Biden allies call Trump 'senile' after rant about 'washing machines'

Yeah, as shown by his massively successful career as an international developer. He knows how things work better than the entire corrupt Stalinist DNC.
He inherited his money from his dad

His dad inherited his money from his dad

He couldn’t make a casino stay out of bankruptcy

You have to be an AAA moron not to make money with a casino
Yeah, as shown by his massively successful career as an international developer. He knows how things work better than the entire corrupt Stalinist DNC.
He turned daddy 's slum lord fortune into ashes a few times. He has had many failures but some banks kept saving him. He fell into the Apprentice when he was broke. After his casinos failed he was lucky and the banks thought the Trump name had value so they saved him from the slums where he belonged. They got to use the Trump name and he was permitted to manage the apartments and hotels they owned. That kept him afloat until the reality TV show came along.
Remember Trump University, 3 failed Trump casinos, etc. Here is the article of Trump fuck ups.
You have been suckered.
Link ass brain?
I am sorry, I find it very difficult to deal with a deranged individual like yourself. Years ago, you were the first on my very short "ignore" list which I vowed to keep at zero under this new format. In your case, I am making an exception to the promise I made to myself. Good luck and keep the NyQuill and vodka flowing.
Regulations on appliances have caused misery for consumers. Ask any repairman.
Repairmen are not consumers. I am a consumer. I have not dealt with a repairman in decades. I buy a washing machine, it lasts for 10 to 20 years, and then I buy a new one for about $500 or so. That means I spend $25 to $50 a year for a washing machine. Why on earth would I want to spend hundreds on a repairman?

When I was a kid, the washing machine had a single knob, and a button. There was no fine tuning adjustments. When I did construction, I had to wash my clothing two or three times just to get them clean. It was pathetic.

Now, there are over a hundred fine adjustments I can make in washing my clothing. The washing machines do a fantastic job in washing everything.
Correct. I had a firsthand explanation when i asked a repairman if the 14 year old washer I had should be fixed or get a new one. He laughed and said never get rid of the one I have.
You were told to keep paying the repairman, by the repairman, and you believed him?
You can get bearings out if you have the tooling to do it. The problem is you have to disassemble the washer, then remove the bearings, clean up any rust and such, then install the new bearings. That means inside and outside bearing pullers, a good shop press and arbor press, a cylinder polishing tool and pneumatic tooling to use it (you can do electric there). You might even need specialized tooling to do it in some cases.

A frozen bearing or one that crumbles can result in needing cutting wheels and such to get the bits out.

Lots and lots of manhours in all that. Just not worth the time unless you absolutely don't have the money to spare but do have the time and skill to do it yourself.
You can also darn your socks. Rather than buying a new pair of socks for a dollar, you can spend a few hours repairing them. You will not end up with a good pair of socks, but you will have saved a dollar... And of course wasted a hundred dollars saving it.
Repairmen are not consumers. I am a consumer. I have not dealt with a repairman in decades. I buy a washing machine, it lasts for 10 to 20 years, and then I buy a new one for about $500 or so. That means I spend $25 to $50 a year for a washing machine. Why on earth would I want to spend hundreds on a repairman?

When I was a kid, the washing machine had a single knob, and a button. There was no fine tuning adjustments. When I did construction, I had to wash my clothing two or three times just to get them clean. It was pathetic.

Now, there are over a hundred fine adjustments I can make in washing my clothing. The washing machines do a fantastic job in washing everything.
Your $500 washing machine has hundreds of fine tuning adjustments and lasts twenty years?
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Wow, Gandhi was guilty too
Gandhi intentionally pled guilty. He intended to commit the crimes to prove the laws wrong. He accepted the punishment. He did not claim he was above the law, or make up lies about how he had not violated the law.

If trump really feels stealing from a corporation to pay a porn star for sex should be legal, he should have pled guilty.
Mandella was guilty as well, though DeKlerk was more legitimate than the Biden regime.
de Klerk freed Mandela.
You can also darn your socks. Rather than buying a new pair of socks for a dollar, you can spend a few hours repairing them. You will not end up with a good pair of socks, but you will have saved a dollar... And of course wasted a hundred dollars saving it.
The question, as I already posed it, is one of what your time is worth versus spending money on the problem. For example, let's say you spend 2 hours taking the washer or dryer apart and diagnosing the issue(s) with it. You then spend another hour or two getting parts for say, $150. Repair and reassembly takes another 2 hours. If you mail ordered the parts it might take several days to a week for them to arrive. Let's say you use a laundromat while waiting. More time and money on that.

It becomes a trade off. Is your time worth more or less than the money and time involved in fixing the existing appliance?
Notice how you Stalitists can't ever come up with videos? In fact we Americans post the videos - which show you commies as the fucking liars you are.

No, you like to take isolate words and phrases to form a fiction.

But in the age of Twitter and YouTube - it just doesn't work anymore.
The alt right refuses to read. There are plenty of videos of trump saying everything he is written to have said, but the alt right refuses to check. They don't want to read commentary. They want it spoken to them.
The question, as I already posed it, is one of what your time is worth versus spending money on the problem. For example, let's say you spend 2 hours taking the washer or dryer apart and diagnosing the issue(s) with it. You then spend another hour or two getting parts for say, $150. Repair and reassembly takes another 2 hours. If you mail ordered the parts it might take several days to a week for them to arrive. Let's say you use a laundromat while waiting. More time and money on that.

It becomes a trade off. Is your time worth more or less than the money and time involved in fixing the existing appliance?
My time is currently worth $600 an hour. So let's say I spend 6 hours repairing an old washing machine, that becomes a $3,600 old washing machine. Even with inflation pushing a reasonable washing machine from $500 to $600, it is still better to have a new $600 washing machine than an old $3,600 washing machine.
Trump is the victim of illegitimate prosecution by opposing political power, exactly like the other two.
Gandhi and Mandela were victims of illegitimate laws, not of illegitimate prosecutions. They went out of their ways to be prosecuted under those laws to prove that.

If trump really feels our laws against corporate fraud are wrong, he should relish being prosecuted for them.
Repairmen are not consumers. I am a consumer. I have not dealt with a repairman in decades. I buy a washing machine, it lasts for 10 to 20 years, and then I buy a new one for about $500 or so. That means I spend $25 to $50 a year for a washing machine. Why on earth would I want to spend hundreds on a repairman?

When I was a kid, the washing machine had a single knob, and a button. There was no fine tuning adjustments. When I did construction, I had to wash my clothing two or three times just to get them clean. It was pathetic.

Now, there are over a hundred fine adjustments I can make in washing my clothing. The washing machines do a fantastic job in washing everything.
The only time I bother with repairing an appliance is when it the needed repair is fairly obvious and quick to do. I don't need an appliance repairman, because I can do it myself. That's not everybody, obviously.

For example a few years back our dryer stopped working. The belt that turns the drum had snapped. A new belt, two new wool seals for the drum ends ran something like $50 at the appliance repair wholesale house. But, I knew what the issue(s) were, knew where to get the parts for a good price, and could do all the repairs myself. That dryer soldiered on just fine once the new parts were in.

On the other hand, the stove at one point decided to die. It was the circuit board for the controls on it. Not worth fixing since you are unlikely to find an exact match board to the one your unit had and even minor differences by year model can be risky to try and slap in a new board. New stove.
Sure you do, and just because you, like your Messiah, will never accept anything but a win doesn’t mean an actual loss is due to fraud

So, Bowman out - Boebert in - if this is any indication, you Stalinists are in deep trouble.

Trump won't lose - the only question is whether your party can engage in enough fraud to override the will of the people again. I don't think you can - 11 states have instituted election integrity laws - including Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia - three hotbeds of fraud in 2020.

Either way, the country is f*cked, if your Messiah loses, what happened in Kenya yesterday will look like an actual tourist visit, and if he wins, kiss the Founders envision of a democratic America good bye

Sadly - I do think you Communists will engage in violence - it is your nature. I also think it will not be at all like the St. Floyd Riots - Kyle Rittenhouse ended those. It won't take 14 months for someone to step up this time. I suspect that the first business you democrats burn down - the first man or woman you rape - or murder - will result in your Brown Shirts being shot down like dogs.