Best burn ever new guy on Lorax

Hey thanks, the new guy appreciates it and I'm glad you see it's so true. Lorax does this all the time, something is so incredibly common we all know it's true so he tries to say we need stats to prove it. He knows it's true, just wants to waste our time.

What do I do all the time?

Aren't you the one who says that no one else here deals with the "facts?"

So....I'm supposed to hear that you knew a guy who stole candy & not meat, and accept that this is what poor people do, and that anyone who thinks otherwise is stupid or naive...because it's so obvious that this is what poor people do?

You really re-define the word "retarded"...
I care to educate people on the issue BC and not be all things left like ideologs like yourself.
Duhla, yes I think obese men are equally useless.
for the fith time, I think woman are the better sex
This has made my whole life infinately happier.
I care to educate people on the issue BC and not be all things left like ideologs like yourself.
Duhla, yes I think obese men are equally useless.
for the fith time, I think woman are the better sex
This has made my whole life infinately happier.

I think men under the height of 5 foot nine, should be shunned by society, and by women. Shrimps.
I think most of them could whup your ass. LOL
Real men don't need to hammer their brothers down to better there odds.
no your lack of class and education get you that.
You could at least promote the young guys finishing college instead of preaching against education.
I think most of them could whup your ass. LOL
Real men don't need to hammer their brothers down to better there odds.

Wow, hit a soft spot there, topper. What are you, five foot six? :)

You're always putting down men with less education and income than you. Compensating for being vertically challenged? ;)
Wow, hit a soft spot there, topper. What are you, five foot six? :)

You're always putting down men with less education and income than you. Compensating for being vertically challenged? ;)

You're one to talk, I heard Viagra couldn't even help with your vertically challenged member.
I think most of them could whup your ass. LOL
Real men don't need to hammer their brothers down to better there odds.

Oh are you short Top? That would really be funny.

My bf is 6’2. Straight up.

I have to admit I kind of like it. It’s nice.

But if he were 5’8, it wouldn’t matter either. I guess it’s a good thing not everybody is like you, or you might not have that beautiful wife Top!
Anyway, the point here is, I don’t understand this feeling of contempt for heavier people. My personal feeling is, get a life, because if you can be so affected by someone else’s appearance, you can’t have much of one. With all of the murderers, war-mongers, rapists and child abusers in this world, to see people going off on fat people is just strange to me, that's all.
I don't have contempt for fat people, I pitty them.
It's retarded to whine against the fact that looks play a part in everything just like whinning against the rich is useless. Don't hate the player hate the game, you playa hata.
Fitness is good for your appearance and health. And fintness is a healthy choice, fit people usually choose each other. LOFL
I care to educate people on the issue BC and not be all things left like ideologs like yourself.
Duhla, yes I think obese men are equally useless.
for the fith time, I think woman are the better sex
This has made my whole life infinately happier.

You will have to pardon my sense of humanity and respect for life, which I know can be inconvienent distractions when all you want to talk about is money. However, in your education of people, I cannot allow you to simply say unlearned and distorted things without helping you out by correcting them. Knowledge will make your curriculum better.

It doesn't matter who or what you want to be all thing to, suggesting that only dumb people are poor is stupid on every level. It's unlearned and it's distorted.

It makes you sound stupid and I know you wouldn't want that .. so I decided to help a brother out.
wow you deserve a cookie for the bcacrybaby
if one has and IQ above room temperature there are ample jobs that easily put one about the FALSE OUTRAGE POVERTY LEVEL.
Ohh your points well taken, I should have called it lazy not stupid or both.
You will have to pardon my sense of humanity and respect for life which I know can be inconvienent distractions when all you want to talk about is money. However, in your education of people I cannot allow you yo simply say unlearned and distorted things without helping you out by correcting them. Knowledge will make your curriculum better.

It doesn't matter who or what you want to be all thing to, suggesting that only dumb people are poor is stupid on every level. It's unlearned and it's distorted.

I have told him before that i have known highly educated people who are poor, including someone holding a doctorate, and he laughed at me. But I'm telling the truth.

Our system does not necessarily reward intelligence. It rewards many things, and sometimes intelligence, but far from always.
Please that's crybaby shit on steroids.
Someone with a doctorate can not properly take care of their family. I would love to know what kind of job they had.
I don't have contempt for fat people, I pitty them.
It's retarded to whine against the fact that looks play a part in everything just like whinning against the rich is useless. Don't hate the player hate the game, you playa hata.
Fitness is good for your appearance and health. And fintness is a healthy choice, fit people usually choose each other. LOFL

Look, someone who is morbidly obese obiously doesn't respect themselves, and when you don't respect yourself its hard to expect anyone else to love you and respect you in return. I understand that. But, they shouldn't be made to feel less than worthy as a human being. But, as far as holding out the runway model as the ideal image of a woman, its just stupid. Eye candy can be nice in a superficial sense. But love, friendship, respect, and romance cannot possibly be based on eye candy.
wow you deserve a cookie for the bcacrybaby
if one has and IQ above room temperature there are ample jobs that easily put one about the FALSE OUTRAGE POVERTY LEVEL.
Ohh your points well taken, I should have called it lazy not stupid or both.

The problem isn't in what you called it, the problem exists inside your head. A trained bobble-head doll could parrot the dumb shit you just said. But that bobble-head would not of had the intelligence to think for itself and investigate or educate itself on how sky-rocketing healthcare costs impacts poverty in the US. Nor would that bobble-head have had the intelligence or compassion to recognize the plight many elderly Americans have to deal with to survive .. many of whom are asking themselves if they can afford to stay alive.

Nor would that dumb as a goddamn rock bobble-head would have possessed the intelligence to recognize why almost half the homeless people in America are vets who suffer from PTSD and a variety of illnesses that us lefties had to fight the scum on the right to even get recognized.

Now, if in fact you're not a dumb-ass bobble-head that's been trained to type stupid shit on a message board, perhaps you could do a small bit of research on the above factors before you respond.
I have told him before that i have known highly educated people who are poor, including someone holding a doctorate, and he laughed at me. But I'm telling the truth.

Our system does not necessarily reward intelligence. It rewards many things, and sometimes intelligence, but far from always.

The goal should never be to change the thoughts of anyone .. but to expose the lunacy of the thought. You teach by exposing how mindlessly the thought is, not the person. Others read what you say .. and truth has a way of finding its way into intelligent minds.

You teach just fine my sister.
bcass you harbor resentment big time, I hold back on where I think it's coming from.

Cypressloser, hot woman do all the things you listed as nice. Except losers don't get them. too bad,
Cypress has the theory that fat chicks are like mopads, fun to ride but don't let your friends so you on one.