Beer Review: Miller High Life


Uwaa OmO
Some people think of me as a beer snob. That;s not the case, I simply enjoy the finer things in life. But not every occasion calls for such class and distinction. Miller high life is one of those beers for mass consumption, or to be drank when you're just in the mood for a thirst quenching beer. I grew up on Miller products, namely MGD and High Life, so drinking this always brings a certain feeling of nostalgia.

Poured into my Sam Adams lager glass.

A: Pale straw colored, with a white bubbly head. Head reaches about 1 1/2 fingers high and dissipates very slowly. Very carbonated as to keep the head level consistent.

N: Adjunct is noticeable, corn in this case. Malt not very present but noticeable, with a slight hint of hops in the nose. No alcohol noticed.

T: Malt and hops balance out nicely but neither are very prominent to begin with. Alcohol not noticeable here either, and at 5.5% it shouldn't be.

M: Very light bodied and highly carbonated. Goes down smooth and easy, feeling almost like water but with a better taste. The high carbonation is particularly appealing, as it feels.... zesty.

D: Well it's very drinkable. I can, and have, killed cases of this before. It's great to drink with most meals, though a bit too low brow for fish or steak. Also very refreshing on hot summer days.

Overall, I really like Miller High Life. It's certainly not the bell of the ball, but it doesn't have to be. It's cheap and refreshing, and after welding for hours at a time, that's what I want. I'd recommend it to everyone for an after work or beach party drink.
Glad to see the town drunk posting on something he's familiar with for a change.

I am not sure if I have had this beer but I am pretty sure it sounds sucktastic. Miller sucks and is for proles.
I'm not sure if Miller still make the 'ponies' but when I was a teen, we would hold competitions to see who could consecutively kill the most of those. I never really liked Miller, it always gave me the shits... Natural Light was good, I could drink it and not have the shits at least. My preferred weekend beer has been Keystone or Icehouse.. cold brewed beers are very smooth, and refreshing to me, and go with any kind of food. My favorite beer to drink and enjoy is Sam Adams, but it is very heavy to me, and I generally don't like to have it with a meal, it's too strong. The Creme Stout is like drinking a loaf of bread, so it's meant to be enjoyed away from the dinner table.

I can't believe no one has done a review on the King of Beer... Budweiser! Okay, since I am the resident redneck, let me tell you how Bud is better than Miller! First of all, if you are getting more than a fingerling of head, you are pouring the beer incorrectly, it should be 'suspended' between the bottle and glass as little as possible, it should be poured in a tilted glass, so the beer flows down the side of the glass unit full.. leaving a nice 1-finger head, and a better tasting beer. Just an FYI for your 'connoisseurs' out there.

Budweiser is a quality beer with heavy hops, and enough barley to make it pop. There is a bit of aftertaste, but this is what makes Bud an 'acquired taste' and why most people will try it once and never drink it again. If you can stick with Bud for a couple of brews, it begins to blossom in flavor with every gulp. By the time you have finished a 6-pack, you will be thoroughly convinced Budweiser is superior to any other beer in its class.
I'd drink Miller High life anyday over bud. Miller is another mass lager that they've attenuated with adjuncts and does not have the same flavor profile as when it was originally brewed. It does have a distinct aroma and full flavor and a very smooth mouth feel not to mention well above average carbonation which is why it's called "The Champaign of beers." I'd drink it any day over bland and tasteless bud. Id' say Billy's review was spot on.
There are brews to be savored and brews to toss back to quench a thirst. Miller makes a tasty thirst quencher.

Dixie, those ponies were good for guzzling and for target practice. lol
I used to drink Miller by the 6-pack, but a guy I worked with (an alcoholic) drank them I couldn't disassociate his formaldehyde body odor from that brand. 30 years later I still can't. Also, the clear glass lets UV light in that degrades the product.
I'm not sure if Miller still make the 'ponies' but when I was a teen, we would hold competitions to see who could consecutively kill the most of those. I never really liked Miller, it always gave me the shits... Natural Light was good, I could drink it and not have the shits at least. My preferred weekend beer has been Keystone or Icehouse.. cold brewed beers are very smooth, and refreshing to me, and go with any kind of food. My favorite beer to drink and enjoy is Sam Adams, but it is very heavy to me, and I generally don't like to have it with a meal, it's too strong. The Creme Stout is like drinking a loaf of bread, so it's meant to be enjoyed away from the dinner table.

I can't believe no one has done a review on the King of Beer... Budweiser! Okay, since I am the resident redneck, let me tell you how Bud is better than Miller! First of all, if you are getting more than a fingerling of head, you are pouring the beer incorrectly, it should be 'suspended' between the bottle and glass as little as possible, it should be poured in a tilted glass, so the beer flows down the side of the glass unit full.. leaving a nice 1-finger head, and a better tasting beer. Just an FYI for your 'connoisseurs' out there.

Budweiser is a quality beer with heavy hops, and enough barley to make it pop. There is a bit of aftertaste, but this is what makes Bud an 'acquired taste' and why most people will try it once and never drink it again. If you can stick with Bud for a couple of brews, it begins to blossom in flavor with every gulp. By the time you have finished a 6-pack, you will be thoroughly convinced Budweiser is superior to any other beer in its class.

First of all Dix, I've been tasting beer since I was 6. I know how to do a proper fucking pour. Second, no Buttwesier is not heavily hopped, as it has one of the LOWEST IBU COUNTS of any beer made. Third, Icehouse is a Miller product and Millers original recipe.