BANNED! For questioning the holocaust.

I recall another Holocaust-denying, anti-Semite, Nazi-sympathizing troll on the old Amazon board. Of course there could be dozens of those cretins around. Maybe some of our Daily Stormer fans know this kook?

I know how this story will play out. The same way it usually does. I start PROVING why you are wrong and you go crying to the moderators to ban me. And with me being a threat to society as they know it, they do man me. Until then, I will give you a red pill to take. And you aren't going to like reality as it actually is.

you can't handle the truth.jpg
I know how this story will play out. The same way it usually does. I start PROVING why you are wrong and you go crying to the moderators to ban me. And with me being a threat to society as they know it, they do man me. Until then, I will give you a red pill to take. And you aren't going to like reality as it actually is.

No one needs to report you, Herr General Heinie. As per your own words, you'll get yourself whacked with the Ban Hammer by and by. In the meantime, it's always good to have a new forum punching bag. Our resident racists are getting a bit threadbare.

Your victimhood thing also needs some work. Check back in the early morning for an introduction to our very own Mother Superior of the Holy Order of Perpetual Victimhood. She'll have you whipped into good form.
I already know what the rules are. They are the same as any other forum. Boiled down, they say "We can do whatever we want." Believe me, I know. For example, at some other forum I told some poster that there are people out there who would say that they are a vile piece of shit. (Or words to that effect) I also told them that I wasn't saying that. But absolutely without a doubt there are people out in the world that would say that of them because of what they said. In that, I was being beyond truthful. But I still got a lot of shit from the mods over there for saying it. Despite the wording that you have to go by to make the English language logical, they were convinced that I was in fact saying that about them. Which is totally untrue as far as how I worded what I said goes. But that didn't matter to them. Why? Because they can do whatever they want according to their rules.

I would guess this is one of the reasons you get banned everywhere-you ASSUME all the rules are the same & I can assure you they are not- you were even given a heads up on a couple of them-those are not suggestions.

You assume they do whatever they want, but then you don't read the rules to know that as a fact....:|

Ppl here have a pretty thick skin but keep in mind that if you dish it out, you most assuredly shall receive......

You have a nice day. :)
This was your question: "Though you weren't talking to me, while you're here, I have a question for you. A lot of holocaust promoting fools around here have been giving me shit. Can I shut them up without being banned for some reason?'
I gave you an answer: "You can put them on 'Ignore'."
Then I guess many passages from the talmud would be banned. Also, if you don't allow people to speak against sucking baby cock, that must mean that you support sucking baby cock. Why would anybody have a rule against speaking about something they support.

You may have just signed your demise, with this comment of yours. :palm:

I sent you a PM. But I can't be too sure if it was sent. If you received it, let me know. If not, please send me a PM. Maybe if I reply to you in it, it will take.
So you bitch about the rules :laugh: but plan to play by your own..:rofl2: OyE vAy!!!!

The truth is the only rule I follow. Only a worthless scumbag slave would obey any other sort of rule. Do you disagree with this? Do you think that lying is the way to go? Let me know what you think. Also, I remember a saying from the TV show Babylon 5 that had a very high degree of truthiness to it. It was, "If you can't say what you mean, you can't mean what you say." For a slave owner, this is just the sort of thing thay want from their slaves. To not be able to mean what they say.
I'm amused at how your thread announcing your glorious stupidness turned into a USF:loveu:Jack thing. That was rightfully ignored, till you returned to show us your attention-whore thong. So now it's your turn!

Can I get an Indifferent-to-the-troll icon over here please?


Thanks, mods! :laugh:
The truth is the only rule I follow. Only a worthless scumbag slave would obey any other sort of rule. Do you disagree with this? Do you think that lying is the way to go? Let me know what you think. Also, I remember a saying from the TV show Babylon 5 that had a very high degree of truthiness to it. It was, "If you can't say what you mean, you can't mean what you say." For a slave owner, this is just the sort of thing thay want from their slaves. To not be able to mean what they say.

What I think is not important & will have to bearing on you.:dunno:

Truth is not a rule.. Anywhere..

Here you are required to follow the rules, not your interpretation of truth...

Tis your choice, & you know the outcomes of your choice~