Much like the Warsaw uprising prolonged the war, and delayed the genocide, defending Ukraine is prolonging the war, and keeping Putin from starting the genocide.
We have spent trillions of dollars on our military to be able to prolong wars, and hopefully win them. If we want very short wars, we could have saved a lot of money. We would just surrender immediately to anyone who declared war on us.
PTif's cowardice makes me wonder whether maga/alt right losers would even bother to try to defend the USA if Putin attacked.
Once again, in a way you are right. We could cut Ukraine off, and even send weapons to Putin to try to kill as many Ukrainians as possible. We could start rounding up Ukrainian Americans to hand over to Putin for genocide, and could surrender our own military to Putin to help in his attack on Ukraine. In fact, if we surrendered our entire country to Putin, it would go very quickly indeed.
We are sending very old stockpiles, that really needed to be replaced, and brand new weapons that really needed to be tested. We are training our military in logistics, and testing them in a real world situation.
And more importantly we are showing the world that aggression will not work. This is saving a fortune in future wars diverted.