BANNED! For questioning the holocaust.

"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Russian: Протоколы сионских мудрецов) or The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion is a fabricated antisemitic text purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination. The hoax, which was shown to be plagiarized from several earlier sources, some not antisemitic in nature,[1] was first published in Russia in 1903, translated into multiple languages, and disseminated internationally in the early part of the 20th century. According to the claims made by some of its publishers, the Protocols are the minutes of a late 19th-century meeting where Jewish leaders discussed their goal of global Jewish hegemony by subverting the morals of Gentiles, and by controlling the press and the world's economies."

Some hoax when it said what they planned to do, they did. Also, the vast majority of jews are so screwed up that you could plain make shit about them and it would still be true. Woild you like to know more truth on the matter? Google the title, "The Truth: Unforbidden!" It is a free book that it 100 pages long with many pictures. Read it. Then we can discuss it.
Some hoax when it said what they planned to do, they did. Also, the vast majority of jews are so screwed up that you could plain make shit about them and it would still be true. Woild you like to know more truth on the matter? Google the title, "The Truth: Unforbidden!" It is a free book that it 100 pages long with many pictures. Read it. Then we can discuss it.

I'm a little busy now. I'm working on this roof with my son and trying to beat the rain, plus, I have quite a few books ahead of your recommendation. It sounds like you have an Agenda.
The Nazis murdered vast numbers of people, many, many USSR Prisoners of war, Socialists, Communists, people with mental problems, Gypsies, Homosexuals and a great number of Jews. I think it would be quite a feat do disprove those murders, though detail on the numbers are inevitably very muddled by conditions at the end of the War. What on earth the facts have to do with other murders elsewhere I don't know. Banning opinions on it, and preventing their expression is another matter and is, I'd guess, wholly counter-productive.
@post 1

I find jpp to be the only Internet forum i have ever been on that rolls out the red carpet for neonazis and anti semites, and welcomes them with open arms.

So you may have found your new home.
Some hoax when it said what they planned to do, they did. Also, the vast majority of jews are so screwed up that you could plain make shit about them and it would still be true. Woild you like to know more truth on the matter? Google the title, "The Truth: Unforbidden!" It is a free book that it 100 pages long with many pictures. Read it. Then we can discuss it.

You've been here before and banned on here before. I recognize the book you're asking people to read.


Join DateApr 2018Posts273Thanks7Thanked 28 Times in 25 PostsGroans3Groaned 15 Times in 14 Posts

Does Anybody Like The Truth Unforbidden?[/h]
If so, click on this link. It will bring you to filehosting where you can download the file. It is a free book that is only about 100 pages long. In that regard, it shouldn't be too much for you. Here is the link.!.pdf
Nice to know that some forums do not tolerate the Bat-Shit-Crazy Holocaust Deniers and ban them for general principle!

Government will never be able to stamp out stupidity and hate in the world, but no one is legally bound by any known law on the books now, to have to let someone promote their hatred on their own private web space- or broadcast space.

Let freedom ring for those who stand up to hatred!
@post 1

I find jpp to be the only Internet forum i have ever been on that rolls out the red carpet for neonazis and anti semites, and welcomes them with open arms.

So you may have found your new home.

if you actually believed that, you should have more self respect and not participate on such a hateful site.

we support free speech. the same as our founding fathers, and we don't submit to sjw, beta male, soy boy censoring politics from creepy internet losers that stalk women.
You've been here before and banned on here before. I recognize the book you're asking people to read.


Join DateApr 2018Posts273Thanks7Thanked 28 Times in 25 PostsGroans3Groaned 15 Times in 14 Posts

Does Anybody Like The Truth Unforbidden?[/h]
If so, click on this link. It will bring you to filehosting where you can download the file. It is a free book that is only about 100 pages long. In that regard, it shouldn't be too much for you. Here is the link.!.pdf

Oh Lord. I was pretty sure this was another 'Mason' sock. (now I feel bad that I was wrong) :(
You've been here before and banned on here before. I recognize the book you're asking people to read.


Join DateApr 2018Posts273Thanks7Thanked 28 Times in 25 PostsGroans3Groaned 15 Times in 14 Posts

Does Anybody Like The Truth Unforbidden?[/h]
If so, click on this link. It will bring you to filehosting where you can download the file. It is a free book that is only about 100 pages long. In that regard, it shouldn't be too much for you. Here is the link.!.pdf


You've been here before and banned on here before. I recognize the book you're asking people to read.


Join DateApr 2018Posts273Thanks7Thanked 28 Times in 25 PostsGroans3Groaned 15 Times in 14 Posts

Does Anybody Like The Truth Unforbidden?[/h]
If so, click on this link. It will bring you to filehosting where you can download the file. It is a free book that is only about 100 pages long. In that regard, it shouldn't be too much for you. Here is the link.!.pdf

I'd report him since we don't need these kind of trolls.
if you actually believed that, you should have more self respect and not participate on such a hateful site.

we support free speech. the same as our founding fathers, and we don't submit to sjw, beta male, soy boy censoring politics from creepy internet losers that stalk women.

What do you think most of these internet trolls are?