BANNED! For questioning the holocaust.

I was thinking it's obvious this newbie is a troll since it's like the 5th one in the last few weeks. Way to validate suspicions. The last one was trying to glorify rape. Maybe try to blend into the site before you drop the troll bombs. To go with those things from the start makes you look like a flaming troll.

Troll? Why not "spammer," "sock," "race baiter," etc. At one time or another I have had them all used on me. There are many terms somebody who is a brainwashed member of some sort of cult has used on me to keep from hearing the truth. But the truth is what I spoke. Only a devil's devil would be against the truth.
eat shit and die goyim

For a jew, instead of using insults, I have something to suggest to you that you may not have considered. Admit that you are wrong. Embrace the truth. Say that you are sorry and evolve into a slightly more advanced being.
I really hate it when I prove mods wrong. Because rather than admit it, they tend to ban you, So I won't ask you to tell me anything that I said or showed was wrong.
I'm a little busy now. I'm working on this roof with my son and trying to beat the rain, plus, I have quite a few books ahead of your recommendation. It sounds like you have an Agenda.

Are you sure you're not being a coward? I already said that the book was only 100 pages long with many pictures. What do I mean by "many pictures?" It means that there isn't that much text to read. How long could it take you. An hour? If you are worried about time, stop pissing around here for a little while and read the damned thing. You will learn something. Many things. Things that you will hear no place else. It is the most important book you could ever read. So whatever books you may be thinking about reading, put them aside for now. Unless of course, you enjoy a comfortable stupidity. In that case, don't read it. Forget that I even mentioned it.
I see that what I said in my thread went right in one ear and went out the other. I'm not surprised. We do live in an "idiocracy" type of world. Also, it is as Upton Sinclair once said. "It is hard to get somebody to understand the truth. Especially when their salary depends on them not understanding it." The kinds of absolute truths I could tell you could lead to the existence you are comfortable with to change. In effect, your "salary." It could also cause you to have something you or your children at least don't have. A future.

Oh, I could disprove your piss ass "holocaust." But that would likely just get me banned. Is that what you want? Also, did you ever see my introduction thread? I was being flippant in it. If I wanted to make some real enemies around here, I could have said who I really am. The type of person no forum wants to have around. Probably the smartest person who has ever been here. So I don't have to resort to telling anybody around here any lies.
If I thought anybody besides the person I was replying to needed to know anything, I would have. As for your insults, I have played that game before. Somebody insults me, then I insult them back. The next thing is that I get banned. If you don't like what I have to say, or how I say it, go haunt somebody elses thread.
@post 1

I find jpp to be the only Internet forum i have ever been on that rolls out the red carpet for neonazis and anti semites, and welcomes them with open arms.

So you may have found your new home.

I am not an actual Nazi. It is just that the fact shows that in WW II, the Germans weren't the bad guys. We were.
Are you sure you're not being a coward? I already said that the book was only 100 pages long with many pictures. What do I mean by "many pictures?" It means that there isn't that much text to read. How long could it take you. An hour? If you are worried about time, stop pissing around here for a little while and read the damned thing. You will learn something. Many things. Things that you will hear no place else. It is the most important book you could ever read. So whatever books you may be thinking about reading, put them aside for now. Unless of course, you enjoy a comfortable stupidity. In that case, don't read it. Forget that I even mentioned it.

I've come to a stopping point. Have cut the Soffit to size, had to cut down the Fascia to fit, and I got a good idea of what I/we will be doing tomorrow.
So, your book suggestion ... if you deny the Holocaust, your Book Selection is probably just as fictitious as well. It's a pretty well documented fact that 'Enemies of the State' were liquidated.

I support 'Brotherhood of Man', you know, like the 'Fraternity' thing at the Paris Commune. I don't support 'Divisiveness & Hate'. You may find more interest with the PC Fascists and Trumtards here, they both LOVE being divisive and Hateful.
I see that what I said in my thread went right in one ear and went out the other. I'm not surprised. We do live in an "idiocracy" type of world. Also, it is as Upton Sinclair once said. "It is hard to get somebody to understand the truth. Especially when their salary depends on them not understanding it." The kinds of absolute truths I could tell you could lead to the existence you are comfortable with to change. In effect, your "salary." It could also cause you to have something you or your children at least don't have. A future.

Oh, I could disprove your piss ass "holocaust." But that would likely just get me banned. Is that what you want? Also, did you ever see my introduction thread? I was being flippant in it. If I wanted to make some real enemies around here, I could have said who I really am. The type of person no forum wants to have around. Probably the smartest person who has ever been here. So I don't have to resort to telling anybody around here any lies.

It would certainly be refreshing to get some 'smart person' around here.
You've been here before and banned on here before. I recognize the book you're asking people to read.


Join DateApr 2018Posts273Thanks7Thanked 28 Times in 25 PostsGroans3Groaned 15 Times in 14 Posts

Does Anybody Like The Truth Unforbidden?[/h]
If so, click on this link. It will bring you to filehosting where you can download the file. It is a free book that is only about 100 pages long. In that regard, it shouldn't be too much for you. Here is the link.!.pdf

Your accusation aside, did you ever read it? If you had, you would understand why I am suggesting people to read it too. Also, this cool zone person. Would you happen to remember what it was that got him banned? I wouldn't want to make the same mistake. Maybe he was being too offensive. Maybe he talked about something many jews do in an offensive manner. Such as "sucking baby cock." Instead of "fellating babies." Though they both mean the exact same thing.
Nice to know that some forums do not tolerate the Bat-Shit-Crazy Holocaust Deniers and ban them for general principle!

Government will never be able to stamp out stupidity and hate in the world, but no one is legally bound by any known law on the books now, to have to let someone promote their hatred on their own private web space- or broadcast space.

Let freedom ring for those who stand up to hatred!

You have it all wrong. What most other forums don't tolerate is having it PROVED it to them that they are the ones who are batshit crazy. And PROVE that people like you are as well.
Why not?? Nothing else to do in that one horse town.....:cool:

Invite the neighbors over, for the first annual JPP BBQ:cool:... Tell them to bring the kindles & tablets & fire up the grill & wi-fi & letter rip....

Sorry I'm anti-social,who the fuck wants to know the neighbors.
It would certainly be refreshing to get some 'smart person' around here.

Yep........ Seen it so many times.... They just know so much it is in um, & it just gotta come out.....

They are so smart, but not smart enough to run their game & not fuck & get tossed to the curb........

You would think real smart ppl could manage that.:dunno: