Can't debate the obvious facts ask for stats.
Can't debate the obvious facts ask for stats.
I actually thought the best was you calling yourself an infinite moron, jobs doomer...
it's too easy
dems are too stupid on poverty and need to change.
The extreemly obese 240lb woman complains, as she sits on her ass and watches cable tv.
Other country's poor are not obeese and don't watch pay tv.
idependent voters don't like the tax and whine about poverty wing of the dem party
Is this supposed to be serious or is it just part of the silly nature of this thread?
No I wanted that GEM of a slam to stand on its own.
As a new turbo-lib its my obligation to help dems recruit moderates.
whinning about some 240lb heffer with cable is not getting it done.
No I wanted that GEM of a slam to stand on its own.
As a new turbo-lib its my obligation to help dems recruit moderates.
whinning about some 240lb heffer with cable is not getting it done.
Can't debate the obvious facts ask for stats.
unless she's 6foot a double digit size is obesse.
though I'm guessing I think a 6/8 was the biggest girl I dated and she was an elite athlete.