BANNED! For questioning the holocaust.

Your accusation aside, did you ever read it? If you had, you would understand why I am suggesting people to read it too. Also, this cool zone person. Would you happen to remember what it was that got him banned? I wouldn't want to make the same mistake. Maybe he was being too offensive. Maybe he talked about something many jews do in an offensive manner. Such as "sucking baby cock." Instead of "fellating babies." Though they both mean the exact same thing.

There's a 12b Rule here that forbids discussing sex by those under 18, or anything that can be construed to something like that.
if you actually believed that, you should have more self respect and not participate on such a hateful site.

we support free speech. the same as our founding fathers, and we don't submit to sjw, beta male, soy boy censoring politics from creepy internet losers that stalk women.

Though you weren't talking to me, while you're here, I have a question for you. A lot of holocaust promoting fools around here have been giving me shit. Can I shut them up without being banned for some reason?
I've come to a stopping point. Have cut the Soffit to size, had to cut down the Fascia to fit, and I got a good idea of what I/we will be doing tomorrow.
So, your book suggestion ... if you deny the Holocaust, your Book Selection is probably just as fictitious as well. It's a pretty well documented fact that 'Enemies of the State' were liquidated.

I support 'Brotherhood of Man', you know, like the 'Fraternity' thing at the Paris Commune. I don't support 'Divisiveness & Hate'. You may find more interest with the PC Fascists and Trumtards here, they both LOVE being divisive and Hateful.

If you don't want to know the truth, don't make excuses. Just avoid reading any more of my threads.
Though you weren't talking to me, while you're here, I have a question for you. A lot of holocaust promoting fools around here have been giving me shit. Can I shut them up without being banned for some reason?

Yes. You can put them on 'Ignore'.
If you don't want to know the truth, don't make excuses. Just avoid reading any more of my threads.

Hey, I just got here and am 'cooling off' from roofing work in a hot and humid climate. Give me a little time. I'll be leaving soon enough.
There's a 12b Rule here that forbids discussing sex by those under 18, or anything that can be construed to something like that.

Then I guess many passages from the talmud would be banned. Also, if you don't allow people to speak against sucking baby cock, that must mean that you support sucking baby cock. Why would anybody have a rule against speaking about something they support.
Then I guess many passages from the talmud would be banned. Also, if you don't allow people to speak against sucking baby cock, that must mean that you support sucking baby cock. Why would anybody have a rule against speaking about something they support.

You'll have to ask the Moderators. It's their Site.
Though you weren't talking to me, while you're here, I have a question for you. A lot of holocaust promoting fools around here have been giving me shit. Can I shut them up without being banned for some reason?

It's your job to read the rules.
Though you weren't talking to me, while you're here, I have a question for you. A lot of holocaust promoting fools around here have been giving me shit. Can I shut them up without being banned for some reason?

first, I just want to reiterate that I think you are a retard. However, you still have pretty much carte blanche to say what you feel on our site.

I would go to our rule section and review rules #1 and rule 12b, as we are very strict on those. beyond the content of those specific rules, you pretty much have free reign to say whatever you want.
That would be running away. That isn't my thing.

This was your question: "Though you weren't talking to me, while you're here, I have a question for you. A lot of holocaust promoting fools around here have been giving me shit. Can I shut them up without being banned for some reason?'
I gave you an answer: "You can put them on 'Ignore'."
It's your job to read the rules.

I already know what the rules are. They are the same as any other forum. Boiled down, they say "We can do whatever we want." Believe me, I know. For example, at some other forum I told some poster that there are people out there who would say that they are a vile piece of shit. (Or words to that effect) I also told them that I wasn't saying that. But absolutely without a doubt there are people out in the world that would say that of them because of what they said. In that, I was being beyond truthful. But I still got a lot of shit from the mods over there for saying it. Despite the wording that you have to go by to make the English language logical, they were convinced that I was in fact saying that about them. Which is totally untrue as far as how I worded what I said goes. But that didn't matter to them. Why? Because they can do whatever they want according to their rules.
first, I just want to reiterate that I think you are a retard. However, you still have pretty much carte blanche to say what you feel on our site.

I would go to our rule section and review rules #1 and rule 12b, as we are very strict on those. beyond the content of those specific rules, you pretty much have free reign to say whatever you want.

I can change your mind on any "retard" opinion of me. Next, if in speaking the truth I break any rules, then so be it. Because as far as I'm concerned I AM the rules.
I recall another Holocaust-denying, anti-Semite, Nazi-sympathizing troll on the old Amazon board. Of course there could be dozens of those cretins around. Maybe some of our Daily Stormer fans know this kook?
Troll? Why not "spammer," "sock," "race baiter," etc. At one time or another I have had them all used on me. There are many terms somebody who is a brainwashed member of some sort of cult has used on me to keep from hearing the truth. But the truth is what I spoke. Only a devil's devil would be against the truth.
