To prove a conspiracy you need initial agreement on a broad act between two or more people, and then any action taken in furtherance of that agreement.
Meaning you and another derp both agree you should rob a bank, and derp 2 then goes off and gets tools to rob a bank, and the police jump in, and you are both guilty. Does not matter if you actually went thru with it. Does not matter if you did not agree with him going to get those tools.
If Trump at any point agreed with others in a room, that they must stop or slow the electoral ballots count within the States. They must stop or slow Pence accepting or reading them. They must interrupt the counting and delay the proceeding. Then even if Trump never agreed to any specific action taken, he is still responsible for all actions taken to further that initial agreement.
it looks like evidence will be presented Trump was very directly involved in all of those areas, let alone one of them.