because no one else has......Willis, Fulton County Prosecutor..

why do you think shoving things down your ass is backpedaling?.....


I see you are still running away from even an attempt to explain or defend your OP.

We are very close to full denial stage.

Current stage is just pretend it does not exist. Do not try to defend it. Do not try to explain it.
is the presidency an enterprise?......

Once again the claimed lawyer needs black letter law explained to him.

The accusation is not that the presidency is an enterprise.

It is that the criminal acts formed a 'criminal enterprise of numerous linked crimes' that many parties joined into as co conspirators.

Now that i have explained basic law to you, you can pretend you knew it in your coming posts.
How many indictments before you just might think Trump isn't a victim but a criminal!

Has it ever crossed your alleged mind that the obsession you of the fascist left have for destroying Trump says a lot more about the ruling Oligarchs than it does Trump? What is it that you fear he will expose that you'll go through all of this - and reveal yourselves as the totalitarians you are - to get one man?

Trump actually believes in the Constitution, in democracy, and in individual liberty. That is the gravest danger your Reich has ever faced - you won't tolerate it. You MUST send the message that no one defies the Reich - no matter how rich or popular - you will destroy them no matter the cost.

What this tells us is that YOU are the enemy of everything decent people stand for.

It's time to take this country back from the evil that rules it now.
While he may have been a lawyer at one time, clearly he unable to function as one now.

No one makes more mistakes on simple black letter law then him, that i need to correct.

You will soon see him trying to say 'he never read it as Fani accusing the presidency of being a criminal enterprise' when clearly that is how he read it and he thought he making a good point.

I am not trying to be mean, for mean sake, but he admitted to me was a slumlord lawyer. It is true that many lawyers who just cannot cut it in normal practice end up in this area, as the lawyers become glorified paper pushers, where the vast bulk of their cases are 'evictions and collections' where no one appears for the defense side. He would have paralegals likely, many times smarter than him doing all the fillings but they would need his lawyer signature on them.

They would keep his 'legal mind' as far away from any case as possible.
No one makes more mistakes on simple black letter law then him, that i need to correct.

You will soon see him trying to say 'he never read it as Fani accusing the presidency of being a criminal enterprise' when clearly that is how he read it and he thought he making a good point.

I am not trying to be mean, for mean sake, but he admitted to me was a slumlord lawyer. It is true that many lawyers who just cannot cut it in normal practice end up in this area, as the lawyers become glorified paper pushers, where the vast bulk of their cases are 'evictions and collections' where no one appears for the defense side. He would have paralegals likely, many times smarter than him doing all the fillings but they would need his lawyer signature on them.

They would keep his 'legal mind' as far away from any case as possible.

Pmp lies a lot. He claims to be a Christian but has never displayed a scintilla of Christian behavior. He lies, spreads hate and, in general, vents his spleen against anyone who disagrees with him.
So there's a conspiracy between the DoJ,the state of NY,Georgia all against Trump!?
Or you have bullshitted yourself that Trump is a victim!


Extremely obvious. Trump angered the ruling caste who is intent on destroying the interloper - and even willing to expose themselves to do so.
Trump is the Ruling Class, Down Under.

The biggest con Donny ever pulled was convincing the derps he was one of them and not the ruling class when he came down his golden escalator from his golden penthouse and then jumped on his private jet. All the while begging constantly for donations to pay his bills.

Is it any wonder a con man grifter like Trump ....



The biggest con Donny ever pulled was convincing the derps he was one of them and not the ruling class when he came down his golden escalator from his golden penthouse and then jumped on his private jet. All the while begging constantly for donations to pay his bills.

Is it any wonder a con man grifter like Trump ....


[img] [/QUOTE]
Not a wonder on why Trump loves to use populism to manipulate the poorly educated, the mentally ill and the demented.

Because we got a boat load of convictions proving Russian collusion and in-depth Senate committee report lead by Republicans also establishing it?

you are an one from Trump's campaign was convicted of Russian "collusion".....
How many indictments before you just might think Trump isn't a victim but a criminal!
How long will it be before you understand that an accusation does not create guilt, and that no quantity of baseless and even false accusations warrants a conviction?


I find it interesting that Fani Willis, who recently filed an arrest warrant against Trump for saying the Fulton County 2020 election violated the US constitution (correctly), was elected to the position of District Attorney of Fulton County in that same unconstitutional 2020 election.....

You find it "interesting?"

This is the world we live in now. Facts don't matter. Truth doesn't matter. It's just something that's "interesting."

The post-truth era.