Best burn ever new guy on Lorax

will see superbroke back
I'm saying no recession and you are saying 08
time will tell

translation.... top surrenders.... his omission yet again of any response to the economic factors I mentioned suggests he really has no clue how they effect the economy.
I have a lot more clue than you with your redicoulus 70% chance of recession and denial that higher sales numbers means less recession chance.
Are you going to say if Xmas comes in plus 6% to last year it has not affect on a coming recessions chances. You'd be laughed out of that shit college marquette.
I have a lot more clue than you with your redicoulus 70% chance of recession and denial that higher sales numbers means less recession chance.
Are you going to say if Xmas comes in plus 6% to last year it has not affect on a coming recessions chances. You'd be laughed out of that shit college marquette.

translation: Toppy doesn't understand the economic factors laid out before him. So he will continue to harp on a little Santa Claus rally in retail and cling desperately to it.... much like he apparently clings to one woman then the next.... ever afraid to be alone.
by the way toppy.... Greenspan just today increased his odds of recession from 30% to 50%. So ya still want to cling to your sales numbers as an indicator. Because he obviously sees things getting worse as well.
moron, you've been had so fall back on your MR GED immitation.
I called it, increased Current month sales report up lessons recession chances. And so will a higher xmas season. Maybe marquette didn't teach you how important that is. All your proffs will agree.
AS far as woman, I married the last one I'll be with 4yrs ago. I have no doubt I've been luckier than you there too.
moron, you've been had so fall back on your MR GED immitation.
I called it, increased Current month sales report up lessons recession chances. And so will a higher xmas season. Maybe marquette didn't teach you how important that is. All your proffs will agree.
AS far as woman, I married the last one I'll be with 4yrs ago. I have no doubt I've been luckier than you there too.

Damo, we really need a parrot smiley for times like these.

Toppy... are ya really going to continue to ignore the other factors? You really just going to continue to cling desperately to the retail sales numbers?

Tell me toppy, why did Greenspan just increase his odds of recession?
Topspin, your only pal on here is Chapdog, but if you vote for Ron Paul, who would make your assets skyrocket with less government spending and taxes, then half the board becomes your friend.
How about it?
I'm not here for friends like most of the farsiders on both sides. I'm learning a lot!!! I'll vote dem no matter what. Shocking to most of you my new found far left stance on the majority of issue dictates that.
Topspin, your only pal on here is Chapdog, but if you vote for Ron Paul, who would make your assets skyrocket with less government spending and taxes, then half the board becomes your friend.
How about it?

LOL OMG! Vote Ron Paul and you'll have friends!
I'm not here for friends like most of the farsiders on both sides. I'm learning a lot!!! I'll vote dem no matter what. Shocking to most of you my new found far left stance on the majority of issue dictates that.
We are getting in massive debt, you know that and both parties have no plan but to increase spending. You're an investor, you know that can't last and will end up someday with the greatest of crashes.
Ron Paul is the only politician who will actually cut government spending, that will ensure you continue to do well.
I urge you to rethink your choice. You can't clink and drink away 10 trillion in debt, it needs to be paid for. Please help us.
Topspin, your only pal on here is Chapdog, but if you vote for Ron Paul, who would make your assets skyrocket with less government spending and taxes, then half the board becomes your friend.
How about it?

The funny thing is, Top is more to the left than most people here. He is just such a prick that most of you don’t get that. If you figured out where he really stands on the actual policies, you’d be on his ass every other day.
The funny thing is, Top is more to the left than most people here. He is just such a prick that most of you don’t get that. If you figured out where he really stands on the actual policies, you’d be on his ass every other day.

How can you tell what his stances are?

inveting is my stong point so you im so much better than the world duhla strike turbolib.
We are getting in massive debt, you know that and both parties have no plan but to increase spending. You're an investor, you know that can't last and will end up someday with the greatest of crashes.
Ron Paul is the only politician who will actually cut government spending, that will ensure you continue to do well.
I urge you to rethink your choice. You can't clink and drink away 10 trillion in debt, it needs to be paid for. Please help us.

..and if you buy now, we'll give you the undercoating for free!
super I appolagized too you on the other thread about inflation. I'll do it again here if you don't read that one.
sorry I called you a moron and cold caller. Your one of only 4 or 5 that know business and economics here. I drug it down to a low level. My bad.