Best burn ever new guy on Lorax

How can you tell what his stances are?

inveting is my stong point so you im so much better than the world duhla strike turbolib.

Oh, you'll catch him actually talking politics sometimes, when he's not drooling over some stock. Topper is as liberal as me on virtually everthing, except the bush tax cuts.
I'm way left of you cypress Castro.
I support total ban of guns
and total legalization of Marijuana medical or recreational.
I don't know many people making way over 100,000 who think they are taxed to little. I'm prob left of you with my gun ban and legalized pot stance.
I don't know many people making way over 100,000 who think they are taxed to little. I'm prob left of you with my gun ban and legalized pot stance.

Do you think the handgun ban in DC has helped cut down on homicides there? It leads the nation in homicides.
Ban guns and only the criminals will have them, as DC found out.
18,000 annual murders is too much
A nation that can put a man on the moon can get guns away from criminals first.
How bout adding 25yrs to crimes that include guns.
18,000 annual murders is too much
A nation that can put a man on the moon can get guns away from criminals first.
How bout adding 25yrs to crimes that include guns.
Funny you should say that. Jamaica has a law where you get 25 years for being found with even a single bullet on you, yet their gun crime rate is 4 times higher than America.

Where are the vast majority of these murders happening top? In inner cities which are very far left and with strong gun control and low gun ownership.
You're a smart guy, do you agree that that is true?
Libereno, sure but the thugs committing them would hardly be voting dems.
I say we're too smart to stay like this.
Could be that racism is keeping the brothers in the inner city.
Do ya'll think this country is not smart enough to have the lowest murder rate in the developed world instead of the highest?
Leave him alone, you gotta do what you gotta do to sell the car.

Top, did you see the refurbished leather seats?

Oh baby.

:D Being in sales, I'm familiar with building value and rapport, but I would never outright lie to a customer.
that was some lame shit.
All I saying is don't hate on them cause their hot, if you do it has to be cause you don't have the game. You have my pitty.

All I'M saying is the reason you post stupid shit is because you don't know what the hell you're talking about. It's all fantasy.

You never respond with data or information, even when you get challenged, because you don't have any. When you operate from fantasy all you can offer is fantasy knowledge and fantasy experience .. or you can respond by making an even bigger fool of yourself as you just did.

just sayin'
The funny thing is, Top is more to the left than most people here. He is just such a prick that most of you don’t get that. If you figured out where he really stands on the actual policies, you’d be on his ass every other day.

I've seen that which is why I've said he's a paradox.

If he'd drop the fantasy that nobody is buying he might make good conversation.
I've seen that which is why I've said he's a paradox.

If he'd drop the fantasy that nobody is buying he might make good conversation.

LOLOLOL!!! Top?? Good conversation??

This guy couldn't pass a 1st grade grammer test, let alone have a conversation with a grown up! Good one BAC!