my experience that someplace you can never tell the truth about jews (for very long) is because all the forums are run by jews. Or their obedient lap dogs. It is as Lenin said. "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." If you would like some details about the holocaust, among other things, do a web search for "The Truth: Unforbidden!" It is one hundred pages long with many pictures that PROVE. And if you doubt any of it, feel free to look it up for yourself.
People question LH Oswald's murder of JFK all of the time, and my reaction to that is STFU. That being said, I think people who buy conspiracies about JFK genuinely grieve the man and love America/have pure motives. People who question the Holocaust: 1) Know they are being dishonest 2) Hate Jewish people 3) Love the Nazi Party and wish German had supplanted the English language.

It is always interesting to hear what the delusional "think." First, Oswald killed Kennedy. At first I had my doubts. But reenactments they did with live ammo change my mind. Though there may have been people behind him who put him up to it. As for the holocaust, point out one thing I said about it that you think was being dishonest. I can change that quickly enough. Next, I hate most jewish people. But mostly the ones who spread the lies about there having been a holocaust. Though I have other reasons. I will show you a picture of one. And don't give me any shit about there being no proof that it was said. Because the talmud itself says the same sort of shit. And even worse.

Begin scum.jpg

It might also interest you to know that some jews have sacrificed babies. Jews practicing human sacrifice was one of the reasons that king Ferdinand kicked their asses out of Spain. And if human sacrifice happened back then, you can bet your ass that it is still going on today. Because doing so is allowed by their religion. It might also interest you to know that some jews suck baby cock. I could even show you pictures of it happening. I even saw a disgusting youtube video of it being done.

As for loving Nazis, I love them a hell of a lot more than I love ZOG. Though that is not at all. It may be the case that by the time Hitler came to power, Germans still literally needed a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread with. Unemployment was also rampant in Germany. Hitler fixed all that. He took the economic disaster in Germany and turned it into the economic envy of the world! On top of that, if it wasn't for a member of the SS, the U.S. wouldn't have gotten to the moon when it did.

Lastly, it is well known that Hitler was an Anglophile. He was even on friendly terms with the English king who abdicated the throne to marry some American whore. If Germany had won the war, I can guarantee you that the English people would have continued to speak English.
I don't think they should ban free speech; but they should point at morons like you and laugh. Are you mentally retarded and believe there was no holocaust? Dumb. Just what we needed, another Jew hating moron in the forum.


I started a thread called "Spam alert! The Holocaust Lie." Go there and tell me of your delusions about the "reality" of the holocaust.
You don't know me from shit, so you really shouldn't even attempt to go there, I am trying to give you some good advice, you take it or not is up to you, I done my part.


Like it or not, the things you say tell me everything I need to know about you.
It is always interesting to hear what the delusional "think." First, Oswald killed Kennedy. At first I had my doubts. But reenactments they did with live ammo change my mind. Though there may have been people behind him who put him up to it. As for the holocaust, point out one thing I said about it that you think was being dishonest. I can change that quickly enough. Next, I hate most jewish people. But mostly the ones who spread the lies about there having been a holocaust. Though I have other reasons. I will show you a picture of one. And don't give me any shit about there being no proof that it was said. Because the talmud itself says the same sort of shit. And even worse.

View attachment 11522

It might also interest you to know that some jews have sacrificed babies. Jews practicing human sacrifice was one of the reasons that king Ferdinand kicked their asses out of Spain. And if human sacrifice happened back then, you can bet your ass that it is still going on today. Because doing so is allowed by their religion. It might also interest you to know that some jews suck baby cock. I could even show you pictures of it happening. I even saw a disgusting youtube video of it being done.

As for loving Nazis, I love them a hell of a lot more than I love ZOG. Though that is not at all. It may be the case that by the time Hitler came to power, Germans still literally needed a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread with. Unemployment was also rampant in Germany. Hitler fixed all that. He took the economic disaster in Germany and turned it into the economic envy of the world! On top of that, if it wasn't for a member of the SS, the U.S. wouldn't have gotten to the moon when it did.

Lastly, it is well known that Hitler was an Anglophile. He was even on friendly terms with the English king who abdicated the throne to marry some American whore. If Germany had won the war, I can guarantee you that the English people would have continued to speak English.

You can make no such promise. Once the Nazis had exterminated non-white races, they would have come for slavs, Mediterraneans, and most other ethnics. There is no guarantee that Anglo-Saxons, Celts, or Nordic peoples would have been given a good deal. Their languages and cultures would have been abolished. Also, you said yourself that England had a new king that the Krauts did not have good relations with.

If the Holocaust never happened, where did all of the corpses come from, fraulein?
Like it or not, the things you say tell me everything I need to know about you.

lol, as do the things you say.... I have seen it hundreds of times over the years..

I fulfilled my role, not you will yours, I will be here posting & you will soon be forgotten, working on being banned some place else..

Like a restless demon wandering to & fro on the internet......
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Why? Because the jews own your ass. The biggest reason they got away with enslaving you is because to most christians, a good way to prove the power of their imaginary god is to support the jewish people. It has been my experience that someplace you can never tell the truth about jews (for very long) is because all the forums are run by jews. Or their obedient lap dogs. It is as Lenin said. "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." If you would like some details about the holocaust, among other things, do a web search for "The Truth: Unforbidden!" It is one hundred pages long with many pictures that PROVE. And if you doubt any of it, feel free to look it up for yourself.

Your post should be directed to others. I believe that all historical events should be subject to examination.

I don't know how long you have been here, but some participants will argue all day long about the Civil War, but consider a significant aspect of WWII a taboo subject.

Israel and Jews own politicians of both parties. They do not own my ass. Settle down.