Because the lesser of two evils is still evil...


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This is who I'll be voting for in November.

Meet Chase Oliver, the youthful US presidential candidate​

Some voters in November may see a less familiar option on their presidential ballot when in the polling booth this November: Chase Oliver.

Mr Oliver is this year's presidential nominee for the Libertarian Party, a political party that typically wins around one per cent of the national vote and is known for promoting civil liberties and small government.

At 38 (just three years above the constitutional threshold to be a presidential candidate), Mr Oliver is by far the youngest contender in this year’s field.

He is also the only openly gay candidate, which he says he hopes serves as an example to aspiring LGBT politicians.

The "lesser of two evils" argument is being abused here.

If in the wild west years i have a neighbor who i fight with, one one side, who makes it clear at his first opportunity he will kill me and my family....

And on the other side i have a neighbor who i disagree with vehemently over what the roll of government should be when it comes to providing roads and healthcare, etc...

It is wrong and dumb to treat these as if they are just flip sides of evil and you cannot see the necessity of dealing with one in a way that ensures he can never implement his desires.

The first guy will destroy your family (generations) ability to ever change things or participate, if he gets his way.

The second guy may have some impact on you, but in the same way you can have impact on him. It is a back and forth mechanism.

Again simply waving your hand and saying 'i cannot discern any meaningful difference, because i am lumping them under this broad umbrella', is just foolish.
This is who I'll be voting for in November.

Meet Chase Oliver, the youthful US presidential candidate​

Some voters in November may see a less familiar option on their presidential ballot when in the polling booth this November: Chase Oliver.

Mr Oliver is this year's presidential nominee for the Libertarian Party, a political party that typically wins around one per cent of the national vote and is known for promoting civil liberties and small government.

At 38 (just three years above the constitutional threshold to be a presidential candidate), Mr Oliver is by far the youngest contender in this year’s field.

He is also the only openly gay candidate, which he says he hopes serves as an example to aspiring LGBT politicians.

If his best quality is that he's gay, then he isn't much of a candidate for anything. That'd be like dead last on my list of reasons to vote for someone--their sexual proclivity. If the best you can do as a political candidate is tell the world what you do in bed, then you aren't worth voting for.
This is who I'll be voting for in November.

Meet Chase Oliver, the youthful US presidential candidate​

Some voters in November may see a less familiar option on their presidential ballot when in the polling booth this November: Chase Oliver.

Mr Oliver is this year's presidential nominee for the Libertarian Party, a political party that typically wins around one per cent of the national vote and is known for promoting civil liberties and small government.

At 38 (just three years above the constitutional threshold to be a presidential candidate), Mr Oliver is by far the youngest contender in this year’s field.

He is also the only openly gay candidate, which he says he hopes serves as an example to aspiring LGBT politicians.

Good, vote for him.
The "lesser of two evils" argument is being abused here.

If in the wild west years i have a neighbor who i fight with, one one side, who makes it clear at his first opportunity he will kill me and my family....

And on the other side i have a neighbor who i disagree with vehemently over what the roll of government should be when it comes to providing roads and healthcare, etc...

It is wrong and dumb to treat these as if they are just flip sides of evil and you cannot see the necessity of dealing with one in a way that ensures he can never implement his desires.

The first guy will destroy your family (generations) ability to ever change things or participate, if he gets his way.

The second guy may have some impact on you, but in the same way you can have impact on him. It is a back and forth mechanism.

Again simply waving your hand and saying 'i cannot discern any meaningful difference, because i am lumping them under this broad umbrella', is just foolish.
If someone cannot distinguish between the democracy of Biden and fascism of Trump, please do not vote.
The "lesser of two evils" argument is being abused here.

If in the wild west years i have a neighbor who i fight with, one one side, who makes it clear at his first opportunity he will kill me and my family....

And on the other side i have a neighbor who i disagree with vehemently over what the roll of government should be when it comes to providing roads and healthcare, etc...

It is wrong and dumb to treat these as if they are just flip sides of evil and you cannot see the necessity of dealing with one in a way that ensures he can never implement his desires.

The first guy will destroy your family (generations) ability to ever change things or participate, if he gets his way.

The second guy may have some impact on you, but in the same way you can have impact on him. It is a back and forth mechanism.

Again simply waving your hand and saying 'i cannot discern any meaningful difference, because i am lumping them under this broad umbrella', is just foolish.
I don't mean evil in a literal sense. That is just the well-known saying that I am referencing. Evil, in this case, really just means unacceptable option. Neither of the two options, put forth by the two main parties, is an acceptable option, So why vote for either one?
I don't mean evil in a literal sense. That is just the well-known saying that I am referencing. Evil, in this case, really just means unacceptable option. Neither of the two options, put forth by the two main parties, is an acceptable option, So why vote for either one?
I know.

But everything i wrote above still applies and answers your question.

A Biden win will change little to nothing more than a Reagan or Bush or Obama win did. The politics of the country just sway side to side with the chance to correct, any perceived wrongs you may feel happened.

A Trump win, may well end your chance to ever have impact on an election again, if he gets his way. It may tilt the country into a Hungary or Turkey like authoritarian bent, greatly diminishing the lives of everyone who is not in his oligarch favored class.

So while you might not like either, and that is fine, it is wrong to not recognize the different types of threats they pose, if you see them both as threats.
The "lesser of two evils" argument is being abused here.

If in the wild west years i have a neighbor who i fight with, one one side, who makes it clear at his first opportunity he will kill me and my family....

And on the other side i have a neighbor who i disagree with vehemently over what the roll of government should be when it comes to providing roads and healthcare, etc...

It is wrong and dumb to treat these as if they are just flip sides of evil and you cannot see the necessity of dealing with one in a way that ensures he can never implement his desires.

The first guy will destroy your family (generations) ability to ever change things or participate, if he gets his way.

The second guy may have some impact on you, but in the same way you can have impact on him. It is a back and forth mechanism.

Again simply waving your hand and saying 'i cannot discern any meaningful difference, because i am lumping them under this broad umbrella', is just foolish.
I'm voting Libertarian. :flagsal:

I know.

But everything i wrote above still applies and answers your question.

A Biden win will change little to nothing more than a Reagan or Bush or Obama win did. The politics of the country just sway side to side with the chance to correct, any perceived wrongs you may feel happened.

A Trump win, may well end your chance to ever have impact on an election again, if he gets his way. It may tilt the country into a Hungary or Turkey like authoritarian bent, greatly diminishing the lives of everyone who is not in his oligarch favored class.

So while you might not like either, and that is fine, it is wrong to not recognize the different types of threats they pose, if you see them both as threats.
I don't believe that for a second. Trump is only president. He's not a king. He can't just wiggle his nose and make things happen like that. That's the kind of fear mongering that got Biden a record number of votes.
I don't believe that for a second. Trump is only president. He's not a king. He can't just wiggle his nose and make things happen like that. That's the kind of fear mongering that got Biden a record number of votes.
well i believe you to be very naive.

What stopped Trump the last time, was the people in his admin threatening to quit en masse, causing scandal and that backed him off. His entire White House legal team threatened to quit. His entire top general core threatened to quit.

This time Trump will invite them all to quit, calling it 'cleaning out the deep state'. Bannon has talked extensively about it on his show saying Trump 'this time has to have the courage to let them all quit'. And the Federalist Society is ready to fill all the spot with Trump sycophants who will not say no to any of his worst instincts.

Worse Trump will have a bunch of corrupt lawyers, like Eastman as the only advisors, so he can honestly say 'he was just following legal advice' as his protection, and he will pardon all of them thus giving them protection.

This is not me speculating, this is what they are saying openly. And the American system has no real check or balance to stop a POTUS who had completely subsumed the DoJ and Executive and the White House Counsel.

Again the Federalist society speaks of it as an Imperial Presidency and it is what they want. A POTUS who is unleashed and can do anything he wants.
True enough....which is why I consider libertarians a fucking joke. A bunch of conservatives who want to smoke dope and get laid without consequences.
This is who I'll be voting for in November.

Meet Chase Oliver, the youthful US presidential candidate​

Some voters in November may see a less familiar option on their presidential ballot when in the polling booth this November: Chase Oliver.

Mr Oliver is this year's presidential nominee for the Libertarian Party, a political party that typically wins around one per cent of the national vote and is known for promoting civil liberties and small government.

At 38 (just three years above the constitutional threshold to be a presidential candidate), Mr Oliver is by far the youngest contender in this year’s field.

He is also the only openly gay candidate, which he says he hopes serves as an example to aspiring LGBT politicians.

quit fucking around and vote for Trump.

libertarians are idiots.
I don't believe that for a second. Trump is only president. He's not a king. He can't just wiggle his nose and make things happen like that. That's the kind of fear mongering that got Biden a record number of votes.
Would you have believed in early 2016 that Trump had a shot at being the Republican nominee, much less win the election?

Would you have believed he'd set up 1/6 and get away with it?

Would you have believed he'd literally own the Republican Party, spend their money how he liked and install his DIL as chairman of the Party?

It's easy to do things as President when half of Congress and most of SCOTUS are in your pocket. :thup:
The "lesser of two evils" argument is being abused here.

If in the wild west years i have a neighbor who i fight with, one one side, who makes it clear at his first opportunity he will kill me and my family....

And on the other side i have a neighbor who i disagree with vehemently over what the roll of government should be when it comes to providing roads and healthcare, etc...

It is wrong and dumb to treat these as if they are just flip sides of evil and you cannot see the necessity of dealing with one in a way that ensures he can never implement his desires.

The first guy will destroy your family (generations) ability to ever change things or participate, if he gets his way.

The second guy may have some impact on you, but in the same way you can have impact on him. It is a back and forth mechanism.

Again simply waving your hand and saying 'i cannot discern any meaningful difference, because i am lumping them under this broad umbrella', is just foolish.
That isn't what is happening here, what is happening here is that both of those neighbors plan to kill you, one you think does and the other you think you just disagree with also does but you can't see it, anyway the guy across the street would help but you refuse to talk to him because no matter how many times he tells you both neighbors want to kill you, you rely on the neighbor to the left to tell you what to do.
That isn't what is happening here, what is happening here is that both of those neighbors plan to kill you, one you think does and the other you think you just disagree with also does but you can't see it, anyway the guy across the street would help but you refuse to talk to him because no matter how many times he tells you both neighbors want to kill you, you rely on the neighbor to the left to tell you what to do.

That is you just being stupid, as always.

Another Biden term will do little more than this one has, which is shift the country ever slightly to the left from where it is while continue to build jobs, the stock market and over all wealth.

If another Republican, not named Trump took over from Biden in 2028, they would simply shift things back. Just as the GOP did when they took it from Clinton, and as Obama did when he took it from Bush.

It is very much 'business as always', which i can totally understand the Libertarian type (and many others) hating, but it risks nothing permanent and certainly nothing resembling death.

Trump winning in 2024 will absolutely try to kill the American experiment on all levels. He would pull the US out of Nato and unleash Russia and China for generations of war to come. He will try to end the Constitution and prevent all future elections. And that is in his own words
well i believe you to be very naive.

What stopped Trump the last time, was the people in his admin threatening to quit en masse, causing scandal and that backed him off. His entire White House legal team threatened to quit. His entire top general core threatened to quit.

This time Trump will invite them all to quit, calling it 'cleaning out the deep state'. Bannon has talked extensively about it on his show saying Trump 'this time has to have the courage to let them all quit'. And the Federalist Society is ready to fill all the spot with Trump sycophants who will not say no to any of his worst instincts.

Worse Trump will have a bunch of corrupt lawyers, like Eastman as the only advisors, so he can honestly say 'he was just following legal advice' as his protection, and he will pardon all of them thus giving them protection.

This is not me speculating, this is what they are saying openly. And the American system has no real check or balance to stop a POTUS who had completely subsumed the DoJ and Executive and the White House Counsel.

Again the Federalist society speaks of it as an Imperial Presidency and it is what they want. A POTUS who is unleashed and can do anything he wants.
only lib'ruls are stupid enough to believe their own lies......