Raisin sacks don't qualify as balls
Still fantasizing about them I see. Again, how long has this been going on?
Raisin sacks don't qualify as balls
Comey's been pretending amusement now for months. We'll see how amused he is when his indictment hits him in his ass, huh? Hopefully the son-of-a-bitch gets bankrupted by the lawyer's fees before they lock his ass up, like the people Mueller persecuted and prosecuted. He should get a terrorist hit squad sent to arrest his criminal ass armed with automatic rifles and body armor and armored vehicles and Fox should get tipped off when it's gonna happen so they can have their turn to have camera crews on the scene like CNN had for Rodger Stone, huh??????
I love it when the truth makes y'all lefties light y'all's hair on fire and respond to truth and logic with juvenile insults!!!! You're such a hoot!!!!!
Not necessarily. I still have an ounce of hope left that somewhere in the swamp there are a few folks left with some integrity. We're about to find out if Barr is one of them. So far, so good.
You're confusing scared and amused.
So by the end of the month for sure then...right?
I hope there are no breakable objects in the room with you when none of that happens.
The Feds sent the same force to arrest Felicity Huffman that they sent to arrest Roger Stone. Your faux rage is humorous but remains completely baseless.
Your post was 100% Grade A bullshit. Barr was well aware of the OIC’s objections to his summary and lied to Congress about it. Those are the facts and they are not in dispute from any sober observer.
As for logic…I’m happy with my political positions.
You’re the one alleging that, to complain about media coverage and not the actions of the AG, Robert Mueller wrote a letter to the Attorney General of the United States and not those individual media outlets. The logic void in your post was one that will seldom be equalled.
So by the end of the year, we should be seeing Obama’s people under indictment then, right?
It could take a while. Be patient
Well instead of Democrats projecting such unfounded lies about a Barr lying to Congress why don’t they just bring Mueller in for a chat and see which narrative he says is true? At least you’d have some actual evidence instead of a CNN & MSNBC talking point dreamed up by House Democrats and Nancy Pelosi. Honest folk know what their scheme is, it’s to smear Barr and try to trash him before the public because he’s about to indict the Obama DOJ gang of traitors who attempted a coup-de-qua.
Nonsense.Of course you are, the CNN & MSNBC propaganda machine has brainwashed your political opinions and own your soul.
There’s no void! It’s sooooo easy to see that Mueller was surely bemoaning Barr’s 4 page exoneration of Trump but he knew it was correct and Mueller’s agendas was to try to convince Barr to deliver the Trump warts he, Mueller injected into the full report to stimulate his allied Democrat Congress swamp critters, which Barr did a few days later when he delivered the full report warts and all. Here’s some more facts for you darling,
FACT # 1, Both Mueller & Barr ignored traditional DOJ principles when they delivered the Trump warts in the Mueller dossier. It’s DOJ policy to NOT put into any public report any disparaging or embarrassing information about any person NOT having been indicted for a crime!
FACT # 2, Barr claims he ask Mueller if he wanted to read his 4 page summery of his report before he delivered it to the Congress, Mueller declined.
FACT # 3, Barr Says he ask Mueller if his, (Barr’s) 4 page report was accurate, and Mueller, said it was.
You see friend, there is no Barr lie to the Congress, it’s purely a neo-communist Democrat ploy to trash Barr who’s about to lock up some Obama traitors that attempted a coup-de-qua on a President of these United States.
Lawyer up lefties!!!!!!
If true justice is to be served, I'd expect at least indictments by that time. I would think there'd be cop-out pleas, dime dropping on each other and prosecutions underway before then or at least by then. I think Comey and his FBI top cop scum will be some of the first to feel the pain.
The “LEFT”side is never the “RIGHT” side!!!!!!!
Fox News reports that May 15 is the date for Mueller to Tesify:
Trump is begging him not to:
Not that it will do any good, hearings are fine. Mueller screwed up by not insisting Trump testify in person. Now if it comes out he was pressured to end his investigation...that is a different kettle of fish.
Barr said he wasn't aware of the OIC objecting to his summary.
When can we expect those indictments of Obama's folks? By the end of the month, right?
And when it doesn't materialize...what excuse will you make to justify the non prosecution next time?
Hello Robo,
That belief is why you find a way to disagree with anything the left says. And it guides you to make mistakes. Such as assuming I get my views from CNN or MSNBC. The fact is I rarely watch either. Try PBS and BBC. Those are my preference if I even choose to watch TV.
I am amused at the way you at once dispute that Trump has lied (you put it in quotes as if it is not true,) but then quickly resort to whataboutism instead of trying to defend Trump and Barr lying. Quickly attempting to change the subject is indicative that deep down you know they both lied. The whataboutism is a tacit admission of the lying. But then you go into a whole explanation of how Barr didn't really lie. Got your bases covered either way, dontcha.
Big picture: Covering your bases either way reveals your prejudice. And that is why your final comment is the only quote I chose to use. It is the one that really shows why you can't be objective. You simply have this basic view that the right is always correct and the left is always wrong.
Totally partisan. Not objective. It means you don't really care what the facts actually are.
All you care about is Republican power. You think that is more important than the very viability of the United States. Your view is Republican first, America second. Got it.
Consider the chances of the following actually happening: Nearly all the major news media is part of a huge cabal to present an unpopular view, and only one major outlet is really reliable. The odds of that actually being reality are not very high. Forget left or right. It is simply not logical that only one source is correct and all the others are incorrect. But that's what you have to believe to be a Trump fan.
I was amused that you carried on about leftist politicians lying. How does that make it OK for rightist politicians to lie? Do two wrongs make a right? Did you accept it and think it was OK when Obama lied? Did you forgive him then or ever? Did you make up excuses and claim that all politicians lie so it's really OK?
Actually, your post aren't worth a reply! Excuse me for even spending the time to tell you that!
Republicans ought to know about unfounded accusations
They are good at making them!
Investigating the investigators. I guess when a Democrat gets back into the Oval…we’ll have an investigation into Barr and so on and so fourth.
Sure give it a shot!
Should be fun watching Republicans in the Senate subpoenaing the Republicans in the DOJ who investigated the Republican President.
So when can we expect the first round of indictments? By Memorial day? July 4? Labor Day? Christmas?
Pick a date.